365 Day People Picture Project - Week 39

Hello! We're finished with week 39 of The 365 Day People Picture Project!

If this is your first visit, I've challenged myself to take a picture of a person, every day, for an entire year.  My objective was to become proficient enough in photography so that I would be able to have images for this newly-hatched blog.  I had no idea when I started this blog that I would start this project, and I didn't know when I started this project that it would become the entire blog.

Although I've made some improvement in the quality of the pictures I take, I've realized this project took a turn and became less about photography and learning to use my camera, and more about discovering the kindness and friendliness in people, stepping way outside of one's comfort zone, and fulfilling the challenge to myself to do this thing I said I would do for an entire year.

The majority of the pictures have been of strangers, but also included are a few friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances.  I post each daily picture to instagram and if you'd like to follow along, my username is @missellanea.


Day 267 - Leo


Leo.  Leo. Leo.  Wow!

I'd like to be able to tell you that because of this project, I now have an amazing eye to scout talent.  However, Leo came as quite a beautiful surprise.  As I was walking to the convention center to meet up with my friends for another dance competition, I spotted Leo immediately! I didn't spot him for the obvious reasons.  I simply saw a person who was standing still, not waiting for a bus, and who didn't appear to be in any sort of rush.  All of these increase my chances that a person will let me take their picture.  Ok, I confess, I did spot a pair of very tall legs but from where I was coming, I had no idea of the person who was attached to those legs.

When I approached Leo to ask if I could take his picture, I instantly got a great vibe from him.  He's another one of those people who just sort of oozes niceness.  He agreed to let me take his picture and made a joking remark about " don't tell my agent," which sort of just floated past me.  That is, it floated past me until I got him in front of the camera.  As soon as we started to take the pictures and as I was looking at him through the view finder, I said, "whoa, you really are a model!"  Leo confirmed, yes he was actually a model. The joke about an agent wasn't entirely just a joke.  The feeling I got with having a professional model in front of me was noticeably different to how it has "felt" with nearly all of the other people in this project.  There have been about a half-dozen people in this project who have had modeling experience or who could be models, or who are at least quite comfortable and familiar with being in front of the camera.

Other than those people, one challenge during this project has been learning how to put both the subject and myself at ease during our brief and awkward encounter.  Once we make a little connection, then the next step is to capture their image as they're loosening up and their little sparkle begins to shine. It was INSTANTLY recognizable to me, Leo was special and different. As soon as I saw him through the viewfinder, there was no waiting for his sparkle or for him to relax.  The man belongs in front of a camera! You can't miss his sparkle.

And of course, what did I do with all of his sparkleness?  Well, I froze and went from feeling quite connected and comfortable with him, to feeling horribly intimidated and inadequate!  This is going to sound bizarre but if you've been following along, you know that I battle insecurities and a lack of confidence which comes from being so inexperienced and uneducated about my camera and photography.  I felt like I wasn't worthy of taking this beautiful model's picture and I felt a great deal of pressure to perform well, given that I had such a beautiful person in front of me.

I've mentioned before, you can have the most beautiful person in front of you, but it's still surprisingly easy to take a bad picture of a beautiful person.  And I'm quite good at taking bad pictures!  The difference was Leo.  Leo's personality grounded me and helped me just to chill out, and take a damn picture.  Once I took the first picture, I was able to ease into a flow and actually "work" with him so that together, we could get a nice image.  I ended up having several decent pictures of Leo, but I intentionally chose this one.  Is this ok to say about a man? Leo is beautiful. He's quite pretty, and all of the pictures I had taken of him were beautiful and they came out just as nice as he is as a person.  You could look at the pictures and just know he is a nice person.  But I didn't want nice.  I'll explain more below.

When I asked Leo about the happiest thing happening in his life right now, he replied, I'm trying out for "Grimm" and starting my own radio show."  Leo is trying out to be one of the villains on the T.V. show "Grimm," which is filmed here in Portland.  I joked and questioned whether or not they would be able to ugly-him enough to be one of the scary bad guys. (If you haven't ever watched the show, it's a pretty awesome show and the villains transform from normal-looking humans into nightmarish monsters!  Let's face it, if Leo came to you in a dream, it wouldn't be a nightmare.)  Once I learned this, it became my mission to see Leo in a way other than the sweet and beautiful person who was standing before me. I wanted to see him a little rough. So, what did we do?  We broke out the squinch! (watch Photographer Peter Hurley's Squinch video here)

In a weird twist, we went from being a pair consisting of a confident and experienced professional model + a girl with a camera who was practically shaking in her boots, to a confident and professional model + a girl with a camera who knew one of the greatest modeling/headshot techniques in the world, and I was going to teach it to him!  Yes! Can you believe it?   After settling down and in, I then explained Peter Hurley's squinch to Leo, and that the technique will result in a look that is edgy, sexy, and pensive.  He absolutely nailed it!  I was so pleased with this interaction. Leo is an amazing model, but I was able to contribute one small technique and together, we created a beautiful image.

Technically speaking, my first pictures were actually a little more technically sound as far as the focus and his positioning (composition), but this was my favorite picture and in looking at this, I believe Leo could become one of those scary villains on Grimm.  At the same time, if I opened a magazine and he were the model for cologne, sunglasses, underwear, or anything, I would be sold on whatever it is he was "selling," and my husband would be the recipient of said cologne, sunglasses, or underwear!

After we had taken the pictures and performed the interview, Leo showed me some pictures his friend shot in a makeshift studio which was his apartment.  Leo was in full make-up. I don't know the proper industry words, but he was styled quite high fashion-y, with heavy, artistic, theatrical make-up and the pictures were stunning!  Especially considering they were just taken in his friend's apartment and not an actual studio. His friend was a pretty amazing photographer, and of course, Leo is pretty amazing.  I appreciated the huge contrast between Leo's friend's professional studio-looking dramatic photographs, and my total amateur look-at-this-hot-guy-I-met-on-the-street photographs.  Although there's a marked difference in the type and quality of images, the one constant is Leo and his talent in front of a camera.

I was hoping Leo would have a website or link so that we could follow the podcast for his new raido show, but since things are in their infancy,  I'll be sure to keep track of Leo and share his progress so we can follow along.

I told you Leo was nice, but hearing this completely warmed my heart.  When I asked Leo if he had recently performed an act of kindness, he told me that he saw a homeless man who was hungry, so Leo went and bought him some food, and then he gave the man the food and $20.00.  Leo said, "he needed it."

It has sometimes been confusing and overwhelming for people when I ask the question about having a personal mission statement. This week, I've elaborated on that and explained that if it's challenging to think of a personal mission statement, then think of it as "what is your life's purpose."  When I asked Leo about his life's purpose, he replied, "to get my show going to develop culture centered around art and music."

When I asked Leo something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he replied, "the fact that I signed a new modeling contract with a new company."

I'm wishing Leo huge success with his modeling, acting and radio show and he's clearly a talented person.  To me, even more impressive, is that he was genuinely a kind and very nice person and I'm so glad I bumped into him.  Good luck, Leo!


Day 268 - Renee


This is Renee, the owner of Ambiance Tan and Espresso.  Can you tell I've got a serious mexi-mocha addiction?  (ok, and maybe I've sneaked in a few assisted vitamin D sessions as well.)  Renee was the last person who I've been saving for a literal rainy day.

Apparently, Renee saw my car pull up and she told Ed (from week 33) that she just knew I was going to ask to take her picture that day and she was sort of less than thrilled about it.  After a long day at work, she wasn't feeling camera-ready and at best, she said she's not really comfortable having her picture taken.

Knowing that Rennee wasn't feeling her best or at least not feeling confident, made me empathize with her, so it was important for me to capture her as the beautiful and genuinely nice person she has been.  When you walk into her shop, you're greeted with friendliness and warmth and both she and Ed are amazing in that once you've been in - they remember you by name and by drink on the next visit.  It's pretty remarkable for them to remember your name and once you've been in a few times, you really get the feeling of belonging to a small community.

It was important to me to try to show that same welcoming warmth in Renee's picture, as she is in real life.

I asked Renee about the happiest thing happening in her life right now, she responded, "Eddy and I working as a team and that business is going well."

Renee was having trouble thinking of a recent act of kindness but then her customers spoke up for her, reminding her that she had recently organized three different fundraisers for people in need.  This reminder helped Renee to recall that she had also given a cup of coffee to a homeless person. She set it next to him as he was sleeping.

I asked Renee if she had a personal mission statement and she said that she's soon going to get a tattoo which says:  "Faith. Family. Friends. Strong."

I realize as I'm writing this post that I had forgotten to ask Renee something about herself which she considers to be a success, so I'm just going to share something I would consider to be a success, just in the few months I've been a customer.  Renee is successful at owning and running a small business and she genuinely welcomes her customers with warmth, friendliness and great service!


Day 269 - Oscar


This is Oscar.  I spotted him as he was loading his groceries into his car.

I asked Oscar about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied without hesitation, "my baby girls!"

It's pretty common when I ask people if they have a personal mission statement, or if they can think of one on the spot, for them to get this look of regret for having agreed to let me take their picture.  I end up apologizing for the job-interview-like question.  Oscar got that look on his face, but quickly replied simply, "to live right."

When I asked Oscar if he had any goals and dreams, he explained he had many, but I could tell he was ready to get on about his business. I then explained the reason I asked this question and the importance of doing so, is that I believe the more we talk about our dreams, the closer we come to realizing them.  He agreed and I can't quite remember  exactly what he said but he jumped on board in the effort to narrow his focus and start making his dreams a reality. I helped him to simplify his goals by asking him if he would identify at least 3 things.  He replied: 1) to record an album, 2) to go to France, 3) to visit his Sister in New York.

Before we parted,  I thanked Oscar and wished him well in accomplishing his dreams.


Day 270 - Sensei and Osiris


This is Sensei (left) and Osiris (right).  They were on their way to skate at Mt. Tabor Park.  I workout at Mt. Tabor and on Wednesdays, the park is closed to vehicles so its a popular day and the park is filled with cyclists, walkers, runners, and downhill longboard skaters.  I knew they were excited to get up the mountain as they were getting a bit of a late start, but they agreed to let me take their picture.

Something felt off when I was in the process of taking their pictures. We even had to move places and things were still feeling different to me.  I was concerned enough that I even had to ask to take their pictures individually.  It is extremely challenging for me to take a picture of more than one person at a time.  An even bigger challenge is when the people have a difference in height.  I couldn't quite figure it out, but things just felt different.

When I got home and started to "develop" the pictures, I realized the feeling I was picking up on was two-part.  1) The decision to move spots was a good call.  I finally recognized and directed the picture in order to get a better shot.  2) That off feeling wasn't "off" at all, it's what it feels like to take a cool picture!  I'm just not accustom to it!

Sensei and Osiris were sweet kids and even though they were in a hurry to skate, they gave me all the time in the world and they were so thoughtful in each of their responses. Once again, I would have benefitted from having a recorder as I just couldn't write fast enough to record their amazingly insightful responses to each question.  It was quite impressive to hear such considerate answers come from such young people, and I realized it was their youth which was actually behind their beliefs and philosophies.  They're young enough not to have been too hardened by what life can throw at us, but old enough to have developed compassionate and hopeful ideals of people and life.  Do you remember back to when you were their age...the way you felt about life and people was quite ideal.

When I asked about the happiest thing happening in their lives, Sensei responded, "being able to follow my thoughts and ideas. I feel I can follow what is right."  He then joked but not joked, "also, Star Trek and Star Wars!"  What I gathered by Sensei's response is that he's at the point where he's coming into his own and finding himself, and he's gaining confidence in the person who is emerging.  (I could be wrong, but that's my interpretation.)

Osiris responded, "A lot of things are good right now - I'm going to Europe in a month, for two months, and this weather!"

I asked if they've recently performed an act of kindness.  Sensei responded, "I try to give people patience."  Indeed, he gave me his patience.  I think a lot of young men would have been way too squirrely in this situation.  The two of them are unique and remarkable in that they were so thoughtful and patient with me when they would have much rather been skating than answering the questions of some middle-aged woman with a camera and a project.

Osiris' recent act of kindness is that he left his un-expired bus ticket at the bus stop for someone else to use.

I asked the pair something about themselves they would consider to be a success.  Sensi replied, "being open to new things and evaluating myself with less bias."  Osiris replied, "I take pride in my compassion toward people, awareness of people and where they're coming from."  Again, the two weren't just saying fluffy words. They were living exactly what they spoke about.  They were open to letting me take their picture and they were considerate and empathetic that I'm just a beginner, and tolerant that I needed to take several pictures. They afforded me their time and consideration with their answers to my questions.  They're good guys!

I asked the pair if they had a personal mission statement or could think of one on the spot.  For some reason, they had in their minds the statement should be as succinct as possible.  As in, two-words!  I'm not sure how we got on this track but we did. Sensei responded, "love and awareness."  Osiris responded, "patience and understanding."  They both struggled with how to articulate their words into a full mission statement.   Together, we decided simply to add "to live with," which expanded their responses to be:  "to live with love and awareness," and "to live with patience and understanding."

These two completely blew me away and I felt privileged to meet such nice "kids."  (oh man, I'm old enough to be calling guys "kids" now. It's all downhill from here.) Joking aside, I was impressed by their maturity and kindness and wish these young men lots of happiness, success, and good skating!


Day 271 - Mat


This is Mat.  I had exhausted my reserve of rainy-day people and it was pouring this day.  I couldn't find anyone at Tabor, so I decided to stop at a Plaid Pantry, hoping I'd be able to find a subject there. Thinking I had already taken the picture of every worker at this particular store, I was just hoping to find a customer who would give me the time to take their picture.  I was in luck!  I hadn't yet taken Mat's picture!  Just one problem - Mat got slammed right after I asked if I could take his picture.  After waiting for a while, it finally slowed down for just a minute, long enough for me to take his picture and ask a couple of the questions.

"Getting my financial aid together," Mat replied, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Mat's personal mission statement, "stick to your guns until, or unless, logic and experience prove otherwise."

It was quick, but I'm pleased with Mat's picture as well.


Day 272 - Christopher, Eunis, and Reba


This is Christopher (left), Eunis (center) and Reba (right).  These three were a crack-up! And yes, I challenged myself in trying to take a picture of not just two, but three people at once!  In real life, Christopher is nearly a head and a half taller than each of us, but he didn't mind repositioning himself to make it easier for us to get everyone in the frame.

I asked the happiest thing happening in their lives right now and Christopher responded that he had just had an "incredible interview!"  "I fucking slayed it," he said.  Joking aside, he was pleased that he had overcome his insecurities about being under-qualified and decided to go for it!  This was his second interview for the position and he's clearly feeling confident!

Eunis and Reba were both happy to be out celebrating Eunis' boyfriend's 30th Birthday! Reba was happy to be spending time with her "bestie," Eunis.

I asked the trio if they had recently performed an act of kindness...and wouldn't you know it, I had met another group of social service workers!  They all agreed that their professions are ones of kindness.

Christopher's act of kindness is that he assisted a person with the process of  accessing SS benefits.  I've decided to shorten this.  We all discussed ways in which we could tell their stories without breaking confidentiality and they were incredibly considerate of the words they used so they would keep the confidence of their clients.  Having worked in the field myself, I'm also sensitive to it as well, and I've decided to shorten Chris' response even further.

Eunis gave her un-expired bus ticket to a frazzled girl at the bus stop who greatly appreciated the kind gesture and she also procured a much-needed donation for the organization where she works - they're going to receive a donation of 100 lbs of clothing for the next three months!  Reba spent extra time with a particular client, and by giving him some extra individual time and attention, she most likely set him up to have a much nicer weekend.

I asked if they had a personal mission statement or if they could think of one on the spot, and again clarified, if this is challenging, then to think of it as defining their life's mission.  Christopher replied, "justice, art and glamour."  Reba responded, "if i can be happy for one day, I can make others around me happy."  Eunice responded, "I want to find my mission. I want to find my passion."

Again, I was so glad to have run into a group of fun-loving, and fun and loving people!


Day 274 - Brent


This is Brent.  We've known each other since about 1988 and he's married to one of my best friends.  And, he's one of my best friends too!

Brent attended our rival high school but we became acquainted because one of my best friends was a little sweet on him.  I helped keep stats for the wrestling team in high school, so I was the perfect cover for my two girlfriends to come to the wrestling matches.  But they weren't there to watch me keep stats - they were there to spy on Brent!  Here we are, some 26 years later and my friend and Brent are still married and we're all still the best of friends!

Brent is quietly one of the smartest people I know, and one of the funniest.  He just sort sneaks it in on you.  You don't know how funny he is at first, until he drops some of the most hilarious comments or observations on you!  He's so funny, his teenage daughter had to ban him from twitter because he was getting too big of a following and many of his followers were her friends!

I don't think either of us knew when we were in high school, that our Dads actually worked together, not directly, but close enough to where they developed a liking and a respect for one another.  Although they've both passed, I know our Dads would both be pleased that we're all still in each others lives, and all quite close.

It's been fun growing up and growing older with Brent and my girlfriends.  We've seen Brent grow from a quite mischievous kid, into an awesome husband and father.  Brent loves his family and when you meet him, you recognize it immediately.

"Seeing the kids doing well in sports and in school," Brent replied, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Brent couldn't think of a recent act of kindness but I know for certain it was only because his "memory is slipping," as Brent put it.  He and his family are ALWAYS doing some act of kindness and volunteer for several different groups.  He then remembered that most recently, he volunteered to be a waiter for the "Women's Tea" at their Church.

When I asked if he had a personal mission statement he replied, to never give up, and then settled on, "keep trying."

"My family," Brent said, is one thing at which he would consider himself to be a success.

I asked Brent if he were to challenge himself to do one thing, every day, for an entire year, what would it be?  He replied, "learn an instrument."  He explained that he'll practice for a while, make progress, and then stops, and he keeps repeating that process.

I'm so thankful that Brent and his family are in my life.  They are my family away from my real family, and I think that each of our families rest a little more assured, knowing that we have each other in our lives.

The summary of the personal mission statements from this week's subjects:

  • To develop culture centered around art and music.
  • Faith. Family. Friends. Strong.
  • To live with love and awareness
  • To live with patience and understanding.
  • Stick to your guns until, or unless, logic and experience prove otherwise.
  • Justice, art, and glamour.
  • If i can be happy for one day, I can make others around me happy.
  • I want to find my mission. I want to find my passion.
  • Keep trying.


Thank you for following along on another week of this project!  I love sharing this project with you and am so happy to have you along for the ride.

If you've been a subject in this project - I'm completely unable to express my gratitude and appreciation for you and your time and for letting me take your picture, no matter how weird it may have been.  Thank you for sharing yourself with us and this project.

Thank you, and have an awesome week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 38

Hi! We're finished with week 38 of The 365 Day People Picture Project and you know what that means?  We reached 265 days this week!  Only 100 more days to go!

I can't even believe we've made it this far because it feels like we started this project just a few weeks ago. Thank you for following along on this journey!

Day 260 - Jack


This is Jack.  I spotted him in downtown Vancouver where he was working at a record store.

When I asked Jack about the happiest thing happening in his life right now, he replied, "easily, the Trail Blazers in the playoffs!"

I asked Jack if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he said that he tries to do something every day.

"Don't be an asshole. Do what you want to do as long as it doesn't infringe on anybody else," Jack replied, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of anything on the spot.

I asked Jack about something at which he would consider himself to be a success and he replied, "I'm finally doing things that are making me happy. Finding happiness."  This is among one of my favorite answers so far. It doesn't matter what we aspire to do, when you think of it, we're all in search of happiness.


Day 261 - Diane


This is Diane.  We met at the stairs at Mt. Tabor Park.  When I spotted Diane, I was so busy trying to analyze if she looked like a person who would let me take her picture, that I nearly missed seeing the car that she was busy watching.  Seeing the reaction in her face, caused me to look just in time to see what looked like Vince Neil and David Lee Roth driving straight out of the 80's and into Mt. Tabor Park, in what I can assume was a time machine, cleverly disguised as a convertible BMW with 80's anthems blaring on the stereo to complete the experience.

When I approached Diane, she was still taken with the BMW Time Machine and laughing about the whole sight.  I asked Diane about the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she replied, "my garden is growing."

I asked Diane if she's performed an act of kindness recently and she replied, "I help students in their time of crisis."  I assume Diane is a librarian, as she went on to explain that students often come in to the library shortly before a big project is due, and instead of nagging them about starting earlier, she just helps to put them on the right course to complete their report or assignment in time to turn it in on the due date.  Can you imagine being a student in that situation?  Diane would be such a welcomed life-saver and probably one of the few adults/teachers who would skip the lecture and just help you to do what needs to be done.  We laughed when I made the observation that it's funny because the habit of waiting till the last minute, seems to follow some of us into adulthood as well.

I asked Diane if she had a personal mission statement or could think of one on the spot, and she replied, "be kind and do things in moderation."

"Friendship, and building community," Diane replied, when I asked her one thing at which she would consider herself to be a success.

I asked Diane if she had any dreams or aspirations and clarified, "climb-Mt.-Everest" type dreams, at which she said she has actually always wanted to hike Table Mountain.  She then replied that she wants to learn to walk on stilts.  I love the idea of a stilt-walking-librarian and hope she pursues that ambition!

Now seems like the appropriate time to mention this because I need to learn from Diane's students and not wait until the last minute.  Since we're nearing the end of the project, I need to consider a few posts which will reflect back on everything I've learned in the project.  For photographers who stumble upon this project, I feel I should share what I've learned, even though it's actually painful to refer to myself as a photographer. I know I said I would stop this sort of talk. I'm working on it.  Anyway, I'd like to compile a list of things I've learned from a photography perspective, and things I've learned about people.  In the vein of not waiting till the last minute like some of Diane's students, I'm going to jot down something every day from now until the end of the project, so that I'll be ready with a closing and reflection post about this project.  (Thanks, Diane, I needed this reminder!)


Day 262 - Debbie and Kathy


This is Debbie (left) and Kathy (right).  I had spotted them several times as we were all working out at Mt. Tabor.  They finished the stairs shortly after we did, so the timing was perfect for me to ask if I could take their picture for the project.

I asked the happiest thing happening in their lives right now, and practically in stereo, they responded, "going to Paris!"  They're celebrating their 30 year anniversary with a vacation to France.

Debbie and Kathy are so aligned, they basically share answers!  When I asked if they had performed an act of kindness, they both agreed that they try to do something every day, such as opening doors for people, giving compliments, and recognizing their co-workers for a job well done.

When I asked if they had a personal mission statement, or could think of one on the spot, Debbie first answered for them both, saying, "treat others the way you want to be treated," and Kathy then added, "and Pay it forward."

I'm convinced I either need to get a bigger note book, write more legibly, or just get a recorder.  I've confused my own self with my note-taking once again, so I'm just going to share that Debbie and Kathy are looking forward to retirement and working on their fitness and getting in shape for Paris.

Bon Voyage, Debbie and Kathy!


Day 263 - Jesse


This is Jesse, from Ritual Arts Tattoo and Body Piercing, in the Hollywood District.  I spotted Jesse outside of his shop.

I asked Jesse about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "there's so many! My kids are excelling, business is thriving, motor cycle riding, and gardening."  I mentioned to Jesse that the person from the day before was also happy about her garden growing and we talked about the satisfaction one feels when you can see all of your hard work start to grow.  Gardening and backyard chicken farms are huge in Portland!  If you don't personally have a garden or chickens, you know someone who does, and often, you're able to reap some of their bounty.

Jesse's recent act of kindness is that he gave things to a friend who just got her own place, and he's currently teaching/mentoring a person to tattoo.

I asked Jesse if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on the spot and he explained that he's more of a spiritual person than religious, but that he tries to live by "the golden rule."

Having "strong integrity," Jesse replied, when I asked something at which he would consider himself to be a success.

When I asked Jesse if he had any dreams or ambitions, it was pretty amazing to watch his face as he went on to explain that he's basically realizing his dreams.  Opening the shop with his partner was and is his dream, and now he's "in the heat of it."  I love hearing people who've made their dreams a reality! It's inspiring to those of us who are in the process chasing our own.

When I got home to prepare Jesse's picture to be instagrammed, I was disappointed in myself.   I'm learning that photography is this delicate little dance with light and I'm fumbling through the dance with two left feet.  The weather changed drastically in Portland.  Practically over night, we went from our typical cloudy and rainy spring, to 80 degree bright sunshine-y days!  It has been a huge process of trial and error in realizing the significance of light.  I need to learn that I'm not leading this dance.  It seems like the sunlight, or lack of, often results in a look opposite of the look I conceive in my mind.  The upside of learning by trial and error, is that although painful, it's effective.

I was disappointed with the images I had of Jesse, and once again, I had to fight myself to not show you another picture in black and white.  Black & white is truly becoming not only my default, but my preference.  I opted to share this picture of Jesse, even though I favored other black & white versions.  Jesse, tattoo artists in general, are colorful people and I thought I needed to push myself to share this in color.  In addition, Jesse was a nice guy, and the black & white version feels a little more hard-edged than Jesse was in real life.  (All of the tattoo artists and tattooed people in this project are all pretty nice people, and I'm not sure I should be blowing their covers. Perhaps the desired look is to have a bit of an edge and here I am...telling you they've all been a bunch of sweethearts!)

I battled with my disappointment and did the best I could to make corrections in lightroom until I finally got to a point where I think the picture would pass my "would-this person-Facebook-this-photo" test.  For the remainder of this project, I need to remind myself of this objective.  I want to take pictures of people that are nice enough that when they look at them, they feel good about themselves.  In order to do that, I need to remember that I'm sparkle-hunting.  The next 100 days are about dancing with light, and hunting for a person's sparkle.


Day 264 - Sean


This is Sean. He had just taken off his helmet when I approached him at Mt. Tabor.  At the time, I told him the little helmet mark would only add to the look of the picture, but when I got home, I realized I was wrong.  The indentation from his helmet didn't add to the look, it was distracting.  Sean is my first dive into a real "edit" or "re-touch."  Until Sean, I've only experimented with basic adjustments to exposure, contrast, some color/saturation, cropping and softening or sharpening.  Sean was a nice guy and he trusted me to take his picture and I wasn't about to let him down by sharing a picture with a helmet mark.  So, I did what I had to do...I googled and youtubed and self-taught myself how to make an edit with the brush and clone the un-marked area of his forehead and smooth out the indentation caused by the helmet.  I think I did ok?  If I didn't tell you, would you know?  There's just so much to learn!

I asked Sean about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "my girlfriend."

"I held the door open for someone this morning," Sean replied, when I asked if he had performed and act of kindness.

I asked Sean about something at which he would consider himself to be a success and he replied, "I got my degree".  (in web design and interactive media!)

When I asked Sean if he had any dreams or ambitions, he said that he would like to travel to the Middle East someday.

When I asked Sean if he had, or could think of, a personal mission statement, he replied, "when I die, I want to feel like I did the best I could."  I asked/told him that maybe we should leave out the "when I die" part because it's too morbid.  The more I thought about it, I realized that Sean is totally right!  A personal mission statement guides us in living our lives so that when it's our time, we will have known that we did the best we could because we will have known what we stood for. Our personal mission statement helps us to shape our own path.  And the reality is, we will die - but knowing our life's mission, helps us to fully live.


Day 265 - Robbie, and "Eddie."


I was so overwhelmed by cuteness, I didn't realize until I got home that I hadn't written down the name of Robbie's dog, but I'm pretty sure her name is Eddie.  Robbie, if you happen to read this, I'm sorry if this isn't the correct name.

Although I may have slipped on her name, Eddie was an an irresistible sight!  It's not every day you see a giant Saint Bernard strolling down the streets of the Hollywood District.  Robbie and Eddie were across the street from me and when I spotted them, I hustled right across the street. I would like to think that I stopped to check for cars first, but I'm not so positive about that one.  (One more thing to remember...while dancing with light and hunting sparkles, first stop to check for traffic before running across the street.)  Luckily, Robbie is use to all of the attention that Eddie gets and didn't hesitate to let me take his picture.  (In the time we were taking pictures, several people had stopped to remark about Eddie!)

Eddie was tiring from her walk, and Robbie also explained that as soon as the camera is turned on her, she sort of goes aloof.  She'll be doing something cute at home but when they go to take her picture, she stops the cuteness.  I'm convinced there are definitely camera-shy dogs and they definitely know what we're up to.  In addition to Eddie being a little camera-shy and tired, her dark coloring around her dark eyes, made for a challenge in trying to capture her little sparkle.  Instead of getting frustrated with myself like I used to, if I know I'm not capturing a good "portrait" of a dog, I just want to get them admiring their humans in the cute little doggie-way that dogs show happiness, love and contentment.  We don't see much of her eyes, but it's pretty clear that Eddie loves her Robbie.

I asked Robbie about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "my fiancé and I are engaged."

"I'm happy," Robbie replied, when I asked one thing at which he would consider himself to be a success.

Robbie's personal mission statement, and his dreams & aspirations are one in the same.  He's on an "ongoing mission to be creative for a living."  Robbie writes screen plays and has made submissions to film festivals.  I'm wishing Robbie success in his mission, and when he's famous and fulfilled his dreams,  we can say "we knew him when..."


Day 266 - Abby


This is Abby.  He's my Sister-in-Law's Brother.  I didn't know my family was coming to town so I was happily surprised when my Sister-in-Law called Saturday morning to say they would be at Portland State University for a Pow Wow.

Since I've already had both my Brother and Sister-in-Law as subjects in the project, my Sister-in-Law volunteered Abby to be the person of the day.

Once again, I was wishing I were a much more skilled "journalist," as Abby made for great interview. Since my journalistic skills are lacking, I'll share as much as I can remember and what I can read of my notes.

I probably haven't seen Abby since I was a kid.  This picture is when my Sister-in-Law was trying to tell Abby to look at me so that I could take his picture and of course, he didn't know who she was talking about since we were much younger when we last saw one another. I snapped this picture right as his lightbulb wen't off with the spark of recognition.


I asked Abby about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "my family is healthy and we're together."  Abby was the Arena Director for this event and he said that "Pow-Wowing is putting my heart at rest for my friend Lee."  Abby's  friend recently passed away and Abby selected a few certain songs to help honor his friend Lee, as a healing for himself and for Lee's family.  Abby is also happy about his spirituality, and his walks in life.  He's been having good dreams, and "dreams are powerful."  Abby is also happy that he has a good job.


Abby works at the Warm Springs Tribal Museum as facilities maintenance.  I appreciate and admire the way Abby views his job.  He feels that his job of keeping the building clean, safe, and secure, gives him a small part in preserving culture and history.  When Abby explained how he views his job, I immediately thought of the book, "The Leader Who Had No Title." Abby's respect for his job is exactly the message the book was trying to convey...Abby isn't simply maintaining a clean facility, he is, in fact, entrusted with the safe-keeping of history and culture.  (I've been meaning to write a full review of "The Leader Who Had No Title," but since I have yet to do that,  I just want to encourage you to put this book on your must-read list and it will change the way you view your entire life, and the lives of others.)

I asked Abby if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on the spot.  He replied, "to sustain a meaningful life and to project that to those around me."  He wants people to not take things for granted.

Abby said his goals and dreams are to "live my life meaningfully, provide for my family, and sustain happiness."


I shot a few hundred pictures at the Pow Wow and of those, I was pleased with only about 4 of them. I'll share a couple with you.   I jokingly said to my Brother and Sister-in-Law that I'll now have to attend every Pow Wow in Portland until I can learn how to shoot properly.  A Pow Wow would be a real photographer's dream.  The color and texture of the Regalia, and the spirit and emotion of the dancers, makes for beautiful and moving photographs for someone who is skilled.  I left there feeling frustrated and disappointed in myself for not being able to properly capture and honor the dancers.  A Pow Wow really is an amazing test for photographers.  Those who are skilled will leave with beautiful images and those of us who are learning, will leave with more lessons learned the hard way.  No matter what images I walked away with on my camera's memory card, I still walked away feeling a little more nourished in my head and my heart.




Here's a recap of the personal mission statements from this week's subjects:

  • Don't be an asshole. Do what you want to do as long as it doesn't infringe on anybody else.
  • Be kind and do things in moderation.
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  • Pay it forward.
  • The golden rule  (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.)
  • When I die, I want to feel like I did the best I could.
  • ...to be creative for a living.
  • To sustain a meaningful life and to project that to those around me.

I just want to thank you if you've been a subject in this project, this week, or any week. It was a pleasure and an honor meeting you and thank you for giving me a moment of your time, and your kindness. Please remember, if you like your photo, please send me an e-mail and I'd be happy to e-mail it to you!  It's the very least I could do!

Thank you for following along so far!  I'm going to give it my best these last 99 days.  I've just got to remember to let go of the stress and pressures of trying to understand and learn ISO, shutter speed and aperture,  and I'll just remember to have fun while dancing with the light and hunting for people's sparkle.

Wishing you an excellent week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 37

Hello! Week 37 of The 365 Day People Picture Project is now complete!

If this is the first time you've stopped by, I'm taking a picture of a person a day, every day, for an entire year.  If you'd like to follow along daily, you can follow me on Instagram at @missellanea.

Day 253 - Debra


This is Debra.  We met at Esther Short Park in Downtown Vancouver.  I spotted her taking pictures of some of the sculptures in the park and figured she looked like a person who would let me take their picture.

Debra was on break from the most awesome job in the universe.  I had no idea this job even existed!  It is Debra's job to attend movies!  Some of her responsibilities are to observe the audience's reaction to movie trailers/previews.  The audience reaction to the previews shown in movie theaters, then shapes the previews which are shown to us on T.V..

Debra was among the most interesting people I've met in this project and she was happy sharing her thoughts with me. If I were a journalist and taking more in-depth interviews, Debra would have been a treasure of a person to meet!  She has well thought-out views on many subjects and is able to articulate those views brilliantly.  I'm not equipped to take such detailed notes, so although I enjoyed hearing her thoughts, I'm just sharing the answers to "the questions."

"The fact that my daughter will graduate in June," is the happiest thing happening in Debra's life right now.

I asked Debra if she had recently performed an act of kindness and she said she couldn't really think of anything, however she had just been extremely nice, near overly-nice, to the person who was working at the Subway from where she had just purchased her lunch.  She's always sure to be polite and thank fast-food workers.

"Being kind-hearted," Debra replied, when I asked if she had a personal mission statement or if she could think of one on-the-spot.

I asked Debra something at which she would consider herself to be a success and she replied, "volunteering."  Debra has been volunteering in schools for 28 years and still intends to after her youngest graduates, but she's considering the change to give her volunteer time to supporting animal advocacy causes.

When I asked Debra if she had a dream, she first replied, "to start a shelter for homeless cats, and probably dogs too."  As she explained more, she said this was actually her mom's dream and it was a dream of hers as well.  She then went on to say that her true dream would be to free all of the orcas in captivity and return those who are suitable, back to the oceans.  Those who are unable to survive in the ocean would be kept in sea pens instead, which would be a much healthier and humane environment than aquariums where they're forced to perform and sometimes kept in isolation.

Debra is indeed a kind-hearted person and her love for both humans and animals is pretty apparent and beautiful.


Day 254 - Ryan


This is Ryan.  We met at the Doug Fir.

Normally, the back patio at the Doug Fir is a people-watching dream and I've always been able to find an interesting person for the project.  However, when I met my friend there on Monday, we were one of the only people who weren't deterred by the rain.  Just as I was getting concerned that this would be the first time ever that I wouldn't be able to find a subject on the patio, Ryan, our server, agreed to let me take his picture.

I asked Ryan the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "I got to go on stage with Three 6 Mafia last night!"  Ryan had been called up on stage at the show the night before!

Ryan was having trouble thinking of something when I asked if he had recently performed an act of kindness, but he then replied, "walking my dogs."  Yes, his canine kids would definitely agree this is a great act of kindness for them! Ryan may have had difficulty thinking of an act of kindness, but if I had asked about an act of awesomeness, he had that covered with his on-stage appearance with Three 6 Mafia.

I asked Ryan if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one, and he replied, "no rules!"

"Keep making money," Ryan replied, when I asked if he ha a dream or ambition.  When I asked Ryan about one thing at which he considers himself to be a success, he said, "skateboarding."


Day 255 - Loren


This is Loren.  He's an awesome co-worker!

"Getting married," Loren replied, when I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Loren couldn't think of an act of kindness that he had recently performed.  I persisted because Loren is one of the nicest humans you'll ever meet. I know he's done something but he just couldn't think of a particular "act" of kindness.  "I just don't think of it that way, I guess," Loren said, before giving up trying to identify something.  It makes sense to me why Loren wasn't able to think of a specific act of kindness. Loren's existence is an act of kindness.  He's not able to think of a single act of kindness because he is an act of kindness.  I love hearing him interact with his customers because he is just sooooo nice.  He's so nice and so genuine, his mere presence in our office feels grounding to me.  We're so lucky he's our co-worker.  Loren also performed a huge act of kindness by letting me take his picture for the project. (I'll explain below.)

"Do no harm," Loren answered, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on the spot.

I asked Loren about one thing at which he would consider himself to be a success and he replied, "compassion."

When I asked Loren if he had a dream or ambition and he replied, "to be disgustingly wealthy." Loren said that when he was in his twenties, he had set a goal for himself to make 24 million dollars per month.  He wasn't sure where that figure came from, it's just the figure his younger self set out to achieve.

I've embellished and exaggerated the few times I've said that I've nearly blown or ended the project.  Most of those times, I had been overreacting and there was no serious risk of the project ending once I was able to get my head on straight.  However, Tuesday, the project nearly ended.  For real.  Loren seriously saved the project.

I had gone into work on Tuesday, thinking I would be fine, even though I had been awake most of the night being sick with what I assume was food poisoning from something I had eaten over the weekend.  Although I had stopped being sick, I didn't realize how severely dehydrated I had become.  I made it through a few hours of the work-day but decided I had to go home. I was so dehydrated, my head was foggy and the only thing I could imagine myself doing was getting myself home and to bed.  Nowhere in those plans, could I imagine myself trying to approach a stranger and ask for their picture.  Not only did I not feel well enough to talk to someone, but I just didn't even have enough strength to drive around, park my car, and then walk around looking for someone.  I had just enough strength to get myself home.  In my foggy-headed state, I had convinced myself it was ok to fail at that point.  I had done an excellent job and taking a picture of a person a day for 254 days in a row, was an accomplishment few could ever claim.  See, I think I was near delirium! I would have been ok just ending the project that day!  I convinced myself that I had given it my entire effort.  It was ok.  I was ok with the project ending.   I finally snapped myself out of it and decided to ask Loren if he would take a break with me and let me take his picture before I went home for the day.

Loren was a life-saver!  He hadn't known about the project until then, and I could tell that he really didn't want to have his picture taken. I was barely able to explain the project to him but he's a smart guy and was able to connect the dots from my mumblings of "365 days, must take picture, I'm not well," and he totally understood that he would be helping me out and saving the project from ending.   As it was, I was pretty wobbly and we had to sit down so that I could use the picnic table to steady my hands and camera in order to take his picture.  Loren, thank you for saving the day and the project!


Day 256 -  Blanche 


This is Blanche.  She was waiting at the bus stop and once again, the bus came from nowhere and scooped her away before I could ask Blanche all of the questions.

"The fact that you get up every morning and you're breathing," Blanche said, is the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

There are a few stray hairs covering Blanche's eyes, but other than that, this would be among one of my favorite pictures so far.  Is it me, or do you just get a feel and a sense for Blanche, just by looking at the picture?


Day 257 - Karen


Karen's picture was taken at the bus stop around the corner from where I had met Blanche the day before.  Again, we were in a race against the bus.

I asked Karen the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she replied, "being clean and sober."

"I gave money to a homeless person," Karen answered, when I asked if she had recently performed an act of kindness.

I asked Karen about one thing at which she would consider herself to be a success, "staying clean and sober," she replied.

The bus arrived so I didn't get to ask Karen any other questions.


Day 258 - Tiffany


This is Tiffany.  I spotted her the moment I walked in to meet my friends at Charlie's.  Although I spotted her instantly and knew I wanted to ask for her picture, she was with her friends and I didn't want to interrupt.  I spent a good hour scoping out the place for another possibility but I kept coming back to Tiffany and finally just asked her if she would be in the project.

I asked Tiffany the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she replied, "the possibility that we may be moving to New Jersey."  Tiffany's husband's job may take them across the country.

Tiffany's recent act of kindness is that she paid for a week's stay at a hotel, for a couple who were temporarily between homes.

When I asked Tiffany if she had a personal mission statement or if she could think of one on the spot, she didn't hesitate when she replied, "indulge in anything at any given time."  Tiffany went on to explain that she's experienced a few deaths recently which have influenced her and caused her to realize that life is too short not to indulge in doing the things we love.  Tiffany is another person who believes so strongly in her mission, that she even has it tattooed on her arm!  The work isn't yet finished but she shared its beginning.


I asked Tiffany if there is something at which she considers herself to be a success and she replied, "I'm a good mom."  She has made it known to her children that there's nothing they can't go to her with.

I got an instant read on Tiffany that she's both an excellent mom and a nice person, but she's also a pretty great Blazers' fan too!

Day 259 - Arash and Ben


This is Arash (left) and Ben (right).  They were both pretty adorable and funny!  I had been wandering around the park and Vancouver Farmers Market area for a while, but just hadn't found the right person, then I ran into these two.  They're opposites in personality, but the perfect complement to each other.  Arash is outgoing, outspoken, and confident, and Ben is a little on the bashful side.

When I first stopped them, Arash agreed to let me take his picture before I had even finished explaining the project.  He jokingly said he didn't want Ben in his picture and playfully stepped to the side and gestured for me to take his picture, solo.  I snapped a few pictures of them together and explained, ironically, that I was getting a nice picture of Ben, but I wasn't capturing a nice picture of Arash.  Arash was shocked!  Of all of the people in this entire project, Arash is the only person who confidently said that he was quite photogenic.  He was a complete character!  He has more confidence than about three people combined, but somehow, it comes across as sweet instead of arrogant and annoying.  Again, Ben is the opposite and much more soft-spoken.

I asked the happiest thing happening in their lives right now and Arash replied, "moving to San Diego to go to college."  Ben replied with silence and a bashful smile.  Arash replied for him, saying, "he's happy he got a new co-worker."  Arash and Ben used to be co-workers at the Farmers Market but Arash is now working for one of the vendors in the market and Ben now has a new co-worker to fill Arash's vacancy.

I asked the pair if they had recently performed an act of kindness.  Arash tries to perform an act of kindness every day and help people when he can.  Ben had recently given someone food.

"If you do good in this world, good will happen to you," Arash replied, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or could think of one on the spot."  Ben's response to the question - a bashful smile, and silence.  He tried so hard to think of something and Arash tried to help him by asking if there's something from the Bible he could quote.  I could tell Ben has a lot going on in his head and I'm sure after I left, he could think of a half-dozen possible mission statements, but I know I just caught him completely off guard.

I asked the guys if there is something at which they would consider themselves to be a success and Arash replied, "life."   I couldn't help being amused with Arash's response, given that he's just getting started in life.  I playfully asked, "how do you know you're successful, you're just getting started?"  To that, Arash replied, "I feel like a winner!"  I agreed, saying if that's the kind of attitude he begins his life with, then I'm certain he will indeed, be a winner.

Somehow, Arash manages to ooze confidence, but he's not at all arrogant.  He's confident. He has the confidence that one can only possess before life beats them up a little. I truly believe Arash's attitude and confidence will take him far and carry him through any bumpy spots in the road he may encounter in life.  I have a friend who was told, by a doctor, "you're cute, your life will be easy," and she somehow internalized that.  For her, life has been easy, even when it hasn't been.  It's like that little comment made by her doctor (who was just trying to encourage her to loosen up a little because she was wound quite tightly as a teen) implanted her with a roadmap and an assurance that "life will be easy," and it became self-fulfilling prophecy.

We could learn a lot from Arash.  Our world and our life becomes exactly what we think and believe.  If we feel like a winner, we'll be winners.  "Fake it till you make it," Arash also added in the conversation.

Ben's response to the question about something at which he would consider himself to be a success - more bashful smiles and silence.  I prompted him, asking if he's a good friend.  Arash, again speaking for him, confirmed he's successful at being a good friend.  Arash then added that "he's a good Christian!"  As our "interview" was coming to an end, Ben said, bashfully, "I like video games. I'm good at video games."  Yes!  I was so happy he said something!   It's difficult to say good things about ourselves, so I was happy Ben was able to answer this question!

I had fun meeting these two, and I think they did too. I think even Ben was having fun, even though he was a bit shy at first.  I wished them both good luck in life and was on my way.

Our take-aways, complied from the personal mission statements of the subjects this week, are:

  • Being kind-hearted.
  • Do no harm.
  • No rules.
  • Indulge in anything at any given time.
  • If you do good in this world, good will happen to you.

I'm unable to adequately express my thanks and appreciation to those who have been subjects in this project.  Thank you for sharing a piece of your lives with me and with this project.  I'm so thankful for your kindness.

If you're reading this right now - I'm thankful for you as well!  Thank you for following!

Wishing you a fabulous week!  Go feel like a winner!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 36

Happy Easter! We're finished with week 36 of The 365 Day People Picture Project!

This week has been unique in that four of the subjects ended up being friends or acquaintances.

A heartfelt "thanks" to each of you who have been subjects in this project.  I realize how weird it must be to share a part of yourself, especially if we're complete strangers, but in doing so, you've shared with us your kindness and wisdom and I appreciate you.  We appreciate you.

Day 246 - Kacey


This is my friend and co-worker, Kacey.  This picture was taken shortly after we finished the Race for the Roses Half-Marathon!

This was Kacey's first Half and she did awesome!  Kacey and I have been training together the past few months and we entered as *just* walkers but a little over half-way through, Kacey turned into a runner and didn't look back!  It was a pretty amazing experience to see someone you care about, dig deep down and pull something out of themselves they never knew they had.  And yes, I witnessed it all from behind her! Haha!

Kacey had been pretty insistent that she's not a runner.  We've discussed how much we would love to be able to run and we both admire and long to be runners, but we both have  weirdness/issues when we try running.  Something happened with Kacey, though.  She took off running and kept running. (a little walking here and there, but mostly running.)  She looked stronger as a runner than looked when walking!  It was amazing!

I admire and appreciate Kacey.  Our jobs are challenging and stressful because of the constant pressure of deadlines, but she manages to keep calm, no matter what challenges we send her way.  When she's finished with a hard day at work, she then starts her other job as a wife and mother. In our training, we've had the opportunity to talk and share a lot of our personal lives and I've been blown away by her insight and how she always knows just the right thing to say as a mother.  Her daughters are so lucky to have such a wonderful mom.   Her daughters will grow up knowing how much they're loved and supported, but they're also not going to be able get anything past their mom!

"Finishing a half-marathon," Kacey said, is the happiest thing happening in her life right now!

When I asked Kacey if she had recently performed an act of kindness, she simply said "no."  I told her that's a "big fat lie!"  Kacey is humble.  She's constantly doing kind things for our co-workers and even strangers.  There are too many to list, but I know she's given away her last few dollars, just to help someone who needs it.   Kacey wouldn't realize this, but I think one act of kindness that she performs daily is that she's an excellent listener and counselor.  Kacey is objective and straight-forward.  She's going to tell things like they are and she manages to not coat things in so much sugar so as to make you feel like you're eating candy, but just enough sugar to help you swallow any bitter pills that need swallowing so that you can go on about the business of getting better.

I asked Kacey if she had a personal mission statement or if she could think of one on-the-spot.  Kacey replied, "one foot in front of the other."  This is pretty much an expected answer from someone who had just finished their very first half-marathon!

Kacey replied, "being a good mom," when I asked about one thing at which she would consider herself to be a success.  Yes, indeed!  Kacey is an excellent mom.

Kacey was just a kid when we met.  She started working this job in High School and just celebrated 20 years with the company.  Although she's mature beyond her years, it's been a privilege to see her grow from high school student to an amazing wife, mother and manager.  I feel so lucky she's a coworker and friend.


Day 247 - Jason


This is my friend, Jason.  He's a big guy, about 6'4" or so, and heavily tattooed and pierced.  He's an intimidating sight, but he's the gentlest teddy bear you'll ever meet.  One thing that struck me when we first met, is that he and his guy friends (some of whom could also look intimidating if you didn't know them) always give each other hugs every time they see one another.   It doesn't matter if they last saw one another a day ago or a decade ago, you can count on the fact that they're all going to share a big group hug, and it's often followed by, "I love you, Brother."

"My little girl," Jason said, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Jason if he had recently performed an act of kindness, he replied, "everyday."  He tries to do something each day, and this day's act of kindness is that he helped an elderly lady get her shopping basket off the bus.

I asked Jason if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one and he replied, "push my own envelope and never stop learning."

"Being a Dad," Jason said, is something at which he would consider himself to be a success.


Day 248 - Phil


This is Phil.  He and his friend were talking on the sidewalk when I approached them to ask if I could take their picture.  Phil's friend was leaving but Phil agreed to be in the project.

"I quit smoking, finally," Phil said, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Phil if he had recently performed an act of kindness, at first he replied, "I don't know the answer."  He thought about it for a while and then replied that he cooked dinner for his wife.

I asked Phil if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on the spot, and he replied, "to love people."  Phil is a musician at the Church where he works and he feels  that through music, he's able to use his talent to help share love.

I've tried to introduce this question a few times but it's actually rather awkward. I haven't quite figured out the most succinct way in which to present this question so I've just fumbled through it a bit. As a result, the answers have been pretty broad.  I asked Phil his dreams or ambitions, and he replied that he dreams of being a Dad one day.

I asked Phil one thing at which he would consider himself to be a success and he replied, "I'm an honest person.  Authentic."

I enjoyed talking with Phil and when we finished, again, it felt like I had just finished talking with an old friend.


Day 249 - Carolyn


This is Carolyn and she's pretty awesome!

At 68 years young, 69 next month, Carolyn can do 35 push-ups in a minute!  She works out several times a week and she's a paddler on a few different Dragon Boat teams.  She's a petite woman but she's a powerhouse!

I jokingly said that we should take a picture of her doing push-ups in case there were any nonbelievers.  She laughed, and said, "do you want to? I'll do it!"  She then proceeded to drop down in the middle of the parking lot and do push-ups!  I didn't want her to because I didn't want her to ruin her cute pointy-shoes, but she just went for it!


I asked Carolyn the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she replied, "Everything!  I'm so blessed."  Carolyn feels blessed with family, health, lots of friends and financial stability.

I asked Carolyn if she's performed a recent act of kindness and she said that one thing she likes to do is to smile at people who look down or unhappy.  We talked about the huge impact that a smile can have on a person. I've noticed this at the grocery store. I now intentionally smile at people no matter how stressed I may be feeling at the time.  I give other shoppers smiles because they may be feeling even more stressed than I.  This is so easy to do and when you connect with a person, it's pretty moving to see their mood lift, simply because you cared enough to give them a smile.

I asked Carolyn if she has a dream or aspiration, and she said she has lots of "Bucket List" dreams, and she's pushing herself to be the best that she can be.  She's trying out for Team USA Dragon Boat Team, and going to Italy for the World Championships.

"To always be open to grow, and listen to the lessons that the universe has for you," Carolyn said, is her personal mission statement.

I asked Carolyn one thing at which she would consider herself to be a success and she replied, "I'm not afraid to take a risk. I'm not afraid to try new things. I'm not afraid to fail."

In addition to being a sweet and kind person, Carolyn is an inspiration.  After finishing with the picture and "interview," I thought a lot about the things Carolyn had said.  Truly, the fear of failure is one of the biggest obstacles which prevents us from realizing our dreams.  I thought long and hard before doing this project and I remember being nearly paralyzed from fear.  I was so afraid of sucking as a photographer and not having the stick-to-it-ness to do this project.   It wasn't until reaching that "so what" point, that I was able to begin this project.  I let go of my fear of failure.

I'd like to add to Carolyn's mission statement by including; take a risk, try new things, don't be afraid to fail.


Day 250 - Lance


This is Lance.  I met him walking down the sidewalk and asked if he would be in the project.

"I think I'm getting a new job," Lance replied, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

I asked Lance if he's performed an act of kindness and he replied, "yes."  I didn't want to pry, but Lance is a social worker so he's another person whose profession is an act of kindness.  I don't know the professions of every person in this project, but it seems we have a high number of social workers who have been subjects in this project.  I think that says a lot about them and the vibe they give off.  I've somehow managed to gravitate to a high number of people who work in social services.  I suspect I must be subconsciously picking up that they like people, and the likelihood will be high that they will let me take their picture for the project.  Working with and helping people is their passion and their calling, so it makes perfect sense that I've been able to get a good vibe from them, even when just passing them randomly on the sidewalk.  They're doing what they were meant to do.

I asked Lance if he has a dream or ambition and he replied, "I want to live a comfortable life and to be as present as possible."   Lance decided that, "to be present," is also his personal mission statement.

One thing at which Lance would consider himself to be a success, "I'm good at helping people."


Day 251 - Josh


This is my friend and former co-worker, Josh.  We didn't know each other when we were younger, but we're actually from the same small town in Southern Oregon and, coincidentally, we ended up working together at the same shop in Portland!

I've mentioned this several times, but taking pictures and "interviewing" friends/acquaintances has, at times, been even more challenging than when working with strangers.  I get so nervous because I want to do a nice job and take a picture they'll  love.  The added pressure has caused me to blow it.  However, I'm pleased with this picture considering the background we had to work with was the Burger King drive through.

"My family," Josh said, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

I asked Josh if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of something on the spot.  He replied, "to help people to learn and be inspired."   This is perfect mission statement to help guide him in his new job teaching screen printing.  I can't think of a better person more suited to teaching people the art and science of screen printing.

When I asked Josh about one thing at which he would consider himself to be a success, he replied, "being flexible in life."

Josh had a hard time answering a few of the questions and I let him off the hook knowing that he needed to get home to his family.  I asked if he could text me his answers but since he didn't, I'm just going to answer for him.

I think the reason he had such a difficult time answering the question about a dream or ambition, is because his life is now completely fulfilled.  His family and new job are his dream come true.  It makes me so happy to see that a friend is so happy.


Day 252 - Michelle and Brett


This couple is as sweet in real life as they are in this picture!

It's still quite a struggle for me to take a decent picture of a pair or group, but I'm determined to work through it.  I just need to challenge myself more and approach more groups and couples instead of avoiding them.

"Our Baby," Michelle said, is the happiest thing happening in their lives right now.

When I asked if they had recently performed an act of kindness, they bashfully avoided the question.  Their friend then jumped in, saying, "they always do!"  Michelle then answered, "we give good tips!"   Brett said that he also just helped his neighbor change a flat tire.

When I asked if they could think of a personal mission statement, they decided on, "Live. Love. Laugh."

I asked the couple if they had a dream or ambition and they replied they want to make lots of money for home, and to be able to take nice vacations.

When I asked about something at which they would consider themselves to be a success, Michelle replied, "being a mom and wife."  Brett replied, "being a father and step father."  Michelle also added to Brett's response, telling him that he's a good provider.

I love summarizing the personal mission statements of each subject. Seeing them all together is starting to form one heck of an inspirational message!  This week, the subjects have taught us;

  • One foot in front of the other
  • Push my own envelope and never stop learning.
  • To love people.
  • To always be open to grow, and listen to the lessons that the universe has for you.
  • Take a risk. Try new things. Don't be afraid to fail.
  • To be present.
  • To help people to learn and be inspired.
  • Live. Love. Laugh.

This week has been another extra special week because I was reminded of the kind and great people I have in my life.  It's been an amazing experience meeting all of the new people in this project, and I feel privileged by knowing the amazing people who are already in my life.

There are still a few months left in the project but my mind is really starting to get concerned about "what's next!?"  For a moment, a very brief moment, I entertained the idea of a new challenge for next year.  I thought about the possibility of next year's challenge to be a picture of a different band every single night for an entire year.  I couldn't contain my excitement about this idea, and then reality set in and I realized what a huge, huge undertaking it would be. It would be an incredible and amazing challenge, but just not one I'm up for. Yet.  Can you even imagine?  It could be done, but I just don't think I'm the person for that job.  We'll see.

Thanks again to all of the subjects in this project and thank you for checking in on another week of this project. It's been an honor having you follow along and I can't thank you enough for your support.

Wishing you a Happy Easter!

See you next week!


365 Day People Picture Project - Week 35

Hello! Thank you for checking in on week 35 of The 365 Day People Picture Project!

If this is your first time stopping by, I've challenged myself to take a picture of a person every day for an entire year.  I had no idea how to even use a camera when I started this project and I had no real photography experience, other than a few snaps over the years with a point-and-shoot film camera.

The majority of the subjects in this project have been strangers, but also included are a few family, friends, and co-workers. The pictures are taken each day - I'm not stockpiling pictures for use at a later time.

The project has evolved slightly and I now ask a few questions of each subject. I ask the same questions of each subject.  Although the questions are the same, I've had wonderfully unique interactions with each and every person in this project.

I post the pictures daily to Instagram and if you'd like to follow along, my username is @missellanea.


Day 239 - Dwayne and Maple


I met Dwayne and Maple down at Esther Short Park in Vancouver.  I didn't realize when I stopped them that they were on a mission to meet up with their family at the playground, so I tried to be quick.  "My family," Dwayne said is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

I asked Dwayne if he had performed a recent act of kindness and he said that he had just given his neighbor's car a jump-start.   He also said, "Every day is an opportunity for an act of kindness when you have kids."

In my attempt to hurry our "interview" so that he could meet up with his kids, I flubbed my note-taking.  I asked Dwayne if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on-the-spot, and he replied that it would be to keep his family and his own self in good health. (I can't quote this, because this is my interpretation of my hastily written notes and my memory. I'm not sure which is more reliable in this case.) Dwayne said that he also likes a saying which hangs on the family's refrigerator.  He couldn't remember it exactly, but it says something along the lines of; "be kind, fairness, compassion, and love."

By this time, Dwayne was signaling to his family that he would be right over. I can imagine they must have been wondering if I were a persistent sales person and perhaps they were strategizing a rescue plan.  I asked Dwayne if there was something at which he would consider himself to be a success but I practically answered for him, "being a Dad," he agreed.  Dwayne said that he's constantly striving to be a better Dad, to be less self-centered and more compassionate.


Day  240 - Molly


Molly was just starting her Tabor workout and I had just finished mine.  Actually, I had finished quite some time before meeting Molly but I had been hanging out and waiting for a subject.  Several people had declined me that day and then it seemed like the park was empty for a while.  I used to get so disappointed when this would happen. Now when it happens, I actually get a little excited with anticipation because I know I'm going to meet someone extra special.  As soon as Molly pulled up, I knew she was the person I had been waiting for!

When I approached  Molly to ask if I could take her picture for the project, she seemed interested in the project but she reeeeeaaally didn't want to have her picture taken.    When a person doesn't seem to want to have their picture taken, I normally don't persist.  When I'm declined, I just thank them and walk away.  When I first started this challenge, I would leave feeling quite deflated but now it's no biggie.  However, for some reason, I just wouldn't walk away from Molly.  I persisted and encouraged her that she would make for a great subject.  I'm so glad I did! Once again, Molly did indeed turn out to be an extra special person.

The happiest thing happening in Molly's life right now is that she just returned to school for the first time in 30 years.  I jokingly asked Molly if she had any first-day-of-school nightmares and she laughed saying that it is easier to work than it is going back to school! School is a lot more challenging now.

When I asked Molly if she had recently performed an act of kindness, she told me that she had just re-connected with a friend with whom she had been out of touch for 20 years, and is now helping that friend cope and deal with his recent diagnosis of cancer.  Molly has fought, and is winning, her own battle with cancer.  She's able to say things to her friend that others can't say, because she's been there.  Molly is a nice and gentle person, but I can also feel her strength and straight-forwardness.  I can imagine that she is a source of great comfort and strength for her friend.

Molly's impromptu personal mission statement - "Be Curious.  Stay Open.  We're all going to be fine."   I'm happy Molly was open to being in the project.  She's a kind person and I'm glad we met.

I asked Molly if she could name something at which she considers herself to be a success and she replied, "I'm a good friend."  I have no doubt she is.

Meeting Molly was just another reminder that you never really know the battles one is dealing with in their life.  Wishing Molly and her friend good health and healing.


Day 241 - Roz


Roz was waiting at the bus stop and of course I approached him when his bus was only a  block and a half away.  We quickly snapped the picture and we only had time for one question. I asked Roz the happiest thing happening in his life and as he was about to board the bus he replied, "I'm going to marry my fiancé."


Day 242 - Rob


Rob was just arriving at Tabor as I was about to leave.

I asked Rob the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "I just finished making a ukulele!"  Now that he's made it, he's learning to play it as well.  I couldn't resist telling him about the time I saw a man driving down the street in a Prius and simultaneously playing a ukulele.  (True story! Yep, that's Portland!)

Rob's recent act of kindness is that he took a sick friend to get medical care and he now visits him while he's in the hospital.

I asked Rob if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one.  He replied, "stay strong and take care of each other."

When I asked Rob if there was something at which he would consider himself to be a success, he replied, "napping!"  Thanks, Rob.  I now have two things at which I would consider myself to be a success.

Rob is a DJ and you can check him out at Orographic on Soundcloud.


Day 243 - Tristin


This is Tristin. He and his dogs were starting their daily Tabor walk when I approached them.  Although I now love the challenge of trying to get a nice picture of dogs and their humans, I could just tell it wasn't going to happen that evening and didn't push it too hard.  Tristin later told me they do this walk every day.  I was definitely interrupting the dogs and their routine and I'm sure they wanted to get on with their park business. With a little more time and patience, I'm sure we could have got a decent picture of Tristin and both dogs, but I didn't want to slow them down any longer.


The happiest thing happening in Tristin's life is that his partner just returned from her trip to India.

When I asked Tristin if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on the spot, he decided on, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

I asked Tristin if there's something at which he would consider himself a success and he explained that he cuts old bottles and repurposes them to be glasses.  I was hoping he had a website or etsy shop where we could see his work, but right now he's just doing it for himself and friends.

Have you noticed how many men in this project have identified their relationship as being the happiest thing happening in their life?  I'm learning men are a lot more sensitive and sentimental than we give them credit for.


Day 244 - Annie


I had a hair appointment in NW Portland on Friday evening and I was looking forward to finding a subject afterward.   Most of the pictures in this project have been taken in the same few parts of town, and are of people I've met or run into during my typical day-to-day happenings.  It's fun when I'm able to explore and search for subjects in a different part of the city.

My hair stylist's shop is in a busy part of town but once again, the moment I stepped out in search of a subject, it's like the sidewalks cleared of all life and I was left there without any options.

I wandered around for a while and after being declined by a person, I decided to head back toward my car. On my way back, I spotted Annie.  Again, I was struck with the thought - oh, this is who I'm supposed to meet today!

Annie had all kinds of style happening but the two things that caught my eye were her metallic silver wedge booties and her hair.  When I approached Annie, it seemed like she had a lot on her mind and places she needed to go.  I asked if I could take her picture for the project but she was hesitant to agree.  I told her I was certain she would say yes because she's wearing metallic silver shoes.  I think that logic worked! If you're the kind of person who likes to wear metallic silver shoes, you're probably the kind of person who would be open to letting a complete stranger take your picture for her little project.

Annie is another one of my favorite pictures so far.  In addition to Annie being beautiful, the lighting was in our favor as it was early evening and the sun was setting.

I asked Annie the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she replied, "I'm happy I serve Jesus."

When I asked Annie if she had performed a recent act of kindness, she said yes but I had to inquire to learn more.  She explained that her friend was just diagnosed with cancer and Annie is going to take care of her friend's daughter.  I was saddened to hear of Annie's friend but imagined that her friend must find some relief in knowing her daughter is going to be loved and cared for.

Annie had difficulty finding a personal mission statement, saying that, "I'm just grateful."  I could tell she wanted to articulate that into something more, and together we sort of talked through things and agreed that "to live a life of gratitude," is just about one of the best mission statements one could have.

One thing at which Annie would consider herself to be a success is "teaching preschoolers the word of God."

I knew the very first picture I had taken of Annie was a "yes" picture, but I took a second just to be sure.   I will figure out how to articulate this into words for you, but for now, I can only say that it's been a rare but exciting and satisfying feeling when I know we made a good picture.   I'm not yet able to explain the feeling  when the subject and I are connecting.  If we're connected and in sync,  I'm somehow able to press the button just as the subject's internal light begins to flicker which is identifiable by the sparkle in a person's eyes.   If you can time it just right to catch a person's sparkle, I don't think it matters what camera you're using or what your experience is as a photographer,  it's going to be a beautiful picture.


Day 245 - Johnny


This is Johnny.  We met outside of the Portland Expo Center.  We had just gone through packet pick-up for the Race for the Roses which is on Sunday.

I knew immediately I had a challenge - caps make shadows, especially when the sun is shining.  It didn't matter.  Johnny's Rose Festival Cap is one of the first things I spotted on him, so I just went for it!  In this case, I'm ok with the shadow..  It makes me want to look a little deeper to get a better peek of Johnny's eyes.

The happiest thing happening in Johnny's life right now is that he's running two races, two weekends in a row!  Wow!  He's doing the Race for the Roses Half Marathon this weekend and then he's running another race next weekend too!

When I asked Johnny if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he replied, "I try to do something every day."  Johnny said that he likes to interact with people.  Johnny drives for a living and he jokingly said he hasn't flipped anyone off all year!  That's actually a pretty big accomplishment if we're all being honest.

I asked Johnny if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one.  He said he would borrow the quote, "Train. Race. Beer."

"I've been married for 12 years," Johnny replied, when I asked about one thing in which he would consider himself to be a success.

Wishing you good luck and fast times, Johnny!

Our take-aways from the subjects this week are:

  • Keep your family and self in good health.
  • Be kind. Fairness Compassion.  Love.
  • Be Curious.  Stay Open.  We're all going to be fine.
  • Stay strong and take care of each other.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  • Live a life of gratitude.
  • Train. Race. Beer.

Thank you for reading this right now!  If you've been a subject in this challenge - I can't thank you enough.  I appreciate you and I'm sure when we met, I didn't do an adequate job of showing you my appreciation.  Thank you for your time and for sharing yourself with us.  If you would like a copy of your picture, do drop me an e-mail and I'm happy to e-mail you back with your picture.

If it is your routine to read the weekly review on Sunday morning, I'll be doing a half-marathon as you're sipping your coffee and checking out the people for the week.  If only I could take my camera along on the marathon!  We'd really have some fun then!

Have you given it any more thought about a "Meet someone Monday" challenge  in the vein of "Throwback Thursday," -  where we could share pictures or stories of a stranger you met during the week?  This has been such an amazing and life-changing experience, I just want other people to experience it too!

Thanks again for your continued encouragement and for following along in this process.

Have a fabulous week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 34

Hello! We're inching closer to the finish line and I confess, I'm starting to feel a little sad about the thought of the project ending. Taking pictures and meeting new people each day has become such a huge part of my life, I can't imagine not doing it.  It's been strange that I keep hitting little roadblocks in the photography workshops I've intended to take.  Maybe it's a sign that I should continue for another year so that I can get some real instruction under my belt, and then I can really be able to improve on the quality of the pictures I can take.  Maybe this first year is just a little warm-up?  For now, I just need to concentrate on each and every day and not worry about what's to come. I will just enjoy this process each day.

This week is a first. You'll notice the pictures for the entire week are all Black & White.  Until now, I've forced myself to include color pictures each week.  For having basically zero photography experience, the first thing I noticed about myself and the process, is that I immediately developed a preference for Black and White.  Although I think I'm influenced by growing up in the 70's and 80's and the recall I have of my most favorite photographs being in black & white, it just seems like you can see people better when they're in black and white.  You can really see them. You can see their sparkle.


Day 232 - Scott


Scott had just finished a 15 mile run when I asked if I could take his picture.  I mean, he actually just finished.  Hardly even winded, he agreed.  Scott is training for the upcoming Timberline Marathon and an Ultra Marathon, the Mt. St. Helens Volcanic 50. Wow!

I asked Scott the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied that he's super happy about his son's new school.  They had made the decision to transfer him from his current school and into a new program and the switch has been working out for him.  Scott also finds happiness in running.

I asked Scott if he had recently performed an act of kindness. He replied, "I said 'hi' to a bunch of people on the trail."  I laughed and confirmed that he had said "hi" to us, every time he passed us by.

When I asked Scott if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one, he replied, "You're stronger than you think you are. You can do more than you think you can."  

I love the sentiment in this quote and it's pretty much the perfect motto for a runner.  Scott and I had a nice visit afterward about the mental aspect of completing a marathon.  One thing that I've found so interesting and beautiful about runners, especially one who has finished a marathon, is that they appreciate the efforts of anyone who has finished a marathon, regardless of their time or if they're a walker or runner. Scott is an Ultramarathoner but he didn't discount my accomplishment as a walker and having finished 4 marathons.   It really is a beautiful community!

Day 233 - Broc


This is Broc. The happiest thing happening in his life right now is his relationship.

I asked Broc if he had recently performed an act of kindness. He explained that his girlfriend's mother had just passed away and he went with her to support her during this sad time and will continue to support her in anyway he can.

I asked Broc if he had a personal mission statement, or if he could think of one on-the-spot, and he replied, "you get what you put into it."

I've been playing with a new question this week and it's actually proving to be difficult for people to answer.  I've enjoyed watching people as they search for an answer, and it's been priceless to see the look of satisfaction on their faces as they decide on the answer.  I asked Broc if he could name something at which he considers himself a success.  He replied, "music!"  Broc is a drummer, and also DJ's the weekly BassFace show at The Q Nightclub in Downtown Vancouver.

Day 234 - Ken, Bear, and Tiz


I first spotted Bear and Tiz playing at Mt. Tabor.  Concerned they may have been escape artists who had fled from their yard, I walked down to the grassy area where they were playing so that I could investigate.  Once I was closer, I also spotted Ken, their human.  Once I realized they were ok, I then decided to ask Ken if they would be in the project.

It was pretty funny.  Ken happily agreed to let me take his picture and then as we began to shoot, he then confessed he really doesn't like having his picture taken. At all. He said he gets all weird.  It was pretty evident that Ken went from being nice and easy-going, to looking as though he would have been less uncomfortable if he were at the dentist.  I could read the discomfort on his face and we weren't getting a happy picture.  I finally suggested we just go back to him playing with the dogs. Instead of trying to get a "portrait," I would just try for a fun picture of the dogs admiring him.  It was a fine enough idea, but by then, the dogs were finished being models and they just wanted to play more fetch!  I got this picture just in time!

I asked Ken the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he responded, "this!"  I'm absolutely positive if Bear and Tiz could talk, they would have agreed completely!  All three of them were having a blast!

I asked Ken if he's performed an act of kindness. He was having difficulty thinking of something specific, and then replied that he's "interested in other people's lives."  Although this isn't a specific act, I started thinking it is actually the entire foundation upon which kindness is built.  Being kind begins when we care about people other than ourselves.

When I asked Ken if he had a personal mission statement, he laughed and said that having a mission would go against everything he stands for.  He wants to "Roam the Earth."  We laughed and discussed the irony that his lack of a mission, "Roam the Earth," is indeed, actually his mission!

I asked Ken if he could name something at which he considers himself to be a success.  "I'm a successful bike commuter," he replied.  He rides daily, and he's also never had a serious accident.

Day 235 - Jessica and Minh


Jessica and Minh were running the stairs at Tabor.  I was concerned I was interrupting their work-out, but I think they were ok with an extended breather at the bottom of the stairs.

I asked Jessica and Minh about the happiest thing happening in their lives right now.  Jessica replied, "being young and relaxing."  Minh replied, "living life!"

Jessica's recent act of kindness is that she picked flowers for her Mom.  Minh's act of kindness is that he gave a stranger a ride home back when we had the big snow storm.

Jessica and Minh were both ready with an answer when I asked if they had a personal mission statement or if they could think of one. Jessica said, "helping people to integrate physical activity into their daily lives."   Minh replied, "inspired to inspire!"

When I asked the friends if there was something at which they considered themselves to be a success, Minh quickly responded, "I'm a good role model to my nieces and nephews."  The question was more challenging for Jessica.  She named several things she wanted to, or hoped to be successful in the future, but was stumped for something at which she was currently successful.  Wanting to help her out with some ideas, I said it could be something fun, "like being a successful chocolate chip cookie-maker".  I somehow randomly hit on something at which she does indeed consider herself to be successful!  Jessica replied, "I'm a good baker!"

Jessica and Minh, in my opinion, are both quite successful at being really nice people.

Day 236 - Juan


This is Juan from Plaid Pantry.  I've been saving Juan for a literal rainy day.  He's worked at the new Plaid Pantry for a while and I've known I wanted to ask him if he would be in the project, but I've delayed asking him.  Knowing there would be days which would be too rainy to look for a person outside, I've been reserving a few back-up people who I would be able to take their picture indoors.  It was pouring Thursday and I was in luck that Juan happened to be working.

I asked Juan about the happiest thing happening in his life an he replied, "my girlfriend and my music."

I asked Juan if he's performed an act of kindness and he replied, "yeah, hopefully."  He thought for a moment and then said that his buddy is going through a break-up so he's tried to be a friend and counsel him.

When I asked Juan if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on-the-spot, he said it could be summed up as "self-actualization."  He wasn't referring to self-actualization in the Maslow sort of way.  Juan said, "I want people to embrace who they are, and what they have."  Juan went on to explain how terribly shy he was before starting his job at Plaid Pantry. His first few shifts sounded like they were awful because he was painfully shy.  As time went on, he became more comfortable talking to customers and now he's able to easily and comfortably talk with anyone.  He said he had to first figure out who he was so that he could break through that barrier of shyness and interact with other people.  I found it pretty ironic that Juan and I, both painfully shy people and basically strangers to one another,  were sharing a meaningful conversation and taking pictures like old friends.  I guess we've both had breakthroughs.

I asked Juan if there's something at which he considers himself to be a success. He was having a hard time identifying something, so I prompted him by asking about his music.  He didn't consider it to be a success because he's not finished yet. He hasn't gotten to where he wants to be.  (Hmmm, that made me want to reconsider and redefine our meaning of success.  Why can't we be a success during the process? Isn't sometimes the process of becoming a "success," actually the true success?)  Juan decided that he's a success in that he's always working on something and he's been successful in his relationships. He's had one relationship since he was 16 years old.

Check out Juan's band, Hail the Artilect.

Day 237 - Ed


Ed was waiting for his friend to arrive when I approached him on the patio at Rontoms.  Ed was so nice and so interesting, I would have enjoyed hanging out with him a little while longer.

I asked Ed the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "I'm looking forward to summer."  (Of course everyone looks forward to summer, but I don't think people quite understand how much of a thing this is.  Summer and sunny weather in Portland is a very big deal!  Doing nothing on a summer day in Portland, is one of the greatest things you can do!)

When I asked Ed if he's performed a recent act of kindness, he said he tries to find an act of kindness to do each day.  Ed is another person whose life and profession is actually an act of kindness.  Ed supervises a community based, mental health crisis team.

I asked Ed if he had a personal mission statement or could think of one, and he was quick to answer, saying it's important to have a mission statement to help us in guiding our lives and knowing what we stand for.  I loved listening to Ed.  Ed's personal mission statement, "measure life in love."

Ed's mission statement is inspired by the musical, "Rent," and the song, "How do you measure the Life"  but it was his time working in an orphanage that helped him to solidify his mission and purpose in life.


When I asked Ed if he could identify something at which he considers himself a success, he replied, "I'm a good social worker."

After we were finished with the pictures, Ed asked if he could preview them. He pointed out his two favorites and told me he would prefer I posted one of those two pictures.  Ed was the most stylishly dressed man at Rontoms and although I loved the color of his sweater, I told him I intended to make his picture black and white.  I think Ed's picture is another one of my favorites.  Ed is model-like handsome, but what helped me to get a nice picture is that I was able to sit down at Ed's table and take my time.  Plus, I immediately felt at ease with Ed.

We talked about how we, people, don't talk with one another any more. I told him this project has caused me to wish for a movement similar to "throwback thursday" where instead of people posting a picture from their past, I dream of "meet someone monday" where we post a picture of a random stranger we befriend. I'm meeting so many amazing people whom I wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting had I not set out to do this project.

We finished just as Ed's friend arrived and Ed planned on asking his friend the same questions I had just asked him!

Day 238 - Jamie


This is Jamie, another master of the art of Mexican Mochas, from Ambiance Tan & Espresso.  

I asked Jamie about the happiest thing happening in her life and she replied, "my new job."  (Ambiance is Jamie's second job.)

Jamie's act of kindness is that she let a little fender bender slide and didn't report an accident in which a little old lady ran into her car.  Jamie said she was fine, uninjured, and the dent in her car wasn't worth the bother. She didn't want the woman's insurance rates to increase because of the tiny accident.

Jamie's personal mission statement is golden - "treat others the way you want to be treated."  

I loved Jamie's answer when I asked if there's something at which she considers herself to be a success. She replied, "learning how to control my control issues!"


Thank you to each and every person who has been a subject in this project!  Thank you for your kindness and your time, and for sharing your picture with all of us. (Please let me know if you'd like a copy of your picture and I'd be happy to e-mail you!)

Here's the summary of the personal mission statements of the subjects from this week:

  • "You're stronger than you think you are. You can do more than you think you can."  
  • "You get what you put into it."
  •  "Roam the Earth."
  • "Helping people to integrate physical activity into their daily lives."  
  • "Inspired to inspire!"
  • "Self-Actualization - I want people to embrace who they are, and what they have."
  • "Measure life in love."
  • "Treat others the way you want to be treated."  

Thank you for following along!

If you'd like to follow along each day, I post the post the pictures to Instagram daily. My username is @missellanea.

Wishing you a great week...and what do you think, should we start a "Meet Someone Monday"?

Thank you!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 33

Hello! Week 33 of The 365 Day People Picture Project is a wrap!

An interesting thing happened this week.  I ran into 4 random people who have already been subjects in this project!  One day, two separate and random subjects ended up at my work at the very same time!  It was a pretty weird feeling and also one that I loved.  This project has made my little world much smaller, or bigger, depending on how you look at it.  I'm starting to feel a whole new level of connectedness and it's been such a pleasure meeting new friends.  I'm meeting people whom I would have never had the opportunity to meet, had I not decided to just put myself out there and start talking to strangers.

Although I met some pretty awesome people this week ,and ran into a few people who I already knew were awesome, I could feel that I was having an off-week as far as the quality of the pictures I was taking.  Instead of feeling defeated and like I want to give up, I've simply decided to chalk it up to being "off" for some reason.  I'm not stressed. I know I can do better. If anything, I'm actually starting to feel a little bit of hope.  If I can tell and see that I was having an "off" week, then that means I had been making progress!  Yes!

Day 225 - Shanna


This is Shanna.  She was hanging out with a girlfriend at Esther Short Park when I ran into her.

Shanna and I had actually met about a year ago at the Couve Couture Fashion Show.  She's pretty unforgettable because, in addition to being beautiful, she's just soooo nice!  She was one of the models in the show.  Shanna is the type of person who just comes right up to you and starts a friendly conversation.  It was great running into her again!

Shanna is a massage therapist and if you're in need of a massage, you can check her out at Natural Body Works Massage, in Vancouver.  

I asked Shanna about the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she replied, "my beautiful husband and daughter, who I'm lucky to be a part of their lives."  Shanna's act of kindness is that she just recently volunteered to start mentoring a lady to be a massage therapist.

I asked Shanna if she had a personal mission statement or if she could think of one on the spot.  She replied, "to be involved with the community, to make this world and people more consciously aware of day-to-day life to live more fully."


Day 226 - Ed


This is Ed, of Ambiance Tan and Espresso.  He makes the best Mexican Mocha in all of Vancouver!  (Well, he and his Girlfriend are tied for the makers of the best Mexican Mochas in Vancouver.)

I asked Ed about the happiest thing happening in his life and he replied, "my relationship with my Girlfriend."

When I asked Ed if he's performed a recent act of kindness, he said that he bought milk and cookies for a little girl who had been in the shop. I also reminded him that the first time I came in, he had also given me a free coffee as well.   I joked that I didn't know if that was an act of kindness or a means to get me hooked! (which I am!)

Ed was quick to answer when I asked if he could think of a personal mission statement.  His personal mission statement, "do what you gotta do, to do what you want to do."


Day 227 - Natalie and Kate


Natalie (left) and Kate (right) were one of the few people at Mt. Tabor Park on Tuesday.  The rain kept most people away, so we practically had the park to ourselves.

The happiest thing happening in their lives right now:  Natalie, "I'm on spring break from engineering grad school." Kate, "I'm super excited to be healthy and able to enjoy the weather."

I asked Natalie and Kate if they had performed an act of kindness. Natalie helped a friend move, and Kate said that she was nice to somebody when she didn't have to be.  We talked about that a little more...how when somebody wrongs us, it's not easy to take the high road and let things go, but it's the right thing to do when we can do it.

Natalie and Kate were both quick with an answer when I asked if they had a personal mission statement or if they could think of one.  Natalie replied, "live in the moment."  Kate replied, "survive and thrive."

After we had taken the picture and I asked the "interview" questions, Natalie and Kate turned the tables on me and caught me completely off guard. They asked me a tough question and now I'm determined to work on the answer.  After asking a few questions about the project, they asked what I've learned, and what I've taken away from the project.  I could only think of two quick answers but I'm going to compile a list in order to write an entirely separate post when the project is finished.  After working on something for an entire year, this is something I must do and I'm thankful that Natalie and Kate made me realize that I need to start organizing my thoughts. I have a take-away nearly every single day, but I hadn't thought to sit down to actually articulate all that I've learned from this project.


Day 228 - Patrick and Polly


Patrick and Polly were taking a little walk at Mt. Tabor.

You've probably noticed by now that I've been spending a lot of time there lately.  My friend and I hit the Mt. Tabor stairs after work, as training for the Race for the Roses Half Marathon which is in a couple of weeks.  Although the location is the same, there are new and interesting people there every day.

I asked Patrick about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "a deeper relationship with myself."  When I asked if he had performed an act of kindness, he didn't give the specifics, but he said kindness is sort of his motto, so he thinks he's performed acts of kindness.  Patrick's impromptu personal mission statement, "to be true to myself and true to others."


Day 229 - The Long Family


This is Mr. and Mrs. Long and they had just finished their workout at Tabor when I asked if I could take their picture for the project. They are about the sweetest lovey-dovey couple you could meet!

I asked about the happiest thing happening in their lives right now and Mr. Long replied, "we're going on the right track in our relationship with God.  We put God first in everything we do."  Mrs. Long added to that, saying she's also happy about "weight loss, and our anniversary."  The Longs will celebrate their 1-year anniversary next week!  Before telling me how many years they had been married, they asked if I could guess. I totally called it! I guessed this would be their first anniversary because they were still acting like newlyweds.

The Long's recent act of kindness is that they had met a man who just really needed someone to talk and listen to him.  The man was in tears but they just listened to his story and now the man is going to attend Church with them on Sunday!

The Longs wanted to pass along information about an event happening at their Church, Highland Christian Center.  There's a not-to-be-missed play happening on Saturday, April 5th at 4pm.  


Day 230 - Frank and Jo Jo


This is Frank (left) and Jo Jo (right).  This was such an awkward shot, given our positions, but Frank and Jo Jo  agreed to let me take their picture for the project.

I asked about the happiest thing happening in their lives and Frank is happy about his March Madness Bracket. He's currently positioned to win about $800!  Jo Jo is happy that his sons are "becoming their own personalities and finding themselves."

I asked the men if they had performed an act of kindness. Frank assisted a disabled Vietnam Vet by opening doors for him and helping him to get into his car safely.  Jo Jo said that he bought a guy a beer and enjoyed his good conversation.

Both Frank and Jo Jo were  ready with a quick response when I asked if they had a personal mission statement or if they could think of one on the spot.  Frank replied, "it ain't bragging if you can do it!"  Jo Jo replied, "to be better today, than I was yesterday."


Day 231 - Cassandra, Norris, Nanuk and Cotton


Wow, do they make a great pack or what?  I had been sitting at the park for quite a while, looking for a subject. I was almost ready to give up and go elsewhere to find a subject but just then, I spotted Cassandra and her dogs.  I knew it was going to be tough to get a good picture of them all, but I just couldn't resist!

Cassandra walks all three dogs with the same ease and control as one would walk just a single  well-trained dog.  Although all three dogs were quite well-trained, they would have much rather been walking than sitting still for a picture.

The happiest thing happening in Cassandra's life right now, is that she and Cotton are training for him to be a therapy dog. (Cotton is the one closest to her, on her right.)  She's already taken the class and now Cotton is in the training program.  When I asked Cassandra if she's performed an act of kindness, she said that she couldn't think of anything but she likes to talk and listen to strangers.  I reminded her that she let me take her picture and that was an act of kindness, and also she and Cotton will soon be performing acts of kindness together.

When I asked Cassandra if she had, or could think of, a personal mission statement, she replied, "find your happiness."

Here's a summary of the personal mission statements from this week's subjects:

  • "To be involved with the community, to make this world and people more consciously aware of day to day life to live more fully."
  • "Do what you gotta do, to do what you want to do."
  • "Live in the moment."
  • "Survive and thrive."
  • "To be true to myself and true to others."
  • "It ain't bragging if you can do it!"
  •  "To be better today, than I was yesterday."
  • "Find your happiness."

That's it for week 33!

Thank you for spending another week with me and the project!

If you've been a subject in this project, I can't say enough how much I appreciate you!  Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to help me with this project! If you would like a copy of your picture, please don't hesitate to e-mail me and I'd be happy to e-mail it to you!

Thanks again!  Wishing you a great week and that you'll "find your happiness!"

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 32

Hello! Thank you for reading week 32 of the 365 Day People Picture Project.  It's been another week of both laughter and tears,  and meeting strangers who became friends.

If this is the first time you've stopped by, I'm taking a picture of a person every day for a year and sharing that process here.  Each picture is taken fresh daily.  If you'd like to follow along, I post each picture daily to Instagram.   My username is @missellanea and the project is tagged #365daypeoplepictureproject.

I got a new DSLR camera which sat for a few days because I was afraid to use it.  Then one day, I just picked it up and started taking pictures.  In attempt to learn photography, I challenged myself to take a picture of a person every day for a year. I still don't know how to use the camera properly but I study a little each day and keep trying to learn as I go. I was mistaken when I said this would be a photography project.  It has evolved into so much more, to the point where I can hardly even call it a photography challenge.  The focus has become the people who have opened themselves up and shared their lives with me. With us.

Day 218 - Dalin (left) and Mark (right)


Dalin and Mark had just been to the Vancouver Farmers Market and were hanging out in the park, enjoying the day.

I asked the happiest thing happening in their lives right now and Dalin said, "I'm getting to travel a lot."  Mark said, "my new job!"

When I ask people if they've performed an act of kindness, they sometimes respond that they haven't done anything and it's usually followed by a look of disappointment. Sometimes, it's like I can almost see them adding "perform an act of kindness," to their mental to-do list.   I'm sure everyone who has responded in this way, simply hasn't assigned any kindness-point value to the little things we do for our family and friends.  I'm interested in the kind things people do for one another, whether the acts are for random strangers, or the daily gestures we perform for people close to us.

Dalin's recent act of kindness is that he made breakfast for his roommate.  Mark's recent act of kindness is that he did his Sister's laundry!  I'm sure Dalin's roommate and Mark's sister would definitely score them highly in the acts-of-kindness category!

I asked Dalin and Mark if they had a personal mission statement or if they could think of something on the spot.  Dalin answered immediately, but he couldn't think of the quote word-for-word.  His personal mission statement is borrowed from the movie, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and it is the motto for Life Magazine.  I researched the actual quote:  “To see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to, to draw closer, to see and be amazed,”

Mark decided on:  "to be the best that you can be."  Dalin joked that Mark was using the Army's motto and we laughed when we pointed out the obvious difference in Mark's mission statement: "to be the best that you can be,"  versus the Army slogan: "be all that you can be."

Day 219 - Nomar


I met Nomar at Mt. Tabor Park.

"Grandkids and springtime," Nomar replied when I asked about the happiest things happening in his life right now.  I asked Nomar if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he replied, "all the time."  One act of kindness that he and his wife love to perform is to watch their grandkids for their children.

I asked Nomar if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one, and he replied, "to be a good citizen."

I ran into Nomar again the next day and we watched a man create giant bubbles, on the top of Mt. Tabor Park,  using a homemade bubble recipe and and a simple handheld bubble-maker.  Nomar said he does this for his grandchildren!  The kids in the park were having a nice enough time watching the giant bubbles but it was the adults who were completely mesmerized!  (Check out the video below.)


Day 220 - Dee (left) and Trae (right)


This is Dee and Trae.  They had just finished their stair work-out at Tabor when we met. Trae was starting to get noodle-legs when we were talking.  I confess, I spent more time watching the Bubble Man than I spent working out that day, so I wasn't feeling as noodle-y as these ladies.

I asked about the happiest things happening in their lives and Dee replied, "being alive!" Trae's response, "ditto!"

I asked if they've performed a recent act of kindness and Dee said that she serves at her church and she babysits.  Trae said she couldn't think of anything but knowing how brutal the stairs can be, by that time, she was thinking mainly of her tired legs.

When I asked if they have a personal mission statement or if they could think of one, Dee replied, "live life to the fullest."


Here's a short video of the Bubble Man on the top of Mt. Tabor.  (and the reason my legs were nowhere near as noodle-y as they should have been.)


Day 221  - Courtney


This is Courtney.  It was amazing watching her little light turn on when she was in front of the camera!  I didn't have to search for her sparkle, she's like glitter!

I asked Courtney about the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she replied, "I'm dating a new guy."

Courtney's act of kindness is that she's raising money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation.  There's a fundraising event at Mi Famiglia, in Oregon City, on May 6th.

When I asked Courtney if she had a personal mission statement, or if she could think of one, she replied, "be yourself and live life to the fullest."


Day 222 - Carlos Danger


Oh Carlos...what a character.

I had spotted a couple people standing outside of Sam's Billiards and beelined toward them for a block and a half so that I could reach them before they finished their smoke break.  I had tunnel vision and was heading straight for them.  I was so focused on those two people that I nearly missed Carlos as we passed each other in the crosswalk.  I don't know what prompted me to stop to ask Carlos if I could take his picture because I was only a few footsteps away from the intended targets, but I'm so glad I did.   I'm still laughing about our interaction.

Carlos agreed to let me take his picture before I had even finished giving my spiel. Within a matter of seconds, he was making ridiculous faces at me.  I'm not talking the obvious funny face, but subtle facial contortions that resulted in pictures which look like the most awful photographic timing ever.  I confess, the majority of the first pictures from this project look just like this, but it was an accident. Luckily, I would always end up with at least one usable picture.  I couldn't even believe what was happening!  We were complete strangers but within moments, his guard was down, he abandoned composure, and we were having fun. Well, perhaps Carlos is the type of person who doesn't have a guard...but whatever, I was having fun and I'm still laughing.  (I wonder how many family pictures Carlos has contaminated with his sneaky prolonged blink and his exaggerated mid-speech "pose.")

I asked Carlos the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "my family is visiting."  Carlos' recent act of kindness is that he made breakfast for his wife and gave her a ride to work.

Carlos thought for a while when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or could think of one on the spot.  I could tell that he knew what he wanted to say, but he was in the process of assembling his words mentally.  He decided on, "exploring the world and creating good things."

I asked Carlos what he creates.  He explained that he's a writer.  By profession, he writes code, but his passion is writing.  He wants his legacy to be his writing.  I was hoping he had a blog so that we could read his writings but when I asked if he had anything he could share, he rolled up his sleeves to reveal that he was wearing two braces for severe tendonitis. He said that his work is boxed up and in his closet.  His personal writing has been back-burnered in order to continue working professionally, but he's optimistic he will heal and be able to write again soon.

After we were finished with our "interview," Carlos asked me if I would consider being on T.V.  Uttt-oh, who is this Carlos and why is he asking me this, I was thinking.  He explained that his friends have a cable access program and this project fits with the type of interviews they do.  I didn't completely decline, but the thought of giving an interview is completely intimidating and terrifying to me. My close friends think the reason I started this project is so that I never have to be in front of the camera, and yes, as challenging as it has been, I prefer the position of being behind the camera. I told Carlos I was afraid that I wouldn't have anything important to say, but I would consider it.  I told my friend about the opportunity and how awfully intimidating it sounded but my friend shut me down.  He fed it to me straight, saying, "you sort of owe it to these people."  He's right.  By time this project is finished, 365 people will have opened themselves up and shared a glimpse of their lives with me, with us, and if the time comes when I need to do the same, then I need to set aside my personal discomfort and hesitation and just go for it.


As we were saying goodbye, Carlos basically insisted that I "use the good pictures," meaning, the silly ones.  I absolutely do not want to use these but Carlos made his expectations pretty clear.


Day 223 - Shayna (left) and Trisha (right)


These beautiful ladies are Shayna and Trisha. I didn't know when I asked if I could take their picture, that they were also going to leave a permanent impression in my heart.  Within seconds, I wished this were a video project because I knew I would be unable to convey  the love and wisdom they were sharing.  They are truly beautiful.

The happiest thing happening in their lives right now:  For Shayna, "every moment that I'm with my wife because I don't know how much time is left."  For Trisha, "my daughter and my wife. I live for them every day."

Trisha was recently diagnosed with cancer. Trisha and Shayna are preparing to go to battle and they've armed themselves with love, hope and optimism.  You can feel the undercurrent of fear and uncertainty, but every time the undercurrent makes itself known, Trisha and Shayna grip tightly to their flotation device made of love, strength, and optimism and it keeps them from being pulled under and drowning in fear.

They told me of their marriage, their love, their daughter and their new little niece. To hear them talk, they would seem to be the happiest people in the world. Ironically, it is their preparation to battle cancer which has given them perspective on their lives and their happiness, and it has reminded them not take even one moment for granted.

Trisha was in a pretty serious accident at work. She's still recovering from the accident and walks with a cane. They've managed to find a silver lining even in the horrible accident. It was Trisha's accident which led to the discovery of cancer.  Were it not for the accident, who knows how much time would have passed, or had been lost, before being diagnosed.  The cancer was caught in time to be treatable, but even though they're optimistic, they're realistic and aware there are no guarantees.  Quietly woven into all of the words of optimism and strength, Trisha said in a voice just barely louder than a whisper, that she has her life in order and it gives her some peace knowing that things will be taken care of.

I was tempted to skip the "acts of kindness" question because it felt so inappropriate to ask someone who is battling for her life, if she's performed an act of kindness for another.  My gut told me it was ok to ask these two women.  Shayna and Trisha told me that they had recently given a homeless woman $2, and upon realizing the woman was going to use the money to buy food for her dog, they proceeded to go to Red Robin and buy her dinner.  When they returned to the woman, dinner in hand, they dug some more and ended up giving her every cent they had.  (over $20.)  My heart was both broken and filled to learn that these two who are dealing with a serious life altering, potentially life-ending crisis, managed to give absolutely every cent they had on them in order to help another human being who was fighting her own battle of where her next meal would come from.  Shayna and Trisha are love.

I asked the women if they had a personal mission statement or could think of something on the spot.  Again, it felt inappropriate to ask because they had already shared so much wisdom and strength, of which I can't even articulate and share with you.  They were both prepared with quotes which they've adopted as their personal mission statements. Shayna replied, "be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle."

Trisha told me that she had actually just had her statement tattooed on her body!  She replied, "don't let your scars define who you are."


Trisha's Grandma, who is also battling cancer, got the same ribbon-heart tattoo.  They said a tattoo is something their Grandmother would have never done, but she did so in solidarity.  They said that Grandma fell asleep during her tattoo!  I laughed and said Grandma must be one tough bird!

Shayna and Trisha are scared, but strong.  They have a lot of love and a strong support system and they're going to live each moment to the fullest.

As I was "developing" the picture to share with you, I experimented with some softening and knew immediately that it was all wrong.  These are women who don't need blurred or softening.  These are two women who are most beautiful when you see every detail with 100% sharpened clarity.  Every piercing, puncture, tattoo, scar, smile, freckle, and tear, is beautiful.  They don't need retouching or softening on the outside because they are beautiful on the inside and nothing could make them any more beautiful than they already are.

Day 225 - Brett and Bree


Brett and Bree are runners who I met at the head of my favorite trail.

The happiest thing happening in their lives right now is that they're changing their way of life by eating healthy, diet and nutrition, and working out.  They're also in the process of becoming official members of their church.

I asked if they had recently performed an act of kindness and Bree said that she had recently baked a huge batch of 60 brownies to take to her church which feeds homeless people once a week.  After realizing the church feeds over a hundred homeless people a week, she's going to continue baking even more so that she can contribute to the effort to feed people.  Bree said she felt funny talking about acts of kindness she's performed,  sort of like it's not really right to tell people about them.  I agreed and said that's kind of how I felt, or what I learned as well, but then I changed my mind and I'm hoping that by sharing other people's acts of kindness, maybe more people will be inspired to perform their own acts of kindness.  I think Bree felt ok with my explanation and justification that it's ok for us to tell others about our acts of kindness if our intentions are to help inspire others to do the same.

I asked Brett and Bree if they had a personal mission statement or if they could think of one on the spot. Bree said they have actually been discussing a family mission statement but they hadn't quite yet solidified one, but their working mission statement is:  "to put God first in everything you do and all the decisions you make."


Once again, the subjects from this week have left us with some pretty powerful personal mission statements:

  • “To see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to, to draw closer, to see and be amazed.”
  • "To be the best that you can be."
  • "To be a good citizen."
  • "Live life to the fullest."
  •  "Be yourself and live life to the fullest."
  • "Exploring the world and creating good things."
  •  "Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle."
  • "Don't let your scars define who you are."
  • "To put God first in everything you do and all the decisions you make."

If you've been a subject this project, thank you.  Thank you for making this happen. I may have to refer back to my journal to remember each person's name, but I will never, ever, forget you.  Shayna and Trisha, wishing you the best of luck and success and praying for strength and healing.

Thank you for reading and  for following along on this journey!

See you next week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 30

Hello! We're finished with week 30 of The 365 Day People Picture Project!

If it seems like this week is a short read, it's not your imagination.  Most of the interactions with the people from this week, were quite brief.  I think the rain is the reason.

Day 204 - Troy


This is Troy.  I met him and his co-worker at the store.

This has been one of my favorite pictures so far!

I asked Troy about the happiest thing happening in his life and he responded, "the connection I'm getting with my kids, especially my 11 year old daughter."

Troy's life is now an act of kindness.  He's 5 months into a career change, making the move from carpentry and into social work.  He's now working with CPS and although it seems like a drastic switch, Troy explained the common traits needed for both fields of work; intense work ethic, honesty, integrity, ethics.

Day 205 - Anonymous Guy in the Parking Lot


I asked Anonymous Guy in the Parking Lot about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied,  "I just got a new job!"

When I asked if he's performed a recent act of kindness, he said he does just "normal stuff", such as "buying drinks for friends."

He politely declined the challenge to think of a personal mission statement.

Day 206 - Mike


"I just retired," Mike said, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

I haven't seen Mike in a few years, but he was a cook at one of our favorite hang-outs, Sam's Billiards.  I was so happy to run into him outside of Sam's.  Had we not run into each other, I'm not sure when I would have had the opportunity to see him again, given that he's now retired.  Mike was always so nice to me and my friends/co-workers.  He had a genuine interest in us, and our lives.

I asked Mike if he's performed an act of kindness and at first he couldn't think of anything. Knowing Mike, I was sure he had done something, so I pushed a little harder.  He then said that he gives money to street people. Given the neighborhood, I suspect this could have been nearly a daily occurrence for Mike when he was working.

It was kind of an odd question to ask someone who was on their first official week of retirement, but I went ahead and asked if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one. Mike replied, "to enjoy life and enjoy retirement!"  (May you enjoy both, Mike!)


Day 207 - Anonymous Guy on the Sidewalk


I had a lucky day on Wednesday.  It was just beginning to rain when I went out to look for a subject and I was hoping I could find someone quickly.  As soon as I parked my car, I ran into this guy.

When I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life, he replied, "my girlfriend."  He was having trouble thinking of a recent act of kindness and I could tell he was disappointed.  When I asked if he had a personal mission statement, again, he seemed like he was disappointed that he didn't have one prepared.  It was like I had sprung a pop quiz on material that he intended to study, but stopped just shy of reading.

Anonymous Guy on the Sidewalk then asked a few questions about the project, and how I went about selecting subjects. I explained that there have been a few times when I get to choose from a group of people, but most often I just get lucky and take a picture of the first person I see, like I had with him.


Day 208 - Geert


Thursday was our first trek back up to Mt. Tabor Park after having taken the winter off from the stairs.  When we arrived, I asked separate people if I could take their picture, but I was declined both times.  Although it still stings when I get declined, I make a much quicker recovery than I used to, and I no longer feel like giving up the whole project just because somebody tells me no.

We finished our stair work-out and it was starting to get dark.  I was beginning to feel the pressure to find a subject before dark and just then, we spotted Geert.  Geert was riding his bike up the hill when I stopped him.  I mean, I really "stopped" him.  When we were finished, the poor guy had to go back down the hill and then peddle back up to gain enough speed to make it up the hill!  He was so nice, he wasn't even annoyed!

"Bike riding," Geert replied, when I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life right now. Geert's recent act of kindness is donating blood.

Geert has been the first person to have a prepared personal mission statement.  He said it's been his personal mission statement for some time.  The ease with which he declared it, made it obvious that it truly is something he lives by:  "To enjoy life while leaving enough behind for future generations."  Geert works in energy conservation, so even his profession is in line with his personal mission statement.


Day 209 - Ceci


I met Ceci near the bus stop. She was sitting at a patio table and she looked so content just sitting there.  We had a few hours of spring-like sunshine on Friday and she appeared to be soaking in the last few minutes of it's warmth.  After she agreed to be in the project, I sat down at the picnic table with her in order to take her picture.  It felt like we were a couple of friends just hanging out on a patio.

I asked Ceci about the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she replied, "just living."

Ceci was having trouble thinking of a recent act of kindness but she was such a sweet girl, I have a feeling she thought of several after I had left.

I asked Ceci if she has a personal mission statement and she replied with the quote, which was first introduced to her by her high school math teacher, "it's not the destination, it's the journey."


Day 210- Dad and Son


The park at the head of my favorite trail was empty when Kacey and I finished our walk this morning, but I could see people down at the boat ramp.  I made my way down to the ramp and asked these two if I could take their picture.  They were packing it in for the day and I assumed they were some of the fishermen we had seen out on the lake during our walk.

I asked about the happiest thing happening in their lives right now and the Dad replied, "I'm going to be a grandpa."  (Not the son's baby.)  The son replied, "being with family and friends."

I asked if they've performed a recent act of kindness and the son replied, "every day."  I asked for an example and he said, "I bought Girl Scout Cookies!"  We laughed and I'm now thinking I can justify my purchase of Girl Scout Cookies as performing an act of kindness!

I asked if either of them had a personal mission statement or could make something up, and the father shared one of his favorite quotes, "the only risks you regret are the ones you didn't take."


If you've been a subject in this project, thank you!  Please don't hesitate to e-mail me if you'd like a copy of your picture.  I appreciate your kindness and sharing a little bit of yourself with us.

Thank you for reading and following along in this project!  I know how valuable your time is and I'm so honored you're taking little time out of your life and share in this project.

The time change is feeling a little brutal this morning, but I'm pretty excited about the extra hour in the evening, which will be spent at the park doing the stairs, and searching for subjects for this project!

Wishing you a great day and a happy week!

Thank you!


365 Day People Picture Project - Week 29

Thank you for checking in on week 29 of The 365 Day People Picture Project! I've had something on my to-do list since attending The Blogcademy last spring.  Actually, I have hundreds of things on my to-do list, but this is one thing that is extremely important and it's something that requires only time and consideration, so it's something I should have completed ages ago.  The Blogcademy places huge importance on developing your own personal manifesto and personal mission statement and in doing so, you develop or define your own personal brand.  This has been gnawing at me for months and then I came across this article on Fast Company, "Personal Mission Statements of 5 Famous CEOS (and why you should write one too)"

Prior to reading this, I had reached a complete block in trying to come up with a concise explanation of the person I want to strive to become.  By the time I finished reading the article, I had defined my own personal mission statement.  What had caused me months of stress, was completed in a matter of moments, simply because I read the personal mission statement of others.  Upon reading the article, my personal mission statement came to me in one effortless flash.

I was inspired by the article to find out if other people have already developed their own personal mission statement, and if they don't already have one, could they fumble through the process and think of something on the spot?   I'm excited to learn about the personal mission statements of famous CEO's, but even more exited to hear about the personal mission statements of the random people we encounter in a day!  I introduced this new question mid-week and I'm taken aback by the answers.  Of the 4 people I asked, no one was prepared with a canned response, but everyone genuinely made an effort to come up with an answer.  I imagine that after our interaction, it's possible they then went on to expand, or refine, the answers they had given. I was amazed and impressed with how each person was able to come up with a personal mission statement (or mantra)  in a matter of minutes, or at least a very good working start to one.

Day 197 - T.J. and Cameo


T.J. and I were both in tears and hugging within about 5 minutes of meeting each other.

I met T.J. and Cameo at the park at my favorite trail.  I approached her to ask if I could take her picture and she agreed.  We finished the pictures and when I asked T.J. about the happiest thing happening in her life right now, I could see that she was holding back tears.  When someone is feeling strong emotions, I get emotional too, even if I don't know why.  There we stood, two complete strangers, sharing a connection and both struggling to fight back our tears.

T.J.'s tears were actually happy tears.  She felt it was a sign that God is looking out for her because I had approached her and asked her about the happiest thing happening in her life right now. The question forced her to realize that she does have happiness in her life, even though she's currently working through a painful loss.  "I'm beginning to see the glimmer of my new life, and I'm finding out who I am," T.J. replied.

T.J. and I continued to visit for a while longer. She told me about her situation, and I just wanted to listen.  We had been placed in each others lives at that particular moment, because it was something we both needed.  T.J. was a dear and sweet woman and I won't share any more of our interaction, but I loved that as we were saying good-bye, she quoted one of my all-time favorite movies:

"...beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up, and it will."  - Birdee Pruitt, Hope Floats


Day 198 - James


This is James, of the band, The Foolhardy.

We met at the Plaid Pantry convenience store.  After he finished his purchase, I asked if I could take his picture for the project and he agreed.

"Making music," is the happiest thing happening in James' life right now.

I asked James if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he said that he had arranged a benefit concert to raise money for a friend who is sick.


Day 199 - Toni


Toni's awesome style caught my attention from all the way down the street!  If I were better skilled, I would have taken a picture to show you the fabulous leopard print tights she was wearing with her skirt!

I asked Toni about the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she replied, "my passion for The Beatles."

Toni is a hair stylist at Escapade and one of her acts of kindness is that she gives free or discounted services to people who need it.  She also gives money to homeless people on the street corners.


Day 200 - Glen


We're entering the busy season at work and I've been nervous knowing there are going to be some days which are going to be extremely difficult to find a subject.  Wednesday was one of those days.  I had to attend a meeting for one of the events for which the company where I work is the souvenir merchandise supplier.  I felt a little ridiculous dragging a garment rack, which was stuffed full of apparel, through the sports bar and into the banquet room where the meeting was to be held.  Glen instantly made me feel at ease when he offered to help by moving a few chairs out of my way and opening the heavy doors into the banquet room.  He also wanted to know what the occasion was.  After I set up for the meeting, I then went back out to take a picture for the project.

I was able to catch Glen right before he started his next game of pool.  The happiest thing happening in Glen's life right now, is that he's in the process of opening a pool hall, West Coast Billiards.

When I asked Glen if he's performed an act of kindness, he looked to a friend to help him think of an example.  According to his friend, Glen is pretty much one of the nicest guys you could meet.  I could tell that from the moment I walked in the door! He stopped his game of pool just to come help me!

I introduced the new question to Glen.  I asked if he had a personal mission statement, and if not, could he think of one on the spot.  Glen didn't hesitate in coming up with his personal mission statement. He thought out loud for a moment, saying that he "wants to put others before himself," and then decided on his personal mission statement; "To be there for others."


Day 201 - Jason


This is Jason.

We met in the parking lot just as I had just parked my car to go in search of a subject. It was a lucky day since a great subject just happened to be parked right next to me!

My first impression of Jason was that he's outgoing, nice, happy, friendly and quite personable.  He is all of those things, but after talking with Jason for a while, he shared that he can be on the introverted side, so it takes effort for him to stay connected with others.   In just a few moments, I felt like I was catching up with an old friend instead of a complete stranger.  I shared with him that I felt the same way - it's much easier for me to be alone and retreat to my own mind, than it is to be with others, even though I love other people.  I admired Jason's understanding of himself.  He realizes that he's an upbeat and happy person, and that he needs to stay connected with other people to share that with others.  I was touched that two strangers, who both admittedly have to work to stay connected with other people, were able to make a connection in a parking lot and talk about our quirks with one another.

I asked Jason about the happiest thing happening in his life and he said he has a story telling performance on Monday!  You can learn more about StorySlam at the Moth website.  This sounds like something I would love to check out!

I asked Jason if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he was having trouble thinking of something recent, but instead, he told me about a fun little random act of randomness that he performs every few weeks.  Jason collects little figurines and then plants a small collection of them in unexpected places around the city!  Now, in addition to looking for subjects, I'm also going to be on the lookout for Jason's little planted figurines!

I asked Jason if he had a personal mission statement, and if not, could he try to think of one at that moment.  I love that both Jason and Glen worked through their thoughts to come up with something on the spot!  Jason decided on: "to be nicer than I normally am, so that others can be nicer than they normally are."

Good luck on your performance, Jason!


Day 202 - Nelson


I spotted Nelson from down the block and had to hurry to catch up to him.  Actually, I spotted Nelson's shirt! It was perfect and whoever was wearing that shirt, needed to be in the project. His shirt was darker than lavender, but lighter than purple, and I knew that whoever was wearing that shirt, would most likely be inclined to let me take their picture. I was right!

One of my Instagram friends said that I seem to have a knack for finding people with pretty eyes.  Since I'm often chasing a person down from behind, without any idea of what they look like, I've decided that Portland is just full of beautiful-eyed people!

Jason only had a moment to spare so we had to be quick.  I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "watching my son grow up."

When I asked if he had recently performed an act of kindness, he said that he had given $10 to a person selling "Street Roots"  (Street Roots is a newspaper which is sold by homeless people. They keep a percentage of the $1 sale price.)

I also asked Nelson if he had a personal mission statement. He actually appreciated the exercise!  His mission statement; "I believe in the power of people helping people."


Day 203 - Alisa


My friend Kacey and I had just finished 14 miles in the wind and the rain.  At around 13 miles, I told her how badly I was hoping we could find a subject at the end of the trail, because my body was pretty much finished for the day!  We reached the end of the trail and ran right into Alisa!  (one of the few other people who were out in the rain and wind.)

Alisa is training for the Boston Marathon. She's running the McKenzie River Half Marathon on the 23rd of this month, and then next stop, BOSTON!

I asked Alisa the happiest thing happening in her life, and she said that she has lots of them. She has a cute little grandson and she's happy she and her family are healthy. (Alisa was on the mend from an injury and it's so challenging to simultaneously rest/heal an injury, and keep up with a different form of training.  She managed to work through it and now she's feeling confident and well.  She looks strong!)

I asked Alisa if she's performed a recent act of kindness and she told me about a fun little tradition she has. She likes to pay for the car behind her when she crosses the Bridge of the Gods toll bridge.  She also recently invited a friend over for dinner, whose husband was out of town.

Alisa and I spent time talking about the parallels of running and life, and how training for marathons relates to life in general. The battles one faces in training and in an actual race, are like magnified and intensified versions of the struggles we face in life. I asked Alisa if she had a personal mission statement and she felt she has more of a mantra; "to be in the present."

In running, just as in life, she explained that you can't look too far ahead, and you certainly can't look too far behind in the past.  You have to be focused on where you are at that moment.  She explained that even if that moment is a trying, there comes a point when you reach homeostasis and you're able to work through that moment (or mile) and then you're onto the next.  Alisa also explained that perspective is important to her.  If a situation isn't ideal, she changes her perspective of the situation.  I love this!  We all know this, but for me, it has taken this project for me to fully grasp the concept.  If I'm trying to take a picture and it's just not working out, sometimes all I have to do is change "perspective."  I move a little to the left or to the right, or maybe try from a little higher or a little lower.  If we can't actually change a situation, we can certainly re-frame things and change our perspective and reaction to it.

I love talking with Boston caliber runners!  I'm *just* a walker but we share some of the same challenges, and we all share the same challenges in the Boston Marathon of life.  Alisa's mantra is a strategy we can all use in our daily marathon of life - be in the present, and consider our perspective.

I'm feeling confident that Kenny (from last week) is going to qualify for Boston, and now we're going to have two people to cheer on in April!

Good luck, Alisa!  We're rooting for you!

If you've been a subject in this project, thank you for sharing yourself with us and for letting me take your picture.

Thank you for reading!  In case you're wondering, the personal mission statement that I've decided on:  "I want to inspire ordinary people to do extraordinary things."

What about you? What's your personal mission statement?

Thank you again for sharing in this project!  Have a great week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 28

Hi! We're finished with week 28 of the 365 Day People Picture Project!  This has been one of my favorite weeks because of all of the kind people I met who agreed to be subjects in this project.  This week has been a whole lot of fun with some really nice people!


Day 190 - Johnny B., Naomi, Matt and Dick


This is (from left to right) Johnny B., Naomi, Matt, and Dick.  I met them outside of the Ink Travelers Tattoo Convention, in Vancouver.

I had been rejected a few times down at the park and remembered the Tattoo Convention was happening right down the street, at the Red Lion Hotel.  I figured the show would have been winding down at that time, but hoped I'd still be able to find people in the parking lot.

It's still really hard for me to take a group photo because I always end up with at least one person who is blown-out or out of focus.  I still love this picture though, but that's because I really liked this group of people.

I asked each of them if they've performed an act of kindness and Dick was the first to respond.  As Dick was packing up for the show, he noticed a homeless person standing outside his shop. It was cold and the man wasn't wearing a jacket,  so Dick gave the man a hoody from his shop.  (I didn't find out the name of Dick's shop, but I think he's from the Seattle area)

Johnny B. recently had a close call as a pedestrian, when he was nearly hit by a car.  The woman driving the car was extremely upset that she had nearly hit Johnny B., and instead of giving her a dirty look or getting upset with her, he gave her a Namaste-like gesture and said "have a good day."

Naomi said that she hadn't performed a recent act of kindness because she had been home sick the past two weeks. I asked if she had been on the receiving end of kindness during her sick time at home.  She was actually the recipient of Matt's act of kindness.  Matt had taken her out to eat when she wasn't feeling well enough to cook.


Day 191 - Anonymous Man and Anonymous Dog


I met these two while they were out for a little stroll.  This was a pretty funny encounter.  The dog was so excitable, nobody would sit still for a picture.  If the dog was "posed," the man wasn't, and vice versa.  We were having fun though!

I asked the man if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he replied, "every day."  He tries to do something daily and he gives both money and his time to organizations that are important to him.  Most recently, was a donation to the food bank.  The dog is actually a rescue who was found in a horse stall. He's been with their family for 5 years.

I asked the happiest thing happening in his life and he replied, "being alive."  (one of my favorite answers!)


Day 192 - Geoffrey


This is Geoffrey Hiller.  I didn't know him before this day, but after talking with him and learning of his work, I'm honored that he let me take his picture and that he's a part of this project.

I couldn't find any parking in my normal spots so I had to park illegally in the lot belonging to an antique mall.  I feel guilty when I do this and I know I'm risking a tow, but I'm so glad I was having an unlucky parking day and was forced to park in that spot.  As soon as I got out and headed down the sidewalk to search for a subject, I spotted Geoffrey, talking to another man. I could see that he had a camera and knowing that a person with a camera will always let me take their picture, I knew I was in for a quick and "easy" day. I was mistaken.

I approached Geoffrey and the other gentleman and asked Geoffrey if I could take his picture for my picture project.  I didn't even give my spiel before Geoffrey agreed and said, "sure!"  I then asked the other man if they were together, and if he would like to be in the picture.  The other man declined and then went on to tell me all about Geoffrey and give me an introduction to his work.   The man went on to explain that Geoffrey is a well known documentary photographer who has traveled the world. He told me that Geoffrey is a Fulbright Scholar and his work has been in magazines.  Utt oh, what have I got myself into, I was thinking.

Although I had become intimidated and somewhat embarrassed that I had approached a professional, and quite accomplished, photographer, Geoffrey and the other man were so nice and friendly, I  forced myself to get over feeling awkward and embarrassed.  However, I had interrupted an important conversation and felt pretty awful about that.  Geoffrey and the man finished their conversation and said their good-byes, and then I was able to snap a few pictures.

Geoffrey asked several questions about the project and although I tried to answer, I felt like it really didn't matter what I said.  Geoffrey "got" me.  He understands why a person would want to take a picture of a person every day for a year. I think he was just helping me to identify my motivation.

Geoffrey directed me to direct him.  Had the man not told me anything about Geoffrey, I would have been a lot less nervous but as it was, I felt like whatever I did, it was going to be wrong.  Geoffrey let me do my thing and then he suggested another spot on the other side of the building, and for me to take the next pictures without a flash.  It's funny, just those two simple changes resulted in a picture a hundred times better than the ones I had taken before his suggestions!  A few quick pointers from a professional and I was already making progress!

I explained to Geoffrey that I normally ask a couple questions, but after overhearing his conversation with the man, the questions felt inappropriate.  Geoffrey insisted it was ok, and to ask the questions.

"My Wife," Geoffrey replied, when I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life.

I asked if he's performed a recent act of kindness and that's when he explained a little more of the conversation I had overheard.  Geoffrey was to fly out to New York the following day, to see his Sister-in-Law, who was nearing the end of her battle with breast cancer.  Geoffrey's Brother passed away a few years ago and Geoffrey wanted to make the trip not only for his Sister-in-Law, but to also be there for his Nephews.

Geoffrey was so nice and so helpful. I appreciated that he gave me some of his time, especially when he probably really wanted to get some pictures of his own while we still had a little of the magic hour, and I'm sure he needed to prepare for his trip.  Between interrupting his conversation, talking about happy times and then not-so-happy times, we were on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but our shared love of photography was grounding.  I asked Geoffrey his recommendation on a prime lens as I had become paralyzed in making a decision between a 35mm and 50mm.  Geoffrey said that he loves and prefers a 35mm.   I could even see the flicker in Geoffrey's eyes as he talked about his appreciation for a 35mm. Geoffrey is a documentary photographer and his love is photographing people. I value his input.  The one slight challenge with a 35mm, is that I'll need to get comfortable with getting up close and personal in people's space, when I want to take a portrait.   Geoffrey loves that part!

In our brief encounter, Geoffrey pushed me harder in a few minutes than I've pushed myself the past 6 months.  He asked me what editing program I use.  Being that he's old enough to have shot on actual film and has worked pre-digital,  I thought he might have an appreciation and understanding, perhaps even defend, my somewhat "purist" approach to editing.  I explained to him that I don't really do much to edit my pictures and that I do minor adjustments in iPhoto and and an app from the App store. (Obviously, I do experiment occasionally, using the programs I do have.)  I told him that I've been considering Lightroom,  but hadn't yet made the investment.

Geoffrey pushed.  He explained how important it is to use an editing program if I want to improve my pictures.  I realized in that moment, my "purist" approach has simply been an excuse and I've really just been scared and intimidated to learn something new. I haven't even learned how to use my camera properly, so the added fear of  having to learn Lightroom or Photoshop has simply been too overwhelming to me.  Turns out, I'm not "purist," I'm just someone who has been too scared to learn!  Geoffrey helped me make another decision.  He assured me that Lightroom is everything I could want and need.  This was helpful as I've felt I should consider photoshop, but watching the designers in the art department where I work, has always intimidated me.  Lightroom is a little more beginner-friendly.  Geoffrey helped me to remind myself that with the evolution of digital photography, a successful image is not simply "captured," it is created.  A photographer creates an image not only in the way they compose a shot, but also in the way they edit the picture in post.  Editing a picture is definitely not "cheating," it is now as much a part of the art and the creation of a good image, as is proper composition and lighting.

As soon as I went home that night, I downloaded a trial version of Lightroom, after first spending some time on Geoffrey's websites. I encourage you to check out the links below to see Geoffrey's amazing work and the work of other documentary photographers that Geoffrey features on Verve Photo.   Geoffrey has several websites and you could get lost for hours in each of them.

Geoffrey's main site is:  hillerphoto.com

His work is powerful, and some of the images may move you to tears. You can learn more about his work and his life here.

Geoffrey is also the curator of: Verve Photo

Verve Photo is a gallery in which Geoffrey features other Documentary Photographers.

Intense and moving, is Geoffrey's work in Burma:  Burma, Grace under Pressure 

Who I thought was going to be an "easy" subject for the day, turned out to be someone who has pushed me and inspired me to be better.  I had no idea when saw him on the street, that I was about to meet a world renowned photographer who would generously give of his time, and that our interaction could prove to be life-changing.

He just looked like a nice man to me - I did call that one right!

I love the irony that I had the opportunity to document the documentary photographer, and it was all because I was having a bad-luck parking day.


Day 193 - Misty


This beautiful girl is Misty and the picture doesn't even do her justice.

It was pouring rain and I needed fuel, in the form of coffee, before heading out to find a subject.  Thanks to a driver who wouldn't let me change lanes when I needed to, I found myself back in the old neighborhood where I worked when I first moved to Portland.  Remembering that the first coffee shop I ever visited in Portland was close to there, I decided to head in for the best Mexican Mocha in town.

Not only did I get my much needed coffee drink, but I also met Misty and asked if I could take her picture.

I asked Misty about the happiest thing happening in her life and she replied, "I just got my new place today!"  She's moving soon!   When I asked if she has performed a recent act of kindness, she said that she had given up her seat on the bus so that a group of little kids could sit together.

Day 194 - Jill and Bernie


I love this picture!  Bernie is looking at me like he's had it with the paparazzi!  I look at his little face and I hear, "whatcu talkin' 'bout Willis?"  He was actually sweet and friendly, but I think I tested his patience with me when I asked Jill if we could get a picture of the both of them.

I was still smiling from having just run into Charles, from day 11, when I met Jill and Bernie, who had just finished their walk.  I asked Jill about the happiest thing happening in her life and she said, "I'm just about to go on vacation!"  I asked Jill if she has performed a recent act of kindness and she said that she volunteers for an arts education program.

I also learned that Jill is a jewelry designer!  I love her work and have already spotted a piece on her Facebook page that I need! Yes, need!  You can check out her work on her website, Lolabelle Designs, but do also check out her Facebook page as it looks like you'll find even more pictures of her creations there.


Day 195 - Anonymous Man at the Bus Stop


This is a man who was waiting for the bus.  I think this is one of my favorite pictures so far, because of the different colors and textures in the background, the angle at which we were both positioned in relation to the background wall, and even the angle of our differing heights.

Anonymous man spoke with an accent, although his english was perfect.  When I first approached him and he he expressed his hesitation to let me take his picture, I was worried we might have a language barrier. After talking with him, I realized language was not a barrier - he was just a little skeptical and cautious of my desire to take his picture.  He agreed, but I like how you can see in his picture that he's a nice man, but still detect that he's a little curious as to why I would be taking his picture.

I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life and he said, "I'm going home to California."

His bus arrived and I thanked him for letting me take his picture.


Day 196 - Kenny


This is Kenny.  He's another runner from my favorite trail. Kacey and I had just finished our walk when I spotted him.  I took off after him, knowing I would never catch him if he started running, but luckily he was still warming up.

I love this little trail - I've seen Kenny several times and I'm sure we've exchanged the obligatory  "g'mornin," per runner/walker etiquette, but it was nice to be able to say hello.

Kenny is training for the Newport Marathon in May, with the hopes of qualifying for Boston!  He did the Portland Marathon in October and his time was just 5 minutes over qualifying for Boston. The Boston Marathon isn't something he had really considered, but when his time was so close in Portland, he made the decision to go for it!  He said the training plan is hard and intense and he's doing a lot of speed, tempo and hill work, which isn't what he's been used to.  I'm going to be rooting for him!  Five minutes might seem like nothing, spread out over 26.2 miles, but to erase those 5 minutes from the clock takes intense training, guts and grit.

I've seen him run - I'm confident he's got this!

I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "the support of my family."

When I asked Kenny if he's performed a recent act of kindness, he hesitantly replied, "yes," but didn't elaborate. I asked if he wanted to share and he said it's kind of weird and wasn't sure if it's an act of kindness.  He then went on to explain that his upstairs neighbor had accidentally closed the door behind her and locked herself out of her place with her 8 month old baby inside.  (it may have been grand baby, I failed in my note-taking.)  The infant was up and about and alone and she was worried something would happen.  She went to Kenny for help and they called 911.  They determined the quickest and most efficient plan would be for Kenny to just break in.  Kenny broke through, by taking a hammer to the door knob, and saved the day!  He was right - one wouldn't normally think "breaking and entering" would be an act of kindness, but in this case, he really saved the day!

We're all cheering for you, Kenny! Good luck!


If you've been a subject in this project - thank you!  You're the happiest thing happening in my life right now and I appreciate your act of kindness in letting me take your picture.  I keep forgetting to mention, if you've been a subject and would like a copy of your picture, please do e-mail me!

Thank you for following along with me on this journey.  You're pushing me to stick with it and I love and appreciate your support and encouragement!

Wishing you a great week!

Thank you!




365 Day People Picture Project - Week 27

Thank you for checking in on week 27 of the 365 Day People Picture Project! If this is the first time you've stopped by, I've challenged myself to take a picture of a person every day for a year.  The pictures are taken each day - I'm not stockpiling pictures for use at a later time.  I've never taken a photography class and I still don't know how to use my camera properly, but I'm excited about an upcoming photography workshop that I'll join next month!  Maybe now, we'll be able to see some improvement.

The majority of the people in this project have been strangers that I've met walking down the sidewalk, or in my day-to-day life.  Also included are friends, family and few co-workers.   The interactions I've had with each subject has varied from about 45 seconds, to a few minutes.  (With the exception of my friends and aquaintences.)

Given my schedule and commute, I'm unable to spend hours looking for a particular "type" of person.  Sometimes I take a picture of the very first person I see after I leave work.  Although I would love to be able to wander Downtown Portland, looking for interesting characters, I've grown to appreciate the added pressure of the time constraints.  It's been both challenging and thrilling to try to capture someone's picture before their bus comes to take them away. One other huge benefit of not being able to seek out a person with a particular look, is that I've been able to realize that every person we meet has their own unique sparkle.

I post the daily picture to instagram, and then post a summary of the week here on the blog.  If you'd like to follow along, my instragram username is @missellanea.

Day 183 - Chuck


We were still in the midst of "snowpocalypse 2014" on Sunday and the options for a subject were going to be extremely limited.  I thought back to the rules I had set for this project and recalled that I hadn't said that I wouldn't repeat the same person twice.  If we weren't going to leave the house during the snow storm,  I considered taking another picture of my husband.  He suggested that I should take a picture of our our dog, Tabor.  I had to remind him that although he's our baby, he's not human, and technically not eligible to be a solo subject in the 365 Day People Picture Project.

As home-improvement-project-luck should have it, we were forced to leave the house for yet another trip to Lowe's, and on the way home, we made a quick stop at the store for gas and groceries.

Chuck was getting gas on the other side of the pump from me.  He didn't seem at all annoyed or confused when I asked if I could take his picture for the project. Our interaction was short and efficient.  I asked Chuck about the happiest thing happening in his life right now, and he replied, "my grandkids."  Chuck wasn't a talkative fella, and when I asked if he's performed an act of kindness, he simply replied, "not that I'm aware of."

Chuck has beautiful ice blue eyes!  I've been fascinated by Chuck's picture.  Is it just me, or  does it seem like it would be impossible to guess Chuck's age, were it not for his silvery beard?

Day 184 - Erin


The snow and the freezing rain had finally stopped, and we started to thaw out from the storm on Monday.  The streets and sidewalks were now at the icy-slushy stage.  After work, I carefully made my way to one of my go-to spots for subject-finding.  I don't think I've specifically explained this area or this process.  I simply park my car and walk around until I encounter a person.  Sometimes there are several people from which I can choose.  Other days, I have to ask the first and only person I encounter.   I think the storm put a chill on people's mood, because I got rejected three times that day, before finally bumping into Erin.

It still hurts my feelings when I get rejected.  I had to remind myself that whenever I've been rejected, I end up meeting someone extra special and I've always been glad, in the end, to have been rejected. Erin was that extra special kind of person.

I asked Erin about the happiest thing happening in her life right now, "I'm going on a trip to Vancouver," she replied.  We both laughed when she clarified, "Vancouver, Canada, not Vancouver, Washington."

Erin is an attorney and when I asked if she had performed a recent act of kindness, she said that she had just taken on a client's case, pro bono.  I was a little surprised when Erin questioned if that counted.  An attorney who helps someone who doesn't have the means to pay for for their services, is performing a huge act of kindness.

I also asked Erin what she would like to do with her life, if money were no object or no limitation, "travel," she replied.

Day 185 - Patsy


This is Patsy.  I met him walking down the sidewalk.

When I asked Patsy the "happiest thing happening in your life" question, I was shocked by his answer. I'm sure it was harmless, especially considering what a nice guy he is.  But, I'm still not going to say it.  After our "interview," I asked him if there's anything else he wanted to say instead of the answer he had given me. He wondered why I wanted him to change his answer.  I explained that it could be perceived as a little concerning, but he insisted that it's something that was making him happy.  I finally came out with it and said that his answer just kind of scared me a little, to which he replied, "well, that's what you get when you ask a stranger if you can take their picture!"  He said it jokingly, and I didn't feel at all threatened by him.  I could tell he has a good heart, but I just don't want anyone who is reading this to get the wrong idea about him - so I'm just going to keep his answer to myself.

When I asked Patsy if he had performed a recent act of kindness, he said that he had just shoveled the driveway and sidewalk of his 87 year old neighbor.  He had also transported his co-workers to and from work during the snow storm.

I asked Patsy what he would be doing with his life if money were no concern.  "I'd be home taking care of my brother with M.S.," he replied.


Day 186 - Mercedes


I met Mercedes when she was waiting at the bus stop.  She was wearing her headphones so I had to try hard to get her attention.  It's such a delicate balance trying to flail your hands and arms with just enough effort to catch people's attention, but not so much as to freak them out by the sight of, you know, a crazy lady flailing her hands and arms.

I asked Mercedes about the happiest thing happening in her life and she replied, "I just got a new job!"  She has one week left at her old job and then she's moving on to her new job which she'll be able to provide a lot of help and service to those who need it.

Mercedes' recent act of kindness is that she had just given money to a woman in the grocery store who ended up being a few dollars short on her purchase.  Mercedes paid the difference.

I asked Mercedes what she would be doing with her life if money were no concern.  She wants to "aid people in any way possible".  She would also like to backpack.  We both day-dreamed for a brief moment on what it would be like to be able to travel with a backpack full of money and be able to help whoever needed it.  Although our interaction was brief, I was touched by Mercedes' kind-hearted nature, and how much she's driven to do good in this world.  There have been several people in this project who have left a deep impression on my heart and mind.  Mercedes is one of those people. I wish her well and hope that she's successful in her journey to help people.

Mercedes is a beautiful girl but I was having a hard time capturing it.  (Due to my lack of knowledge and skill.)  I had already made up my mind that I wanted to show her in black & white, so I was focused on getting a shot that would be suitable for black & white.  I didn't think about it at the time, but I've now had trouble getting a picture with 2 other people in that very same spot.  In my mind, it's a perfect spot for a night photo.  I like how the light from window of the business we're standing next to shines on the person, and how the headlights from the approaching cars in the background gives the feel that we're on pause as the rest of the world is hurriedly passing us by.  However, that perfect shot exists only in my mind. I think the degree of difficulty in getting a good shot in that spot, exceeds my capabilities at this point.

When I got home that evening to prepare Mercedes' picture for instagram, I got a pleasant surprise.  I haven't appreciated sepia until I started this project. This project has made me realize that it takes a special kind of image to look nice in sepia.   As I was preparing Mercedes' picture, I discovered that she's a person who looks nice in sepia!  I actually have an edited version  of this picture that I was tempted to share with you but I couldn't make up my mind if I had successfully experimented in a more artistic look, or if I had just completely blown it. It is basically an exaggerated version of this picture.   The other version is a stronger vignette, with the majority of the photo dark, except for the glow from Mercedes' face, almost as if  she were being lit by candlelight or some sort of up-lighting.  If she were a singer, I could imagine the photo as an album cover.  However, because I don't consider myself creative or artistic, I just couldn't trust my assessment of the image as being artistic.

Day 187 - Ben


This is Ben.  I saw him sitting outside at Starbucks and told myself that if he was still sitting there after I parked my car and made it back across the busy street to where he was sitting, then I would ask him if I could take his picture.

I asked Ben the happiest thing happening in his life and he quickly responded, "my wife."

When I asked Ben if he had performed a recent act of kindness, he was having trouble thinking of something. Normally, I don't push, but since I had learned that this was "Random Acts of Kindness Week," I wanted to have something to share.  After thinking about it, Ben explained that his boss really needed help with something.  Ben trudged into work, during the snowstorm, on a Saturday, to help his boss with the issue.

After talking with Ben for a while, I learned that he also makes short films.  You can see his work at mercerlunden.com.  When I asked Ben what he would be doing with his life if money were no concern or limitation, he said that he would be making films, growing a garden, and watching T.V.  We laughed when I said that he's already living the dream!  Well, I'm not sure if he's growing a garden or not, but it sounds like he's close.

I watched a few of the films on the website.  Given the nature of this project, I was particularlly struck by this short film, "A Picture of My Parents."



Day 188 - Kathy


This is my dear friend, Kathy.  We've been friends for 30+ years.  We met in the 3rd grade, when our schools competed against each other in track.  If I remember correctly, Kathy approached me at a track meet as we were waiting in line to throw the shot put.  We were friends from that instant.  Since we went to different schools, we would see each other only when our schools competed in track and basketball.  We ended up both going to the same junior high and high school, and that solidified our friendship forever.

Kathy and her family are in town for her daughter's dance competition.  Her daughter had her first solo dance competition on Friday afternoon, and I was able to leave work for a while in order to attend. I was so glad to be able to see this special occasion. It feels like just a few years ago that Kathy was pregnant. It didn't even seem possible that her daughter was the beautiful young woman up there on the stage, dancing so gracefully.  I cried the whole time.

After her daughter's performance, I was able to give Kathy and her family a proper hello and exchange hugs.  Our other friend, Shannon from week 8, was also able to attend.  We had a mini-reunion in the hall of the convention center!

After we visited for a while, it was time for Kathy and her family to go settle into their hotel, but I wanted to take her picture before they departed.  Technically, I hadn't even asked Kathy if I could take her picture for the project.  I just assumed that Kathy would assume that, of course,  she would be the person of the day! When you've been friends as long as we have, those sorts of conversations don't even need to be had.  Although we never exchanged the actual words, I think we both probably had the conversation in our minds.  Now that I'm thinking about it, I still don't think I "asked" her, I think I said something like... "ok, it's time to take your picture for the project."

We got a nice picture with the very first snap, but I continued to take a few more and then snapped a few of Kathy and her family.  I did a quick review and although we got a nice picture, it was rather corporate headshot-looking. It wasn't quite what I wanted for her.  I then asked Kathy if we could take a few more and I told her that she had to be laughing. It doesn't take much to make Kathy laugh, and as soon as I said the words, we both cracked up! Kathy's family was behind the scenes, also laughing, and they made it easy  for me to catch Kathy doing what she does best - laugh!

Kathy and I have known each other for more than half our lives.  We're the best of friends,  but it took looking through a viewfinder for me to really see my friend for the first time.  I mean, I've known all of these things for years, but I was actually seeing it for the first time. I was seeing her. Before me was my friend of 30+ years and I'm realizing that Kathy is always happy! She's always laughing! She's had me laughing the whole time I've known her.  Teachers and coaches and people in authority have "shhhhhhed" us for laughing more times than I can count! Through the viewfinder, I could see my childhood friend who is now a beautiful wife and mother.  I could see a woman who chooses happiness over stress or anger and if she finds herself in a tense situation, she infuses it with her laughter and you can't help but to feel happy when you're around her.  I've known it subconsciously all along, but it wasn't until I was trying to capture her sparkle that I realized Kathy is always full of happiness and laughter and the most beautiful thing about her, is that she's contagious!  She spreads it everywhere she goes!

In the viewfinder, I could see both my teenage friend and sometimes co-conspirator, and also  the woman who has become loving wife and mother.  I could see the woman who set aside her love of sports such as volleyball, basketball, track, and softball, in order to encourage and support her daughter, whose love is dance.  I could see the teenage girl who could always make me laugh, and I could see the woman who still continues to do so.  Through the viewfinder, I could see my beautiful friend and her beautiful heart.

"My family," Kathy said, is the happiest thing happening in her life right now.  When I asked Kathy if she's recently performed an act of kindness, she was a bit slow to answer but her mom, Linda, answered for her. Kathy cared for her grandma (cleaned house and cooked her meals) when her Grandma came home from the hospital and was in the process of transitioning into a care facility.  Kathy tried to dismiss this as an act of kindness, saying this is just what you do for family.

I asked Kathy what she would be doing with her life if money were no object and she said that she and her daughter have dreamed of being able to build a school for a community in a country that wasn't able to build one themselves.

Day 189 - Linda


Linda is Kathy's Mom.  I headed down for the second day of dance competition and to take a picture of one of Kathy's other family members.   Linda was the "volunteer."

Kathy and I were so close growing up that Linda was one more set of motherly eyes looking after me, and my mom was one more set of motherly eyes, keeping any eye out for Kathy. It was pretty difficult for us to ever get into too much trouble, considering we had a network of loving and protective moms who seemed to know every move we made.

I love Linda, because she's Kathy's mom and because she was a loving and caring mom, she was one more woman who was a help to my own mom.   Our moms were extensions of one another and it's like they had this secret pact to keep a loving and watchful eye out for one another's children.  They were a gang! One mom's turf was uptown, another mom's turf was downtown, another mom's turf was across town.   Yep, that's it.  They were a gang of loving mothers who were determined to keep us safe.

When I asked Linda about the happiest thing happening in her life, she said, "being with my children and my grandchildren, and my lil' dog, she makes me happy."  I asked Linda if she's performed a recent act of kindness and she said that when she visits her mother in her care facility, she also spends time visiting with the other elders who don't have family or friends.

If you've been a subject in this project - thank you for letting me take your picture and share it here.  A very special thanks to my two VIP subjects this week, Kathy and Linda.  I love you.

Thank you for following along!

Have a big week!


365 Day People Picture Project - Week 26

Hello! Thank you for checking in on week 26 of the 365 Day People Picture Project! Have you realized, we're basically half-way through the project?  (Technically,  182.5 is the half-way point.)  I constantly relate my life's experiences to the stages in completing a marathon.  It helps me to trudge through, no matter how difficult things may seem.  We're at 13.1 miles - now the hard work is about to begin!

So far in this project, I'm feeling like I didn't "train" hard enough for the marathon. I've not improved in my photography skills.  I'm making small progress in learning how to compose a "street portrait," but I've made zero progress on the technical side of camera operation.  Basically, it's like I set out to do a marathon with no training, other than a good pair of running shoes.    But, it is also my outsider naivety of photography that has enabled me to make it this far.  I'm discovering that many real photographers, often professionals, have a horrible fear of the thought of approaching a stranger on the street.  Because I didn't know any better, I just went out and did it!  It's funny, had I known what I was doing when it came to photography, there's no way I would have even started this project.  I had no idea what I was doing, and because of that, I'm doing it! Are there things in your life that you would have never done, had you known what you were about to do?

My delay to join a photography class until after the actual Portland Marathon last year, caused me several more months of being on my own.  I learned that most of the photography classes in the area are offered spring through late summer/early fall.  I missed my window of opportunity.  It was a great coincidence yesterday when I received an e-mail from a photographer, telling me when his next Portland workshop is scheduled.  This e-mail came  on the very same day that we hit the half-way point. It's all going to work out.  I'll keep my head on during these next few months and hopefully we'll be able to look back and observe a change or improvement in the quality of the pictures in this project.

Day 176 - Mary


This is Mary, owner of the Muddy Paws DIY Doggy Spa.  (I call it the doggy spa - it's actually a do-it-yourself dog washing facility and it is such a great place! It's a hundred times easier bathing your dog at a DIY dog washing place, than it is at home.)

It's been a while since my dog and I have been in, and I've been meaning to go back. I figured I'd have a better time taking someone's picture without my dog in tow, so I didn't tell him I was going to the dog spa.  My dog loves people, but he's really not much of a "dog person."   I was nervous for my dog the first time we went there, thinking he might have a hard time with a lot of other dogs around, but Mary helped settle us both down and my dog loved it!  We need to go back soon, so I wanted to pop in to say hi,  find out the least-busy time to go in, and also take advantage of the opportunity and ask Mary to be in the picture project.

The happiest thing happening in Mary's life right now is that she's getting married in June!  Congratulations!  I asked Mary if she's performed a recent act of kindness and she told me about a runner who was in recently with her injured dog.  The runner was on her last training run before a marathon, and her running buddy (her dog) had injured his paw.  (Muddy Paws is close to a popular running/bike trail.) The runner didn't know what to do since she was out on her run and didn't have a cell phone.  She remembered Muddy Paws, so she took her dog to the "spa" and Mary and her team performed a little paw first aid (at no charge), let the runner use the phone, and hang out until her husband could come pick up the dog.  The runner was then on her way to finish her last run before the marathon.  This is actually pretty huge. The runner would have been fine, but I totally understand that if she didn't get to finish her last run, it would have messed with her psychologically.

I wanted to ask a dog-related question to see if Mary had any great advice for us but the only thing that came to mind, was if she had any tricks to trimming your dog's nails.  She joked, "yes, bring them here, when Jessica is working!"  She then said the key to being able to trim your dog's nails is that they have to be comfortable having their paws handled.  It's best to start when they're puppies, but get them accustomed to having their paws handled and then trimming will be much easier.

Day 177 - Mark


I was wandering around looking for a subject when I met Mark.  It was freezing this day and I was so relieved when he agreed to let me take his picture.  Yes, you know by now that if it's a picture of a furry Portland guy, wearing a Carhartt jacket,  I'm completely compelled to present it to you in black & white.

Mark is the Race Director for the Portland Adult Soapbox Derby.  This is a huge event in Portland and although it's lots of fun, the amount of effort that goes into designing the race cars, and the potential for bodily harm, are both quite serious.  The event happens at Mt. Tabor Park, which is were I met several of the earlier subjects in this project.  As soon as the sun returns, Mt. Tabor will again be one of my go-to places to find subjects.  If you've ever considered racing, be sure to check out the new site:  soapboxracer.com and remember, the deadline for registering is tax day!

I asked Mark about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he said, "steelhead season is coming."

178 - Kenneth


I spotted Kenneth as he was headed to the bus stop.  Once again, I had to chase after him for little ways, but I had to persist. It was so cold out, there were few people and few potential subjects for the day.  I'm always afraid someone is going to turn around as I'm "chasing" after them.  How embarrassing!

I asked Kenneth about the happiest thing happening in his life and he responded, "my 4 year old boy."

After I had taken Kenneth's picture, someone stopped me to ask if he was running for office.


Day 179 - Theresa


This is Theresa, at I Heart Retro.

I've seen Theresa a few other times  when I've been looking for subjects. I usually see her right after I've taken someone's picture for the day.  I finally decided I was going to check out I Heart Retro, and I was glad when I saw that Theresa was working.  Although Theresa was so nice and agreed to let me take her picture, she then started to re-consider because she said she felt tired, looked tired, and wasn't wearing any make-up.  She looks beautiful, even if she may not have been feeling it.

Theresa was stumped when I asked about the happiest thing happening in her life. She was having trouble thinking of an answer.  To ease the pressure, I told her that one guy answered "doughnuts," and another guy answered, "my cat."   After hearing this, she then immediately answered, "my cat - he's a good little kitty!"

I asked Theresa if she's performed an act of kindness and she told me that she recently purchased food for a homeless guy and his dog.

Day 180 - Jennifer


This is Jennifer, from Lowe's.

It started snowing in Portland/Vancouver on Thursday.  Snow is pretty rare for the area and when it happens, it's a pretty big deal.  The city nearly shuts down.  I was hoping to get a great picture of Jennifer out in the parking lot which was covered in a layer of fresh snow.  However, that was the first picture I had taken in the snow and it didn't turn out at all like I wanted.  Luckily, we had taken a back-up.

Jennifer is joining the Navy soon!  She's taking the test in March and she'll be leaving shortly after she passes the test.  When I asked about the happiest thing happening in her life, Jennifer replied, "being around family and friends."

I asked Jennifer if she's recently performed an act of kindness.  Jennifer explained that she gave her extra Taco Bell to a homeless couple  who hang out near there.  It's an odd coincidence that this particular homeless couple, and their dog, has been the recipient of the good deeds of at least two or three people in this project.

Good luck in the Navy, Jennifer!


Day 181 - Kyle, Eddie and Robert (from left to right)


I met Kyle, Eddie and Robert as they were walking in the snow storm.  They had just come from the grocery store.

When I asked Robert about the happiest thing happening in his life, he explained that they were on their way to get some food and then go home to watch "The Big Lebowski."  The happiest thing happening in Kyle and Eddie's life right now - Kyle is happy Eddie had flown in from New Jersey, and Eddie was happy he was on vacation.   It's pretty clear that these three guys were enjoying their snow day!  (I was really wishing I had a 35mm lens to better capture the guys amidst the snow storm!)

I asked if any of them had recently performed an act of kindness and they said that Eddie had just helped a lady at the grocery store.  She couldn't reach the half-and-half, so Eddie got it for her.  This was just the most recent example but Kyle said they try to do something all the time.

When I asked the guys if they had anything they would like to promote, they said, "good times," and "world peace."  Kyle then told me that Trial and Physical Challenge were putting on a show at Branx which was to occur yesterday.  The show is to benefit Team Aiden.   The show was cancelled due to the snow, but it will be rescheduled.  You can keep an eye on their Facebook page for the announcement of the new date.


Day 182 - Jose


This is Jose and he's also from Lowe's.  This week could have been entirely dedicated to Lowe's employees.  I think my husband has been there nearly 100 times in the past week and a half, and I've been there at least 20 times.   In addition to Jose and Jennifer, we could possibly end up with a few more Lowe's people next week...we're not even close to finishing our "little" project.

It was almost closing time when I met Jose in the parking lot. He was bringing in the carts from the freezing rain.  It was a mess, but Jose was happily working away and then he was nice enough to let me take his picture.

I asked Jose about the happiest thing happening in his life right now and his news was pretty exciting. He's saved enough money from his job at Lowe's to start college!  Classes start on Monday!

Jose also told me about his personal story, one which I won't share because I think it was "off the record."  I'm so glad he shared though. It made me realize what a great company Lowe's is and that they treat their employees well. That would explain why they provide the most helpful and friendliest customer service of all home improvement stores.  It makes the fact that we're going over budget in our little project a lot less painful, knowing that we're shopping at such a great company.

I didn't ask Jose if he's performed a recent act of kindness because I didn't want to keep him out in the snow and freezing rain.  I suspect he would have had an answer though, because he was a pretty nice and helpful guy. (Good luck, Jose!)

Thank you for following along!  We're half-way there!  If you've been a subject in this project, thank you for letting me take your picture!  This project couldn't exist without you!

I've spent so much time at Lowe's this week, it seems appropriate to close the week with their slogan -

"Never Stop Improving!"

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 25

Thank you for checking in on week 25 of The 365 Day People Picture Project! For those of you who are visiting for the first time, I've challenged myself to take a picture of a person every day for an entire year.  Usually, right about now, I would tell you that I'm not a photographer.  However, I've stopped saying that because I've concluded that it was an excuse for me not to improve. Instead I'll now explain to you that I just got my first DSLR when I started this blog a little over a year ago and I simply didn't know how to use it. I still don't know how to use it properly, but here we are...25 weeks into the challenge.

Given that this is my own self-imposed project, the only real rule I made for myself is that I don't stockpile pictures.  Each picture is taken fresh daily.  The majority of the people in this project have been strangers, but also included are friends, family, and a few co-workers.

To keep me on track and accountable, I Instagram each picture daily and then do a review of the week, here on the blog.  If you'd like to follow along, my Instagram and Twitter username is @missellanea.

Thank you for checking in!

Day 169 - Jax and his Human


I met Jax and his human at Esther Short Park in Downtown Vancouver, Washington.  They were going for a walk and I suspect Jax was also on the lookout for squirrels!

When I asked Jax's human about the happiest thing happening in his life, he replied, "my family."


I asked Jax's human if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he said he works with kids, so every day is sort of an act of kindness, whether it's being there to listen to them or joking and laughing with them.

Day 170 - Brent


This week has been extremely busy and filled with many late nights.  My fuel after work - COFFEE!

When I asked Brent about the happiest thing happening in his life, he replied, "I just got a nephew."  He's enjoying spending time with both his new nephew, and his niece.

I asked Brent if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he wasn't sure if it counted, but he said that he had purchased a baby shower gift for a co-worker.  I'm sure this definitely qualifies as an act of kindness and the expected mother would confirm!


Day 171 - Chris


This is Chris at Plaid Pantry. We've had nearly every single Plaid Pantry employee who works the evening shift at the two stores I frequent, which are on my commute home.  Guess what?  A new store just opened which is also on one of my routes home.  This means more subjects!

Chris is full of personality!  When I leave his store, my mood is definitely lifted.  The first time I stopped at the new store, I pulled into the parking lot and when I looked inside the window, it looked like Chris was dancing.  As I paid for my purchase, I asked, "did I just catch you dancing?" He laughed and confirmed that he was indeed, dancing!  I liked him from that moment on.

When I asked Chris about the happiest thing happening in his life, he replied, "a woman named Angie."  (His girlfriend.)  I asked if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he said, "of course, every single day!"

Chris and I visited , since there were no customers, and as I was leaving, he said goodbye with a handshake and a hug.

A few days after taking this picture, I went in his store and noticed he sounded differently when he greeted me.  He explained, "I'm speaking in an accent today."  Then he continued in his accent throughout the transaction and I was on my way.  If life isn't interesting at a given moment, Chris makes it so!


Day 172 - Sharon


Sharon saved us from having a men-only week!  I like to have a balance between men and women, but it has actually been quite a challenge to find women subjects.  It seems like I see three times as many men when I'm looking for subjects. When I do find a woman, I often just let her pass by if she looks unapproachable for whatever reason.  I don't want to interrupt their space if they look like they're on a mission.  This project has given me an entirely new perspective and appreciation for people who are in the dating game.  I actually feel sorry for guys now.  It must take a lot of courage for them to work up the confidence to approach a woman, because I think we often appear to be on a mission or deep in thought, which could come across as being unapproachable.

Although I passed Sharon on the sidewalk and she was walking quickly to her destination, she gave off a nice vibe so I quietly asked, "hi, could I take your picture for my picture project?"  She kept walking past me a few steps and when my question registered, she turned back around and looked interested. (well, I don't know if she was interested, but she didn't look annoyed with me!)  I explained the project and she hopped right on board!

Ironically, she told me that she had just taken the picture of a random stranger walking down the street.  She works in fashion, so she does this quite often!  I asked if she asks people if she can take their picture, or if she does so stealthily.  She's stealth-like!.  (It's kind of fun to think that you could be walking down the street and serving as inspiration to someone.)

It turned out that Sharon works for a company, Looptworks, which is both a customer and vendor of the company where I work.  Looptworks is one of my favorite Portland businesses.  I love their products and their entire philosophy of up-cycling.


Day 173 - Sean


This is Sean.  It's been ages since I've seen him, but I've known Sean for several years. He works at an old favorite happy hour destination of my co-workers. I spotted him outside on break as I was wandering the streets looking for a subject.  Nothing like having your break interrupted by someone who wants to take your picture! I was happy to say hello, and happy he obliged in letting me take his picture.

I asked Sean about the happiest thing happening in his life and he replied, "my four children."

Day 174 - Yuri


I met Yuri on the sidewalk.  The bus had just scooped up all of my potential subjects from one of my favorite go-to spots and as I turned around to go search elsewhere, there stood Yuri.  After we had been talking for a while, he told me the reason he let me take his picture is because he knows what it's like to approach someone to talk with them, and have them look at you like you're crazy.  He said he's a reject of society.  I appreciate that he didn't want me to feel rejected and allowed me to take his picture.

Although our interaction was brief, I could tell that he's extremely intelligent and his mind is complex.  He speaks in a way that I would describe as poetic.  My note-taking couldn't keep up with his speech, so I finally gave up trying and just allowed myself to completely engage.

Yuri told me that he's not a happy guy but when I pressed him for the happiest thing happening in his life, he responded that he's happy to be moving back to California soon.

Yuri was deep and intense, but we also joked and laughed a little.  It was important to me to show you a picture that conveyed him looking happy.  I guess his declaration that he's not a happy guy was like a challenge to me to get a happier-looking picture.  This was proving to be difficult, as his pictures were also coming across as intense.  I could see his sparkle when we were talking, but once again, I was struggling to catch it.  I finally asked Yuri to please smile and look at me as though he could see my eyes.  Once again, he made some sort of remark that he's not one to smile.  I finally told him to just fake it and to smile at me with his eyes. I told him the act of just faking it might even make him happy.   My awkward and uncomfortable request worked.  If even for just a moment, Yuri's smile was genuine and I was able to catch it. For just a moment, I think he was happy.

After thanking Yuri and saying goodbye, I re-played our conversation in my mind and analyzed it like you would analyze a movie with a good plot-twist.  I determined that I just couldn't process it and decided I didn't want to.  What was most important to me was the hope that Yuri was happier when we concluded our interaction. He may have had to fake his happiness, and he did so at the request of a complete stranger, but for that moment, his smile was genuine.


Day 175 - Runner at Lacamas


My co-worker friend, Kacey, has officially decided to walk the Race for the Roses Half Marathon with me in April, so we headed back to Lacamas to get in some miles.

We had just finished our 9 miles and I was about to begin my search for a subject when we met up with this man in the parking lot.  He said hello and asked me how much I walk.  He said, "I see you every weekend!"  I laughed and told him we had done 9 miles.  We then told him about Kacey's decision to do the half-marathon, and how up until last weekend, her furthest distance had been a 5K.  I asked how many miles he had done and he told us he did 9 miles on his own, and 3 with his dog.


We talked some more about training and I asked if he's done any marathons or half-marathons.  He did his first half-marathon this summer.   He then went on to tell us that he's "not a runner."  I laughed inside.  I didn't want to break the news to him that he was most definitely a runner, considering he put in 12 miles this morning.

He and his pup had just enough energy to visit with us and let me take his picture, but he was pretty spent after that.  I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life and he replied, "too much to answer."  I hoped that meant he has lots of happiness in his life.


If you've been a subject in this project, I just want to thank you for your time and for letting me take your picture. I hope that since our interaction, you've thought of many more happy things in your life and happiness will continue to be in abundance for you.  Thank you!


Wishing you happiness this next week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 24

We've completed week 24 of the 365 Day People Picture Project. If this project were a marathon, we're right around mile 11. Day 162 - Mason


Sunday, I headed back down to Esther Short Park in search of a subject.   It's been a gamble here, on whether or not I'll find a subject, but I love the little park so I seem to go there at least once a week.   When the farmers market isn't in season, the park can be pretty sleepy.  Unlike Portland's waterfront, which is filled with interesting people no matter what the time or season, there are times of the day and year in which the only life you'll find in Vancouver's near-waterfront park are the squirrels!

As soon as I arrived downtown and before I even found a parking spot, I spotted Mason with camera in tow. A person with a camera will most likely agree to let me take their picture.  I parked and then began my chase to catch up with him.

Mason is a photographer and he was actually shooting for a client.  He was working for a bank and getting images for the bank's upcoming community campaign, but he paused long enough to let me take his picture.


I asked Mason about the happiest thing happening in his life and was envious when he replied, "I'm moving to Hawaii in a month." Mason is moving to the Big Island,  so I asked if he happened to be a scuba diver. He is, so we talked about the night dives with the Manta Rays.

I asked Mason if he's performed a recent act of kindness and since he's moving, he's been giving away a lot of his possessions.

Because of Mason's upcoming move, his website is going under construction but he shared his flickr page.  I love Mason's work!  I'm happy for him and his move to Hawaii, but I wished I had met Mason a few months ago and we could have become photography friends.  I forgot to ask Mason if he's also an underwater photographer.  I'm going to keep an eye on his Flickr to see his work evolve as he makes the transition to his new surroundings in paradise.

Day 163 - Crystal


"The Girl with Stars in her Eyes."

I met Crystal on the patio of the Doug Fir.  Shauna and I had met there on Monday and before leaving, we headed back to the fire pit in search of a subject.  We saw, what we thought a was a couple, hanging out by the fire.  I asked the guy if I could take his/their picture simply because he was closer to me.  He half-heartedly agreed but said I should really take Crystal's picture because she's so pretty.  I've mentioned before how much I love it when people's friends volunteer them to be subjects!  Crystal agreed to let me take her picture and it was only later that we learned that the guy who volunteered her for the picture wasn't actually with her. He had been a complete stranger to Crystal as well!

Crystal has an actual star-shape in her right eye. (her left eye as you're looking at the picture.)   After I had taken a few pictures, she mentioned her special feature and hoped I had captured it. I've been debating which picture to share with you.  Although the fire pit is the greatest place to meet new and interesting people, it's actually quite challenging to take a picture there.  Not only did I nearly catch myself on fire, but because I'm inexperienced, I don't yet know how to control the ISO and aperture for the conditions.  Once I learn this, I bet some of my favorite pictures will come from that very spot!  I wanted you to be able to see Crystal's star, but I love her picture in black & white over color. (Black & White seems to not only be my personal preference, and I have a tendency to look at something and envision how it will look B&W, but I think it's slightly more forgiving of my mistakes while I'm in the process of learning.)   Even in the B&W version, you can see her special and beautiful feature.

What started out to be just a quick shoot-and-run mission to find a subject, turned into an extended stay at the fire pit, just hanging out and talking with Crystal and the other people who gathered as the evening went on.  Crystal is not only nice and very pleasant company, but she's quite interesting as well!  She's also a photographer!  She describes her work as abstract.

When I asked Crystal about the happiest thing happened in her life, she told us she's going to school and currently "learning about neuroscience and how it connects to self awareness."  Crystal told us that if we spend 20 minutes a day in thought/reflection/meditation, it improves brain cell function by 30%!  Hopefully my brain cells are working efficiently and I'm reporting this accurately.  Once again, I think it's time to get a recorder if I'm going to be meeting such interesting people!

I asked Crystal if she's performed an act of kindness and she said that she and a friend had just been to Washington Park and she spent time picking up litter.


Day 164 - Sarah and Brian


I met Sarah and Brian, walking down the street.  I spotted them immediately and because they pretty much ooze niceness, I was optimistic they would say yes if I asked them if I could take their picture.  I approached them at the crosswalk and they agreed!  We waited for the light signal to change and I accompanied them across the street.

Sarah and Brian are also both interesting people. I'm getting to meet so many great people in this project!  They just moved to Portland a week ago and I'm happy I got to be a part of the unofficial welcoming committee!

I asked the happiest thing happening in their lives and Sarah responded, "my relationship." She's inspired by her relationship with Brian.  When I asked if she's performed a recent act of kindness, she told me that she had just helped and elderly woman who had spilled out nearly the entire contents of her purse.  Sarah wanted to help the woman but also be respectful of her space and things.  The woman thanked her.

Brian is a performing story teller and he's happy about their move to Portland and hopeful it will be beneficial to his work.  He's another person who I plan to keep an eye out for and hope to catch a performance soon! (You can also learn more about his work here.)   Brian was having trouble thinking of a recent act of kindness in which he's performed but Sarah came in with an assist and explained that he's always doing kind things for her. She was recently sick with a stomach ache and Brian cut up ginger to make a remedy.

Brian and Sarah were both so gentle and nice! Sarah shared her blog with me. If you check it out, you'll discover that she's quite a writer and poet!

I'm wishing Sarah and Brian the best of luck in Portland.


Day 165 - Derek


I first met Derek's dog as she waited for Derek outside of a building.  I visited with her for a few minutes, went inside, and was happy to meet her human when I came out. Since I had already introduced myself to his dog, I figured I should make his acquaintance as well, and ask if I could take his picture.

Derek agreed but he was in a hurry, so I had to be quick!

"I just got married, I play music, I'm a happy man," was Derek's response when I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life.


Day 166 - Brendan


Brendan was another person I met just walking down the street. He caught my attention because of his slight resemblance to Portland's former Mayor, Sam Adams.

The happiest thing happening in Brendan's life are his two kids and his family.

I asked if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he tries to do things all the time, but recently, he had given a few dollars to someone.


Day 167 - Jason David


I had one of my biggest challenges taking Jason David's picture.  He's actually the one who brought it up and we both laughed when I confessed that I had indeed taken more pictures of him than anyone else in the project,  but I did my best to assure him that it was me who was photographically challenged and not him!

Jason had been having a hard day (actually, more like a hard year) and he was having a difficult time shaking it off and it was coming through in the pictures.  I could easily see Jason's sparkle when we were talking, but when I would start to take his picture, he would tense back up again and we just couldn't get a good shot. So, we tried to work with the tension and exaggerate it by trying the squinch.  My timing was off and the attempts at the squinch resulted in him just looking sleepy or just a tad too tough-guy.  I felt bad because he felt bad, but I explained that if I were better skilled, I would know how to help him feel more relaxed.  I was definitely seeing a nice person in front of me, and he was fun and friendly to talk with, but because this is such an awkward situation, we both had to work at it.  I mean, c'mon…you're having a tough day and then some complete stranger asks you if you could take their picture?  That's not uncomfortable or anything!

After all of our shots, I ended up with two favorites. This picture, and a picture in which he was happy and mid-laugh.  I debated which one to show you and after working so hard at creating a happier look, I opted to share this one with you because I like that it had just the right amount edge, and I also see a hint of a resemblance to Russell Crowe.  I know I've been working on not chopping off the tops of people's heads and my gut reaction was to discard this picture. You would think that I would have shared the other picture with you for this very reason alone,  but after studying the work of other actual photographer's, I've discovered they don't all automatically discount a photo just because of a slight head-chopping-off.  I've seen some photographers who even seem to do so intentionally.  It is still my intention to eliminate this from my personal style and I understand that I've contradicted myself in sharing this with you.  I just like and chose this picture, in spite of my error, simply because you can see Jason David is a nice guy, but his look also creates a mood…you just get the feeling that he's pensive.  I also pick up on sort of a musician vibe as well.  Perhaps it's me, but I just look at this picture and wonder what he's thinking about.

I asked Jason David the happiest thing happening in his life right now and although he's experienced some turbulence, he was quick to answer, "my career."  Jason loves his job.  I asked if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he said, "I tip well." He then tried to dismiss this, thinking it didn't really count because it's not something he goes out of his way to do, it is simply a part of his daily life.  We then had a nice discussion that this is actually a great act of kindness and is really one of the ways in which we can do kind things on a daily basis.


Day 168 - Josiah


Josiah was a runner I met on my favorite trail.  A friend from work joined me on my walk this morning and we did 7 miles. This was the longest distance she's ever gone! We did the walk as sort of an assessment so she could decide if she would like to do a half-marathon in April.  (She did excellent by the way, and I think I'm now going to have a new half-marathon buddy.)  We crossed paths with Josiah on the trail. He was impossible not to notice. The guy is fit!

We were under time constraints and I was hoping when we finished that I would be able to quickly find a subject at the trailhead.  Josiah had just finished his run and stretching, so I asked if I could take his picture.

I asked Josiah about the happiest thing happening in his life and he's about to realize a dream, 16 years in the making.  He's always wanted to fly missionaries in third world countries and he's nearly finished with requirements for both piloting and missionary work. He and his wife will be leaving on their first mission soon.

When I asked Josiah if he's performed a recent act of kindness, he couldn't think of anything recent and I told him it was ok, his entire life is about to become an act of kindness.  I think he wished his wife were with him at that moment so I could have asked her that question. He described her as an incredible person who is constantly performing acts of kindness and it's the reason he married her.

Thank you for reading this week! It's great having you as my partners in this project!  Now, I have a question for you…can you think of any new questions that you'd like for me to ask the subjects? I've been so stuck on our two questions and although I feel like I should change things up a bit, I also really enjoy hearing about the happiest thing happening in people's lives. Even if things are difficult for people, the question helps them to identify at least one positive thing happening in their lives. It is my hope that after we're finished with the picture and they're on their way, they reflect on the answer they had given me and even more happy thoughts come to mind, and for a moment, their happiness is multiplied.  I also like to find out about the acts of kindness performed by people because it is my hope that by us learning about the kindness of others, in a tiny little way, we could potentially breed and spread even more kindness.  So, what questions would you like me to ask?  I'd love the questions to be not only interesting and enlightening for us, but also positive for the subjects as well.

If you've been a subject, I give you my sincere appreciation and thanks.  You've made this project happen and I feel honored that you let me take your picture and share it here. I hope you were having fun.  I was, and I thank you for that!

Have a  great week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 23

Hello and thank you for checking in on week 23 of the 365 Day People Picture Project! After several weeks of having at least one subject a week who has been a friend or acquaintance, this week's subjects have all been complete strangers.

Day 155 - Colby


This is Colby.  I met her in the park in Downtown Vancouver. She looked like she was on a mission as she walked through the park with coffee in hand.  I suspected she wouldn't have time to stop for a picture, but I was happily surprised when she agreed.

Colby said, "I just got into a relationship with someone I really like," when I asked about the happiest thing happening in her life.

I asked if she's performed a recent act of kindness and after thinking about it, she said that she recently bought coffee for a friend who didn't have any money.


Day 156 - Two Handsome Police Officers

day 156 365 Day People Picture Project

Do you remember how just last week I was saying that I hoped to get a Police Officer in this project, since we've had EMT's and a Fireman?

I ended up being someplace I wasn't supposed to be and three police officers let me know about it!

Monday, I headed to the MAX Light Rail/Bus stop on 82nd and Halsey, in search of a subject.   I've gone there once before when looking for a subject (remember Tony from Day 96?), and I know it's always a busy place. I wasn't really finding anyone who looked like they might let me take their picture on the upper street-side bus stop, so I descended down the stairs to the MAX platform.  (MAX is Portland's light rail train system.)

As I approached the MAX platform, I could see several uniformed officers.  At first I thought they were Transit Officers, but then I figured out that they were actual Police Officers.  I stopped. Whoa! What's going on here, I wondered.  Unsure if I wanted to venture the rest of the way down to the platform, I noticed that everything was calm and business as usual. I didn't see any sort of situation or drama, so I continued down the rest of the stairs and onto the MAX platform.  At the bottom of the stairs, I was greeted stopped by three officers.

"Do you have your fare?" one officer asked.  I told him I wasn't taking the MAX, that I was actually just looking for someone interesting to take a picture of for my picture project.  He told me that I wasn't allowed on the platform without a paid fare.  I apologized and politely explained that I didn't know that.  Then, even more politely, I asked, "how 'bout you, could I take your picture?" Perhaps I caught him off guard with my question because the smart thing for me to do would have been for me to turn around and head back up the stairs where I was supposed to be.  He sort of chuckled as he declined my request,  but then he suggested that I ask the "handsome guys."  (The officer who declined me was also quite handsome, not that I noticed or anything.)

I did a quick survey of the platform to make sure I wasn't going to be distracting them from their work and decided the timing was perfect. I just went for it!  I asked these two Officers if I could take their picture and they agreed.

So, there I was, trying to direct these two Officers to, "get closer. A little closer, please."  At the time, I was serious and focused on getting a good picture, but looking back at it now, I just have to laugh at myself.  I'm so embarrassed!  I can't even believe I was trying to direct these two!  I'm not sure which I should have found to be more intimidating; that they're beautiful, or that they're police officers!

I quickly snapped a few pictures and then explained that I also had two quick questions if they had the time to spare.  I asked about the happiest thing happening in their lives, and the officer on the left responded, "being young and enjoying each day…."  Then, before he could even finish his answer and before I could ask the other question or even their names, they had to go.  I didn't see what was happening, or about to happen, but our time was up.  The three officers left the area where we had been standing,  joined a few other officers, and I decided I needed to get out of the place where I wasn't even technically supposed to be.

Once again, time with my subjects had been cut short at this particular station. And, once again, I was sad.  As I was leaving, I sent out a little wish (I guess it was actually sort of a little prayer) that the Officers will be safe and protected.


Day 157 - Selene


Tuesday, I decided to look for a subject at a park-and-ride bus stop.  Seems I have the best or worst timing.  Several busses had just pulled away and of course, they had taken all of the potential subjects with them!  I found one group of people still remaining and that's where I met Selene.

Selene had been visiting with another passenger (or friend) when I approached them both to ask if I could take their picture. Her friend volunteered her for the job!

What I hadn't noticed when I approached them,  is that they were standing in the long line to actually board the bus which was already there.  I had to be super quick! So quick, I was only able to take a couple really fast pictures and I didn't even get to ask Selene any questions.

Day 158 - Paul


I met Paul outside of Velo Cult, which I had no idea was so close to my work.  Velo Cult is a Bike Shop, Bar, and Coffee Shop.  I'll definitely be going back there!

When I asked Paul about the happiest thing happening in his life, he responded, "I'm about to go get a beer!"

Paul's recent act of kindness, well, I don't know how to say it…he really was kind when he managed to remain nice to his brand new roommate who accused him of stealing her laptop.  He told me the strange story and he's a pretty nice guy for being able to be calm, even when someone was accusing him of something he didn't do.  His new roommate felt horrible when she found her laptop…right where she left it!

Day 159 - Lillie


This beauty is Lillie.

I've explained before that I don't yet have photoshop or lightroom. The only editing programs I have are iPhoto which just comes on/with the computer, and an app I downloaded from the App Store.  I'm still having a lot of fun experimenting with the two programs I do have.  It's taking all of my restraint not to post about 17 different versions of Lillie's picture!  She's got a pretty amazing look and she looks great in nearly every "effect" I could apply.  Ironically, even though her look goes beautifully with all of the different effects,  my favorite picture was the plain ol' unedited, original photo. I think the original best shows her beauty.  I struggled with which picture to share with you, and although the unedited version was my favorite, I couldn't resist sharing her photo in black & white.  I'm too inexperienced to have developed a style, but whenever I see great texture such as in her hat, hair, and jacket, I'm compelled to go black & white.

Lillie looked like she could have been coming from work or on her way to a fancy party but she was actually on her way to the gym!  She said she had on her gym clothes underneath her dress.

"Going back to school," is the happiest thing happening in Lillie's life.  She's learning to be a grant writer and will work with non-profits.  When I asked Lillie if she's performed a recent act of kindness, she explained this is basically her motivation for going back to school.  She doesn't feel like she's done enough. She considers herself a nice person, but she said she hasn't really done anything extraordinary.   I suspect Lillie is quite extraordinary and when she finishes with school, many people will benefit from her efforts.


Day 160 - Marielle


This is Marielle.  She works at the Nectar Cafe, with Natasha from Day 89.  I met Marielle on Friday evening. It's been a bit of an exhausting week and I coasted into the Nectar Cafe, needing coffee, just like a car running on fumes coasts into a gas station.

Marielle filled me up and was nice enough to also let me take her picture.  Marielle thought about it for a moment when I asked about the happiest thing happening in her life, and then she shared that it was a very happy day for Nectar Cafe!  Their coffee was just picked up by a co-op/shop, so good things are happening for Marielle and Natasha!

I also asked Marielle if she's performed a recent act of kindness.  She said that always tries to hold kindness with her, and then explained she's a person who does her giving in secret.  I didn't want to pry.  There have been times when I've done kind things that I've never told anyone about, so I totally understand her philosophy of giving in secret.

Marielle is a kind person. I thought I left my wallet at the shop and when I returned, she was in the process of closing but she still helped me to look around.  We couldn't find it anywhere so I was hoping I had just hidden it from myself inside my giant purse/camera bag. Sure enough, that's where I found it!  I was relived and finally able to enjoy my much needed coffee.  Which, by the way, was the best cup of coffee I've ever had. (Sorry, Debbie.)


Day 161 - Rick


Rick had just finished running 7 miles when I asked if I could take his picture.  I remembered that had we crossed paths on the trail and that he was friendly, so I was optimistic that he was going to say yes.

When I asked Rick the happiest thing happening in his life, he said, "I'm just happy to be alive."  He went on to say that he's intimate with his higher power and that no matter what life throws at him, he knows he's not alone.

I laughed at Rick's answer when I asked if he's performed a recent act of kindness, "I put the toilet seat down for my wife," he joked.  (I know my husband is going to read this and will once again open up the debate that if I were kind, I'd put the seat up for him!) Yes indeed. This is a great act of kindness and one often overlooked.

Rick recently started Master Builder Ministries and you can read more about his work and program here.


If you're reading this and you've been a subject in this challenge, thank you!  If we were pressed for time and I didn't get the opportunity to thank you properly, I just want you to know that I appreciate your kindness and that you allowed me to take your picture.  Thank you.

Thank you for following along in this project! I hope you're having as much fun meeting these people as I'm having introducing them to you.

Wishing you a great week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 22

Hello! If you're stopping by for the first time, I've challenged myself to take a picture of a person every day for an entire year.  I instagram the pictures daily and then post a review of the week, here on the blog.  The main rule I've given myself is that the pictures are taken fresh daily. I'm not stockpiling pictures for use at a later time.

I had visions for this blog to be something quite different and eventually, it will mature. I've given myself the permission to evolve slowly and for now, concentrate on the 365 Day People Picture Project.

Week 22 of the 365 Day People Picture Project is a wrap!


Day 148 - Ward


This is Ward.  He's a Fire Chief and he's training for a Half Marathon.  Ward had just finished 7 miles when I approached him.  (I had given up looking for subjects at my second-favorite trail and headed over to my first-favorite trail and that's where I met Ward.)

When I asked Ward about the happiest thing going on in his life, he replied, "just being able to run."  Ward is just coming off the injured list himself, but what has really impacted his appreciation for health and wellness, is the recent death of a family member and that another family member is currently in their own battle against a potentially terminal illness.

Ward and his wife are both in training  - Ward for a half-marathon, and his wife is training for the full.  Ward joked that he only wanted to hurt half-as-bad.

It was when I asked Ward if he's recently performed an act of kindness, that he told me about his job as a Fire Chief.  I knew at that moment that his life is basically one big act of kindness, and his job is perfectly fitting because he's such a nice man.  Ward explained that over the holidays, all of the city workers gave in some way.  His group collected toys and gifts for kids in need.

I had a nice visit with Ward, and because of this project, I now have one more trail-friend to say hello to and check in on his training progress.

Day 149 - Kara


Kara is a co-worker.  I had to cheat a little and ask her to be in the project because my car had to spend a few days in the shop and I wasn't able to get around to look for people.  Although I had a couple other nice co-workers who helped me get to and from work, I didn't think they'd appreciate me also asking them if they could also drive me up and down random streets and circle the block while I looked for subjects.

I love working with Kara!  She's fun,  spunky,  and always happy!  She keeps calm when we're under intense pressures, and helps to solve problems and challenges. She's also a single mom and I can't even wrap my head around how she manages to work as hard as she does at our job, and also take care of her family and home.  She's another super-woman who balances both an intense job and single-motherhood, is amazing at both, and is also just a great person to be around.

During baseball season, Kara works all day and then she's off with her son to the ball fields for several more hours of games or practice.   Kara is now on the board of her son's baseball league and is their team's treasurer.  "I'm happy we're advancing to an intermediate field," is what Kara said when I asked about the happiest thing going on in her life.  Kara and the other parents have a lot of hard work ahead of them because in order to make this expansion and renovation on their ball field, they're all having to put in a lot of labor to keep the project affordable for the league.  Kara is also looking forward to taking her son snowboarding this weekend.

Kara and I had been working together for several months before we actually spent time together outside of work.  In all the time we had worked together, we hadn't ever talked about anything other than t-shirts, so when we did get to talk about our lives, we learned that our husbands had worked together years ago!  We had no idea we shared that connection.

When talking with Kara about how impressive she is because of everything she manages to do in her busy life, I learned the funniest little secret/trick about how she functions and gets it all done.  I think Kara is the only human you'll ever meet who actually has an alarm set on her phone, not to wake her up, but to tell her it's time to go to bed!  She said that when she gets home, she doesn't sit down because the minute she sit's down, she'll fall asleep.  She cooks and cleans and spends time with her son, but she doesn't allow herself to sit.  She would get so wrapped up in working around the house, she finally had to start setting her alarm clock to tell her it was time to go to bed.  See, I told you she was Superwoman!


Day 150 - Crystal


This is Crystal.  I was nervous about approaching her because it was dark and the part of town we were in can be a little intimidating.  I didn't want to startle her.   Although our interaction was brief, I learned a great deal about how personality can actually ooze through a picture.

Crystal was waiting for her ride to show so I was only able to ask the questions and take 4 quick snaps before her ride arrived.  "Spending time with my 9-year-old son," was Crystal's reply when I asked about the happiest thing happening in her life.  No matter what Crystal's day may have been like, her son always brightens her day.  When I asked if she's performed an act of kindness, she told me that she and her friend recently came upon a homeless person holding a sign at an intersection, stating that he was needing a warm meal.  Crystal and her friend went through a fast food drive-thru and purchased a meal for him. When they returned to give it to the man, his eyes filled with tears as he thanked them.

Crystal was totally comfortable in front of the camera and practically posed!  Each look she gave me, took on it's own unique feel and personality.  Although I knew at the time I took the pictures that each one had a slightly different feel to it, it wasn't until I got home and sat down in front of the computer that I was able to so clearly see the difference in each photo.  In this situation,  Crystal is largely responsible for this because she was comfortable and she simply gave me different looks. I'm new and inexperienced so I don't yet know how to direct someone or coach them into a particular look or "pose."  (other than the squinch.)  Having experienced this with Crystal, I now have a much better understanding and appreciation of how a subject and photographer can actually "create" an image together, rather than simply capture an image.

Crystal was wearing a casual outfit and a baseball cap which was turned toward the back.  Depending on the expression on Crystal's face and the angle and point one view from which the picture was taken, 3 of the 4 pictures gave off varying degrees of a girl with fun sassiness, street-style, and a sprinkling of athleticism.  However, after talking with Crystal and getting to know her better, my perception of her was that she's a beautiful mother with a kind heart.  In this picture, the visor of the cap was positioned in such a way that it is indistinguishable whether she's wearing a baseball cap or beret style hat.   I liked each of her pictures, but in our limited interaction, Crystal gave me the impression of a kind and a loving mother. This picture shows a person who is both a loving mother, and a fun-loving young lady.


Day 151 - Tucker


This is Tucker at Plaid Pantry.  I thought I had taken every person's picture who works this particular shift at this particular store, but then I realized I hadn't asked Tucker.

I think I've mentioned before how challenging it is to take a nice picture in this store.  There's a reflective covering on the window and tons of busy distractions in the background, and I'm always hurried and trying to take the picture in a rush before another customer comes in. I don't want them to be inconvenienced while I'm taking a picture.  I was trying to position Tucker in a little tiny area where there was an opening in the background but it turned out that the space was a lot smaller than I thought and the tiny little opening ended up looking more distracting than had I not tried to position him there at all.  I'm learning so many lessons the hard way!  I get so bummed when I don't get a great picture of the people who are always so friendly to me!

The happiest thing in Tucker's life right now is that he and his girlfriend are soon moving into an apartment together.  I asked if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he said, "I try to do something everyday…gotta be kind to our fellow man."

Day 152 - John


This is John and he's got to be one of the nicest guys out there.  I had been wandering around looking for a subject for a while, without any luck, so I got in my car and headed to a different location.  It was starting to rain so I was hopeful I'd find someone quickly!  When I spotted John, I couldn't help but notice that he was carrying a giant bouquet of flowers which made me want to stop him, but he also looked like he was in a rush, so I was also hesitant to delay him.  I got up the courage and asked him if I could take his picture.  John was quickly agreeable.

Some of the subjects in this project have surprised me with how willing they are to let me take their picture without hardly any explanation of the project.  I'm always impressed with their comfort in front of the camera and also that they act like it's a normal thing for a person to approach them on the street and ask for their picture.  Those people have often turned out to be photographers, or they're close to a photographer .  In their lives - it is a normal thing!  It turned out that John was a photojournalist in college!

I asked John the happiest thing happening in his life and he answered me back with a question, wondering if people always say that it's their kids.  The happiest thing for him is his 9-year-old, but he's also happy with his girlfriend.

When I asked John if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he said, "yes, we just had Christmas but I try to do things all the time."  I could tell his vague answer was an attempt to be humble and I just knew he had something interesting to share, so I was happy when he opened up.  John owns a heating company, Chase Heating, and he had just finished a job he had done gratis for a woman who was in need and didn't have any heat.  He had given his time, labor, and a new furnace to the woman.

You can just tell by looking at John that he's a good guy, and his answer confirmed it.  We visited for a while longer and as we were about to part, I asked if the flowers were for his girlfriend.  He explained that he was on his way to see a family member who had just had another family member pass away.

John was a little turned around and trying to find his car which he remembered parking near a Bank of America. I pointed him in the direction of the bank block where I had just come from, in which there's practically a bank on every corner.  That is, every bank except Bank of America which is in the completely opposite direction!  I realized after he had already taken off down the street that I steered him in the wrong direction.  I felt so awful!  I went running after him but he was too fast and completely out of sight!  I gave up and got back in my car to see if I could find him to give him the correct directions.  I finally spotted him. He had figured it out and was headed in the right direction. Once again, he was such a nice guy, he wasn't even annoyed with me and my mistake as I hollered my sincere apology out the window.  I may have heard him incorrectly but I think he said something like, "it's ok, it was a nice walk."  Poor guy, I accidentally sent him on a "nice walk" in the cold and rain.  He really is a nice person.

I enjoyed meeting John but was disappointed in the picture.  I intentionally wanted the lights from the businesses and street to be in the background, but I didn't intend for the crosswalk sign to be so distracting.  Now that I've mentioned it to you, it's completely overwhelming, isn't it?  Again, I'm learning things the hard way.

You might be asking why I end up with so many bad shots.  Aside from being inexperienced and basically clueless, when I first started taking pictures, I intuitively allowed myself to get caught up in the moment and I wouldn't  stop to look at every single picture on the display screen.  I found the act of stopping to check each picture to be somewhat of a mood-killer and a huge interruption to my train of thought as images were forming in my mind and I was trying to figure out how to create and capture the images as I was seeing them in my head.  I've since learned that this is actually a good practice and is encouraged by pros and artists, however, for someone starting out, there needs to be a balance.  Shoot a few - review - shoot a few - review - and do so until you're certain you have the image you're looking for.  This allows for a smooth and uninterrupted flow, but the review process also ensures you'll end up with good pictures.

I struggle with finding that balance because of the circumstances and my inexperience.   Often times, we're in a huge race against a bus or some other pressing time constraint, and sometimes I simply get so caught up in the moment and the person, or making a connection with that person, that I miss the completely obvious. (such as cross walk signs and recycle bins in the background)  As much as this is a challenge to learn photography, it has also been been a challenge to learn how to connect with someone so that I can capture their sparkle, and a challenge to make that connection quickly!  I've found I can get so wrapped up in finding a persons nice features, that I simply forget to look for the huge distractions in the background.  I know this will improve with time and lots of practice.  For now, it's still quite easy for me to get lost in people's eyes, smiles, and expressions.  Although the results can be a distracting photo, getting lost in the faces of my subjects has also been a rewarding part of this experience. During that moment of temporary tunnel vision, it feels like I'm in the process of forming a permanent impression.  I'm not talking about pixels and the memory card in my camera, I'm talking about the permanent mark that this experience is leaving on my brain and how my life is changing because of each and every picture I take.  Sometimes it's not as beautiful as this. Sometimes I'm just an idiot and need to pay better attention to the background and remember to check the view screen to make sure I have a good picture.


Day 153 - Carly


I go to Costco after work every other Friday and those days are usually one of my most challenging days, although I've also met a couple of my most favorite subjects at Costco! By time I finish with my shopping, it's "late" and I'm exhausted.  On Fridays, I often rely on my two favorite "assistants,"  Anne and Scott.  I meet up with one of them at a pub, knock back a few diet pepsis, and look for a subject there.

I had arranged to meet Anne and her friends but I first needed to fuel up on Starbucks so that I could stay up late.  (you know, late, as in - 9pm.)  Carly helped me at Starbucks and after giving me my coffee, she asked if I would like anything else.  Thinking that she looked like a nice person and that it would actually be quite nice to find a subject before meeting up with Anne, I asked if I could take her picture.  I know that's not quite what she had in mind when she asked If I'd like anything else, but that's really what I wanted most - a picture!

Carly happily agreed. Don't worry, there wasn't anyone else in line behind me!

The happiest thing happening in Carly's life is that she's going on a trip to visit her sister who moved to the East Coast last year.  I asked Carly if she's recently performed a random or not- so-random act of kindness.  She went on to explain her situation and that it's not a random act of kindness, but that she makes it a point to visit her brother often.  Her brother has MS and he doesn't get out much, so it's important for her to go see him as often as she can, even if it means she has to pass on other social invitations.


Day 154 - Shawn


Shawn is another artist at Donovan's Black Label Tattoo.  You've  met the rest of the crew: Donovan was day 10 and Matt was day 122.  There may actually be one more artist, but I need to check on that and if so, I'll be sure to ask for his picture as well.

I wish I could say that I was the shop getting some ink, but I actually called ahead to ask Shawn if I could take his picture.  I had been having a hard time finding a subject today and  Shawn agreed to let me come in. The timing was perfect!

I arrived just as he was putting the finishing touches on client's arm, so I was able to take a few pictures of him at work and I also caught a serious case of tattoo envy.  Not wanting to make his client feel uncomfortable, I didn't ask to take her picture but I loved her work!

I've always known that Donovan was an excellent tattoo artist and after having the opportunity to hang out at the shop a little and meet Matt and Shawn and see their work, I can say with 100% certainty, that everyone in the shop is an amazing and skilled tattoo artist.  I'd send my own mother there!

The clients of the shop are always so interesting, and sometimes, unexpected.  On one of my visits,  there was a Grandmother, Mother and Daughter and two of them were getting work done.  Tonight, the client that Shawn was working on asked about the project and said that if I would be interested in a Police Officer, to let her know.  Turns out, she was a Police Officer! Yes! I told her that I've wanted a Police Officer because we've also had EMT's and  a Fireman as subjects.   I told her that I had been rejected by several police but she explained it was just because they were on duty at the time.  I understand that.  I joked that although I don't want to be pulled over, I think it would make a great picture if I could take it from the point of view of being in my car and looking up through the driver's side window, toward an officer.  (This idea  might go over with as much success as the time I thought it would be great if I took a picture of my dentist while I was reclined in the chair.) I sort of blew it because I got distracted admiring her tattoos and talking with Shawn and I forgot to get her card!


When I asked Shawn about the best thing happening in his life, he responded, "my career is taking off since I started working at this shop."  He likes the cool projects he's a part of.  I also asked Shawn if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he said that he hasn't been charitable with money, but he gives a ton of his time.  Shawn mentors two young artists and of his time, he gives them each anywhere from 4 hours to 20 hours a week!  Nearly everything he does is in some way related to tattooing.  I admire the level of passion and commitment of these artists.  It's not just their job, it is their life!

Shawn is also a sweetheart and it's even obvious in pictures.   I explained the "squinch" and asked if he could give it a try.  I was glad he was willing to humor me.  I think the result was a nice 3/4 squinch - he looks like a nice guy with a bit of an edge.


Thank you for following along another week! I had been feeling a little down about the lack of  quality of my pictures this week,  but when I sat down to button up this post, I realized that it hasn't mattered how good or not-good the photos have been.  I always close the week feeling so happy to be working on this project, meeting such great people, and sharing it with you!  If you'd like to follow along during the week, you can follow me on Instagram - my username is @missellanea. 

If you happen to be reading this and you were a subject in this project - thank you!   You've left an impression on me as permanent as a tattoo. I appreciate the time you gave to me, and the act of kindness you did in letting me take your picture.  Thank you. If you would like a copy of your picture, please e-mail me and I'd be happy to e-mail it to you!

What about you? Have you been inspired to star a project of your own or challenge yourself to something new?

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 21

Happy New Year! The start of 2014 closes week 21 of the 365 Day People Picture Project.  Thank you for following along!  It's funny when I think back to the start of this project - it started on a random Sunday, August 11th.  Had I waited till the start of the new year to start the project, which I considered for a split second, this would have been week 1.

I didn't make any resolutions to share with you, but I've made a big change.  It's more like a New Year's declaration than a resolution.

Have you noticed that I've said, "I'm not a photographer" probably 21 times in the last 21 weeks?  I've decided that I'm not going to say that anymore.  By refusing to embrace the "photographer" title, I've been giving myself an excuse to remain exactly where I am, and an excuse not to improve.  Hey, you can't expect me to take a good picture if "I'm not a photographer."   With the help of a new friend and the haunting words of an old friend, I decided that the only way I'm going to improve, is if I accept and embrace the title of "photographer."

I reached this decision last night.  I met my new friend Scott, from day 83, to find a subject for the day.  I overheard him describing this project to someone and when talking with that person, he referred to me as a photographer, working on an art project.  I cringed!  This is not the first time he's said that but it's just so hard for me to accept.  I've half-heartedly tried to embrace the title and I definitely like the sound of it, but I just can't take my own medicine!  When Scott denied the title of "artist," I encouraged him to own it, but I've been unwilling to do the same.

On my way home last night, my thoughts drifted and my mind replayed a conversation I had with a friend years ago.  That old friend (the friend who inspired this post) and I had been talking about a writing contest that I was afraid to enter.  The friend had finally grown tired of listening to me talk about writing, but never actually writing. He said, "you know the only difference between you and all the writers who enter the contest - they write and you don't!  You talk about writing but you don't write."  He went on to simultaneously scold and encourage me with more simple brilliance and although I can't remember word for word, he said something like; to be a writer, you just have to do one thing - write.  You may be a shitty writer, but at least you can call yourself a writer.  It's better to be a shitty writer than it is to be someone who just sits around wishing they could be a writer. If you want to be a writer, write. If you're a shitty writer, get better.

With the words of two friends swirling around in my head, I made the decision:  I take pictures. I'm a photographer.  I may be a shitty photographer right now, but I am a photographer and I will get better.

Day 141 - Ryan


I saw Ryan sitting outside the mall on Sunday evening and I actually passed him by.  I was having a challenging day finding a subject and I think I was feeling a little defeated because even though I liked his form, I just continued driving past him.

I came to my senses, parked my car and walked back to find him. I thought he would be gone by time I reached the area but he was still there.

When I approached Ryan, he agreed to let me take his picture right away, but then he was concerned he would look upset.  He had been waiting for someone and was starting to get both annoyed and concerned that the person hadn't shown. I assured him he didn't look mad.

I asked Ryan the happiest thing happening in his life and he replied that he's "trying to start a clothing line."  I asked who he's working with and explained that I work for a screen printer.  I think we both thought it was more than a coincidence that I just happened to randomly stop to take his picture.  He told me who he's been working with and although I've heard decent things about the shop, I still told him where I work.

When I asked Ryan if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he gave me quite the look!  I couldn't tell what he was thinking! It turned out to be another big coincidence, as he was trying to perform an act of kindness at that very moment.   He explained that he was there,  waiting for someone whom he had just offered to help.   He told the person where and when to meet him, but they never showed.  I could tell Ryan was upset and concerned for that person.  He did his best to reach out his hand to someone in need, but the person who needed the help just didn't reach back.

Day 142 - Anonymous Girl at Sam's Billiards


I surprised this girl when I approached her to ask for her picture. She didn't think she was picture-worthy but I insisted she was.

I've learned during this project that glasses are my nemesis.  I'm constantly battling glare, reflection, and how they sit on people's faces.  Being inexperienced, I mostly lose the battle.  I've just recently learned to ask people if they would be willing to take off their glasses.  Actually, it may have been after this picture that I realized I need to ask people to remove or reposition their glasses.  I  love her look but I wish that I had been a tiny bit lower, or asked her to reposition her glasses just a tiny bit higher, so that we could see her pretty eyes.  I get frustrated with my mistakes, but I understand I need to make them in order to improve.

"Living in Portland," is the happiest thing going on in Anonymous Girl at Sam's life.

Day 143 - Shelly


This is Shelly and she was the last person of 2013!  We're both from the same small Southern Oregon town and we actually went to High School together.  Unknowingly, we've ended up living about a mile away from each other in the same town, over 250 miles from where we came.  Were it not for Facebook, we probably would have never known we were so close!

Shelly is pretty amazing.  She's both a student and teacher of the Law of Attraction.  She publishes a blog on the subject and she's even written an e-book, "Happy Change Life."  Shelly keeps busy writing, blogging,  being a mom and managing her ebay store, Cherry Picker Boutique.  Her job sounds like so much fun but I realize it must be a lot of work.  I know that she's often out treasure-hunting for inventory for Cherry Picker Boutique.

I understand the foundation of the Law of Attraction is that basically; our thoughts become reality, so keep our thoughts good ones.  Shelly lives this!  In the 3+ years that we've been Facebook friends, everything she says is positive!  It's refreshing and inspiring.

Not only is Shelly's positivity inspiring, but if there's something she wants to do, she just does it.  She's also currently studying to get her real estate license and working on a novel. I know she's the type of person who will actually finish it! "Writing my book is giving me the most pleasure in life," is what Shelly said when I asked the happiest thing going on right now.

When I asked Shelly if she's performed an act of kindness, she responded that she gives money to a homeless couple - this happens to be the same homeless couple that Megan just gave her meals to last week!

Shelly has encouraged me since day one of this blog. It's been nice having a friend cheer me along and I appreciate her and her support.  I'm so glad she agreed to let me take her picture and close out the year! (Shelly, thank you for being in this project! Your support means a great deal to me!)

Day 144 - Mary, My Sister-in-Law


I had a great surprise on New Year's Eve!  I learned my brother and sister-in-law would be in town for the night so we made plans to meet for breakfast on New Year's Day.   I don't see my family often enough, so it was great to be able to see my brother twice in a week and a half, and this time, I also got to see Mary too!  Although our visits have been short both times, my little heart gets a much-needed fill-up when I do see my family.

When I was little, I didn't really understand the "in-law" of sister-in-law.  I always just thought of Mary as my sister. Although I'm older and I now know the difference between a sister and a sister-in-law, my heart doesn't distinguish the difference.

We had a nice New Year's Day breakfast and spent some more time catching up and visiting, but this time I remembered to ask Mary about the happiest thing going on in her life.  "The commitment to the change that I've decided to make - I'm encouraged to be more Christ-like in every situation and to be filled with spirit, love, peace and joy," is the answer Mary gave.  We went on to have a good conversation where she elaborated that she wants to be more Christ-like in her life and interactions, not just when she's at church.

Mary - thank you for letting me take your picture and being in this project and most importantly, I'm glad you're my Sister-in-Law Sister.  I love you.

Day 145 - Rachelle


I met Rachelle waiting at the bus stop.  It was another race to take her picture before the bus arrived.  I'm disappointed in myself because I didn't do as good of a job as I should have.   Rachelle had also told me that she didn't think she was picture-worthy.  It's obvious that she is quite picture-worthy and a beautiful girl, but I really wanted to take a fabulous picture; one that she would love so much, she would never say those words again. But, on the bright side, I think I proved the point anyway.  She's so picture-worthy, it can't even be hidden in my poor execution of the photo.

"Being able to restart," is the answer Rachelle gave when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life.  Diet and exercise are important in her life and a new year is definitely a new start for us all.

When I asked if she's recently performed an act of kindness, she explained that she likes to do small things every day because it makes her a better person.

Day 146 - Jeff


This is Jeff and I met him at Out-a-Bounds. (Anne and Scott's Cheer's.)  It took some encouragement from Jeff's girlfriend and from Scott, but he agreed to let me take his picture.

This is actually the most cropped photo I've ever posted on the project.  I could be mistaken, but I think I've actually only cropped 2-3 pictures so far.  If you're a photographer, you might be saying, "yeah, I can tell!"  (There's several that could have benefitted from being cropped.)

One of the first lessons I've been able to grasp when learning about photography, is to minimize the amount of cropping done in post.  The pros suggest that you learn to compose a picture properly to begin with, so that you don't have to do so later.  If you can train yourself to compose a shot properly, you'll train yourself to have a better eye and you'll be a better photographer.  Of course, there are times when this is unavoidable and there isn't a rule against it, but it's one thing I've tried to be diligent about because even with my lack of knowledge, this is one skill that I've been able to work on since the first day I got my camera.  No matter what your skill level and no matter what you know and don't know about your camera's operation, this is one skill that you can work on from the minute you first pick up a camera.   I sort of blew it on this one, but I knew at the time that I was blowing it.  Jeff was standing to the side of a dry cleaner business and although I knew the awful and distracting window signage was in the background, Jeff looked awesome!  Although I accidentally make this mistake quite frequently, this is one time that I knowingly took the shot with the intention that I could always crop it later.  Jeff and I moved to a different spot after this picture, but this was still my favorite picture because of his eyes.

I asked Jeff the happiest thing happening in his life and he said, "I'm really happy the holidays are over."

Jeff works at a care facility, so he performs acts of kindness every day!

Day 147 - Cyclist 


I met this man at the trailhead of my favorite lake trail.  I had just finished a little 7 mile walk and he was taking a half-way-there break from his ride.  Like a waitress, I approached him just as he had taken a giant bite of a protein bar, but he agreed to be day 147 just as soon as he finished chewing.

I love to watch people's faces when I ask them about the happiest thing happening in their lives. Some people answer right away and other people really take their time in forming the answer. I secretly hope to myself that they have so many happy things going on in their life, that they're trying to figure out which is the happiest.  On the flip side, I also appreciate that perhaps things aren't so happy but they're working really hard to think of something positive to say.  When I asked the cyclist about the happiest thing in his life, he responded after much thought, "that my son is doing well in the air force."

I asked the cyclist if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he thought for a while and then said that he's not the most generous person in the world in that he doesn't give away everything he owns, but he tries to do little things all the time.

I wanted to share another picture of the lake along which my favorite little trail runs.  I met the cyclist at the start of this trail. This is actually from last week, but I forgot to share it with you then.


Thank you for sharing in this project and for spending time with me and all of the subjects so far.  It's nice having you along!

If you've been a subject in this project, thank you!  Although our interaction was brief, every one of you has made an impact on my life and I appreciate you.

I'm just a little curious - has the start of the new year inspired you to start a project of your own?

Wishing you a great week and a year filled with happiness and acts of kindness.

Thank you!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 19

Week 19 of the 365 Day People Picture Project was an extra special week!   I had two VIP subjects - My brother and my friend Shauna, who is basically the reason this project even exists. Day 127 - Man Walking Dog on the Lake Trail


This man and his dog, Tramp, were leaving the trail just as I arrived for my Sunday morning walk.  It had been raining that morning and they were both pretty soggy.

Tramp is a sweetie and one of the most gentle dogs I've ever met. He's an old fella, but he gives you irresistible puppy-dog-eyes.


Tramp and his human walk the trail twice a day.  I only get to walk those trails on the weekends and it is one of my favorite things to do.  Walking those trails grounds me and keeps me happy. When I asked Tramp's human about the happiest thing going on in his life, he responded, "this right here."  We visited for a while about our appreciation for the trail and Tramp accepted a biscuit and some lovin from me.

Here are a couple more pictures from my walk the morning that I met Tramp and his human.


It was so foggy and misty that the sky was absent of color, so the photos actually came out looking black & white.  (These have been enhanced slightly, and one is now more sepia-looking.)



Day 128 - Shauna, AKA - Nubby Twiglet


Meet Shauna, one of the best graphic designers in the Northwest, sweetheart, friend, and an amazing girl who makes things happen and gets things done.

Shauna is truly an amazing and inspiring person.  The girl does not stop. She doesn't take no for an answer and if something can't be done, she'll find a way to do it.  And, she'll push you to do the same.

You've actually met her husband, Joey, back on day 6.

Shauna is basically the entire reason you're reading this now.  I've been acquainted with Shauna and have followed her blog, Nubby Twiglet, for years.   I didn't really understand blogging, but what I did understand is that I enjoyed seeing snippets of her life and her evolution as a designer and blogger.  Never in a million years would I have thought that I would someday have my own blog - but if you hang around amazing people who are constantly pushing themselves, eventually you'll absorb some of that energy and you'll push yourself to do things you would have never imagined, no matter how far out of your comfort-zone things may be.

In addition to publishing Nubby Twiglet, Shauna recently launched her own design studio, Branch, and she's one of the Headmistresses at the blogging workshop, The Blogcademy.  I'm telling you, the girl does not sleep.  I've texted her at midnight and she's awake and working, and I've texted her at 4am, and she's awake and working.

One thing I love about Shauna is that she's so encouraging of others.  Esthetically, her blog is perfection but she'll be the first to tell you that you shouldn't let your desire to be perfect stand in the way of starting where you are and then working to improve.  This thought is also one of the core messages from The Blogcademy - perfectionism is a form of procrastination.  It is because of Shauna and the Blogcademy, that I decided to start this blog and the #365 Day People Picture Project.  Shauna is the type of person who will tell you something like - so what if you're not a photographer and you want to challenge yourself to take a picture of a person every day for a year…just take the first step and strive to improve as you go!

From day one, it was important that Shauna be one of the subjects in this project because not only is she a friend, but she's also the main source of inspiration for missellanea.com.   I knew the day would come when it was time to take her picture and I've been so nervous!  I've explained before that I get really nervous when taking pictures of friends, family and acquaintances - sometimes even more so than when taking the picture of a complete stranger.  I know, it doesn't make sense to me either.  However, in Shauna's case, it is completely understandable why I was so nervous.  When you check out Shauna's blog,  you'll see that she's been photographed by some of the most talented photographers in the world and she's a graphic designer with a great eye and high standards. She denies it, but she's also a pretty talented photographer herself!

I realized that I was worrying for nothing.  Shauna understands that I'm just a beginner and it turned out that I was more relaxed taking her picture than I have been with anyone else!  She actually coached me and the result was something we were both pleased with.

The one thing that made it easy, is that Shauna is such a great subject/model.   I've learned from this project that it is still possible (and very easy) to take a bad picture of a beautiful person.  I didn't want to blow it and I really wanted a picture she would like.   Shauna is fair complexioned and she explained to me that we were working with challenges because of her make-up look that evening.  She did her best to coach me on how to compensate and I learned a lot from her in just that short time.

One improvement I've noticed in myself is that I'm starting to see things differently and I'm beginning to think like a photographer. However, just because I see a beautiful image before me, I'm still learning how to capture it and present the image as beautifully as it appeared in real life or in the viewfinder.  This picture is the perfect example that I still have a long way to go.  Shauna and I were sitting next to mirrored glass and as she was talking, I could see both her and her reflection in the mirror. The image was so striking,  I interrupted her mid-sentence and grabbed my camera.  I love this picture, but it's nowhere near as beautiful as I was seeing it in real life.


Shauna has made some great things happen in her life, but when I asked her about the happiest, she summed it up by saying, "realizing that it was possible to work for myself."

Shauna continues to inspire and help me, although I try my very best not to ask her for help.  She's among the most popular bloggers out there and I just don't want to take advantage of her and her many years of experience. I need to learn things on my own, often the hard way. However, I am going to take her up on her offer to let me practice and take pictures of her, so don't be surprised if you see more of the little Nubby Twiglet.

Day 128 Bonus - Andrew


While Shauna and I were taking pictures on the patio of the Doug Fir Lounge, we were approached by this guy.  This is Andrew, of the band 1491.  He wanted to know if we were doing an interview for a magazine or something, so we told him about the project and made him a subject. He was a funny part of the evening so I wanted to include him a bonus person.  Andrew not only let me take his picture but we also worked on the "squinch."

Day 129 - Two Stranded Travelers


I met these two at the Cascade Station shopping center, by the airport.  After approaching them and explaining the project, I started to get a read on them that they were going to decline me.  It turned out, they had just had a really long and tiring day. They were both really nice, but they were tired and hungry. Their flight had been delayed and then cancelled, so they had been at the airport all day before learning they would have to catch a flight the following day. Although their day was probably stressful, they were both optimistic about their trip and happy they would be traveling the next day.

I attempted to introduce a new question but it's not as smooth as the "happy" question. I asked them about an event has been a turning point in their lives.  The traveler on the left responded that he's going back to school for forestry.

Day 130 - Rebecca and Boo


Wednesday was a tough day.  I had to run to the Lloyd Center Mall to do some shopping and figured it would also be a rather easy place to find a subject.  I was definitely mistaken. I was declined so many times, at one point, I thought I was going to cry.  (Yes, it was that bad.  My feelings were crushed.)   Feeling discouraged and almost-defeated, I was questioning if that was going to be the day that the project came to an abrupt end.

I decided that I shouldn't ask another person at the mall and that I just needed to look for someone on my drive home.

After leaving the mall, I spotted a Christmas tree lot across the street from a convenience store and I knew I would definitely be able to find someone at one of those two places.  When I parked my car,  I looked over and saw a beautiful dog, attentively waiting for his owner in the store.

When Rebecca came out of the store, I asked her if the dog was her baby and she said yes. I then asked if I could take her picture and she agreed.

I started to ramble about how I'm not good with taking pictures of people with their dogs but then I decided to just shut up and take a picture.  It's a good thing, too, I would have been wasting my breath.  Boo was such a good little subject, I didn't struggle at all this time!  I just asked Rebecca to crouch down with Boo and we immediately got a nice shot.   It felt like Boo totally understood that we were trying to take a picture!

Rebecca explained that they just had family portraits taken with Boo and their other two dogs, so Boo really did know the drill.  I didn't tell her that I had just done my first-ever family + dog photoshoot last weekend.  I just told her that Boo was probably a dream subject for their photographer.

When I asked Rebecca about the happiest thing in her life, she replied, "I'm going back to school to get my masters degree."

We visited for a few more minutes, I thanked Boo with a biscuit and then they were on their way.

After my interaction with Rebecca and Boo, I was actually kind of glad I was declined so many times at the mall. Had I not been declined, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet the two of them.

Day 131 - Kevin at Plaid Pantry


I was happy to see a new face when I stopped at the convenience store on my way home.  I think we now have every person who works the swing shift from this particular store.

It was a rare moment because I was the only customer in the store, so I took advantage of the opportunity and asked Kevin if I could take his picture for the project.

The happiest thing happening in Kevin's life right now, is that his band, Between Cities and Skies, is nearly finished with an entire album.   His enthusiasm is contagious and I left there feeling excited for his band and happy to have met him.  You can check them out here!

Day 132 - Donny, My Brother


This is my Brother, Don.

I don't see my family as often as I should, but they're always in my heart and my thoughts.

My Mom called last week to tell me that Donny would be in Portland for a Tribal meeting and she wanted to make sure that I set aside time to see him and attend the meeting.  She was pretty insistent that I also take his picture for the project.   I laughed and told her, "I'm already all over it, Mom."

We met friday and only had about an hour before the meeting, during which time my brother updated me on the issues affecting our Tribe and towns where we're from.  I'm proud of the work Donny is doing for our people and for the environment. I just wish our Dad were still alive to see it.

We had a few laughs when we were taking pictures.  Donny humored me and tried the "squinch" but we ended up laughing and our attempts at the squinch either looked goofy or angry.  The "squinch" isn't easy, and that's usually what happens with most people.  It was a little emotional taking my brother's picture because he's really starting to look like our Dad.  I was disappointed in myself because I wanted to get the best picture ever taken of my brother.  I know I could have done better - so I'll just have to make it a point to go home to visit more often and try again.

My brother is a pretty talented guitar player but I never realized just how good he was until I was in high school.  I thought that everybody who played a guitar, played as well as my brother.  I didn't realize that not every guitar player takes their guitar with them every place they go and practices for hours upon hours and then practices some more and does so nearly every day.  It wasn't until I was approached by one of my high school crushes that I realized just amazing Donny was.  The "crush" asked me if I was related to Don and when I said that he was my brother, crush-guy told me that he was taking guitar lessons from him.  Crush-guy went on for a good 10 minutes telling me just how good Donny was and how much he admired him. He talked about Donny as though he were a rock star!  I was blown away! I should have been blown away by the fact that the hot guy even knew my name, but what struck me most was that I had no idea Donny was so talented. I always thought it was something my brother just did - playing a guitar was just as much a part of him, as were his own two hands. I heard my brother play all the time, so I didn't realize he was exceptional.

I was so glad I attended the meeting Friday.  I didn't need someone to point out to me how special my brother is.  This time, I was able to see clearly with my own two eyes.

I admire Donny and I'm inspired by his life.  We were so busy catching up that I forgot to ask him about the happiest thing in his life.  I'm just going to share what I think his answer would have been - I think he would have said that he loves his wife and his family.

Day 133 - Ray


I've been looking at the same fallen-tree in the lake for a few years and I've always known there was a good photograph in there somewhere.  I'm just not skilled enough to get it. I've tried so many times but I've never managed to capture it.

The fog was pretty thick this morning and as I was nearing my second favorite trail, I looked over to the familiar fallen-tree and thought that today might be the day I finally get the picture.  Having discovered earlier in the week my new appreciation for shooting in the fog, I realized conditions had never been better.  I had to try again, even though I've never been able to capture the picture as beautifully as it appeared in my mind.

As soon as I started shooting, several ducks came swimming toward me.  Although I love ducks and normally welcome the photo-op, I was annoyed that they were putting ripples in the otherwise glass-like lake.  They were going to "foul" up my picture!  I did manage to snap a few photos before they got too close.  The ducks kept swimming toward me and it was obvious they thought that I was going to feed them.  I was empty-handed though.


I gave up trying to get my picture and headed back across the street to the trailhead.  Just then, I noticed a man had pulled up to the lake. He got out of his truck, went down to the bank and he proceeded to feed the ducks.  Aaahaa!  He was the person who the ducks were expecting to see!


I approached him to ask if I could take his picture and he agreed.  He told me the story about how two little orphaned baby ducklings somehow ended up in his back yard when he lived in California.  He fed them and took care of them until his wife told him that they needed to be freed.  He took them to a park with a pond and released them back into the "wild."  He was worried that they wouldn't be able to fend for themselves because they had grown up in his back yard, so he would go to the park and feed them every day.  Now that he lives here, he's adopted these ducks to care for.

When I asked Ray the happiest thing happening in his life, he responded, "I'm alive. I'm 82 years old and I'm alive."

If you have been a subject this week, or any week, thank you.  Not only do I appreciate you, but you're part of the happiest thing happening in my life right now.  (Donny, if you happen to read this, thank you and I love you.  Shauna, thank you. Thank you for everything.)

Thank you for following along so far.   My friend Shelly shared this video the other day and I wanted to share it with you.  This project is sort of like my own personal little "ball pit" and I hope this project and this video will help to inspire you to open up to a stranger, and perhaps, meet a new friend.
