365 Day People Picture Project - Week 45

Thank you for checking out week 45 of The 365 Day People Picture Project! I compare this point in the project to being around mile 21 in a Marathon.  For anyone looking on, it would seem that if a person has made it to mile 21 - the rest would be in the bag.  But, a lot can happen in those last 5.2 miles and in those last few miles, the battle that's happening in your head is now a full blown war.

By mile 21, you know if you can still hit your goal, or if you're so far off track that you now just need to concentrate on crossing that finish line.  At mile 21, one moment you're praising yourself for all of your training for the past several months, and then the next moment, you're cursing yourself for not training harder or smarter.  You fight to quiet the voices of self-doubt in your head and replace them with with a loop of positive mantras - I'm strong. I can do it.  I'm strong. I can do it.

So here I am, around mile 21.  I'm off track to meet my goal as far as showing improvement in the quality of the pictures I take - but I'm determined to cross that finish line anyway.  I could have done more.  I could have "trained" harder.  I could have studied more, practiced more, and learned more.  Just like in a marathon - it's time to hush those stupid negative voices and just finish strong.   For now, let's just concentrate on these last 5.2 miles ahead of us.  Let's just finish strong.  Finishing strong doesn't always mean that it's pretty, and quite often it hurts. Badly.  Finishing strong means giving it your entire heart. Finishing strong means you dig down deep to pull out more from yourself than you even knew you had left to give.  You might even just surprise yourself with what you can find when you dig deep.  Finish strong.

Day 309 - JL21


This is JL21.   I broke my own rule and decided to include a costumed street performer in the project.  But, there is a very good reason why I broke the rule.

Saturday night, I met up with my friend Anne and her friends.  We were having the kind of conversation I live for - one in which we talked about exploring and honoring creativity, doing what we love, finding who we love, and how all those seemingly random life coincidences one day align themselves to reveal that they weren't at all random, but meaningful occurrences orchestrated by the universe to lead us to exactly where we're meant to be.

Anne's friend, Jeannie, brought up "the Robot" during our conversation.  Jeannie knows the true identity of "the Robot," and although now I can't even remember how he was introduced into our conversation, he just fit the topic and he actually played a pretty key role in our beautiful conversation.  I didn't know "the Robot" who Jeannie was referring to, as I had never seen him before.

The next day, as I was driving to the library, I somehow turned down a completely different street than I normally take to go to the library.  I thought it was odd at the time because I get pretty set in my driving routes and routines.  I took a few turns in the attempt to get myself back on my normal route and all of the sudden --- THERE HE WAS!!!!  THE ROBOT!!!  Less than 18 hours after hearing about "the Robot," in a conversation about coincidences-not-being-coincidences, "the Robot" was right before my eyes!   I decided that even though it was against my rule, I just wanted and needed to include him in the project.

In the time that I had "interviewed" JL21, several people had stopped to take pictures with him.  He's quite the popular robot!

I asked JL21 the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he replied, "my relationship," and "I'm not overheating."   JL21 is a seriously determined robot.  I can imagine that on a hot day, his robot suit could get practically unbearable.

JL21 works for tips but his act of kindness is that he still lets people take pictures with him, even if they don't have money for a tip.  People love him!

"To live every moment," LJ21 replied, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement, or if he could think of one on the spot.  JL21 explained that living every moment is actually the art of slowing time and that it helps if you have a love for everything.

I asked JL21 one thing about himself which he would consider to be a success and he replied in a robot-like voice, "that I am a happy Robot."

If you would like to meet JL21, he can be found on Saturdays and Sundays  near Vancouver Farmers Market and Esther Short Park.


Day 310- Ian


This is Ian.  A person sitting alone at a patio table has officially become an invitation for an invitation...it's become pretty easy for me to invite myself to sit down with them to ask if I can take their picture.

"I'm moving to Canada in 2 months, " Ian replied, when I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

I asked Ian if he had recently performed an act of kindness.  He said that he does little things all the time, the most recent thing that came to mind is that he had just given a man a cigarette.

"Be nice to people, leave a little footprint, and spread happiness," Ian responded, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on the spot.

I asked Ian one thing about himself which he would consider to be a success and he replied, "I'm still skateboarding at 28 years old."  I both kidded him and encouraged him, telling him my boss is 50+ and still skateboarding, and that hopefully he'll be able to say the same when he's his age.


Day 311 - Mercy


This is Mercy.

"I'm working on trying to buy my house," Mercy said, is the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

I asked Mercy if she had recently performed an act of kindness.  Mercy couldn't think of something specific, but she then explained that she works in customer service and she has the opportunity to be kind to people every day in the job she does.

"To be better and better," Mercy replied, when I asked if she had a personal mission statement or if she could think of one on the spot.

I asked Mercy one thing about herself which she would consider to be a success and she explained that in addition to her job, she also has a coaching business - Left Turn Coaching.   Mercy travels the country teaching and coaching Roller Derby Teams!

Good luck in the home-buying adventure, Mercy!


Day 312 - Marc


This is Marc.

In my search for a daily subject, I often pass by Portland Shoe Repair, in the Hollywood District, and it always looks like such a happening place!  I couldn't figure out why so many people would be at a shoe repair shop, so I finally decided to stop in and that's where I met Marc.  There were enough guys for a basketball team and I learned they were all family, just hanging out and helping the family member who was working at the time.

I asked Marc the happiest thing happening in his right now and he replied, "enjoying the summer."

Marc's recent act of kindness, one in which he often does, is that he gave a person a MAX (lightrail commuter train) ticket.

"Take pride in your work," Marc responded, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on the spot.

I was a little surprised and impressed at Marc's next answer, given his age.  One thing about himself which Marc considers to be a success - is his perseverance.  Marc said he stays mentally strong and no matter what happens, he sees the silver lining.   Marc has a pretty wise outlook for someone just beginning his life.  With that mindset, he'll go far.


Day 313 - Emily


This is Emily.

"I'm dancing again," Emily replied, when I asked about the happiest thing happening in her life right now.  Emily is a dancer and when I asked if she danced a particular style, she explained that right now, her work is mainly Latin style dancing.

Emily was having a hard time recalling if she had recently performed an act of kindness.  I could tell she had been searching her memory when she finally stated that she had made pancakes for her boyfriend.

In this project, I've noticed that some people have a tendency to minimize the act of kindness they perform for their partners.  Seems we don't place enough value on the little things we do for our friends, family and loved ones.  Those little gestures are of huge significance because they set people up to do good things throughout the day.  My husband makes my coffee 96% of the time and I can't even begin to thank him enough.  This one little act of kindness is not so little for me...it's HUGE!

We just never know...a tiny little thing we do for someone could be the stone that starts the ripple of kindness.  We don't have to be millionaire philanthropists to make a difference. It can begin with a smile, or a pancake.

"To stay in a constant state of evolution," Emily replied, when I asked if she had a personal mission statement or if she could think of one on the spot.

I asked Emily one thing about herself which she would consider to be a success and she replied after careful consideration, "defining my own success."  Again, such an insightful answer from a person who's just beginning her life.  She pretty much nailed the whole point of this question and the reason I've been asking it.  How do you define success?  Specifically, how do you define success for your own life?


Day 314 - Andi Caroline


This is Andi.  He's another person I met by simply inviting myself to sit down with him at his patio table.  Thankfully, he didn't mind me interrupting his break from work.

When I asked Andi the happiest thing happening in his life right now, the first answer he gave was, "getting to walk to work every day."  He then revised it to be, "consciously simplifying my life."  Andi has made the decision to simplify his life. He doesn't want to waste time or money.  It was as though Andy had been reading my mind.  Just earlier I had been thinking that the majority of the money I waste, ironically, was wasted by trying to save money.  In addition to wasting money, I end up with closets or drawers full of stuff I just won't or can't use. I had decided it was time to do another exercise in simplifying and Andi was a great reminder the time is now.  Living simply can feel liberating and obviously for Andi, it's bringing him great happiness.

I asked Andi if he had recently performed an act of kindness and I could tell he was feeling a little stressed and disappointed because he couldn't recall a specific act of kindness.   He made a very good point that if he does an act of kindness, he doesn't write them down or log them mentally, so nothing was coming to mind.  I think that's the same for a lot of us.

"Live by your values,"  Andi replied, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or if he could think of one on the spot.

I asked Andi one thing about himself which he would consider to be a success and after considering the question again, he replied, "growing brussels sprouts."

As we visited, Andi kept circling back to the "act of kindness" question, determined to provide an answer.  When people start to feel bummed because they can't think of an answer, I normally remind them that they allowed me to take their picture.  For some reason, I don't know why I didn't tell this to Andi. I t Andi seemed so disappointed in himself.   He questioned if I was going to say that he hadn't performed an act of kindness.  It was really bothering Andi!  Poor guy!  I was so happy and relieved when Andi reached the conclusion on his own when he announced - I let you take my picture!  His inclusion in the project was his act of kindness!  Yes!  Andi gave me a huge amount of his kindness by letting me take his picture and share it with you.   After agreeing with Andi that it was an act of kindness and actually a pretty big one since a lot of people don't enjoy having their picture taken, he confessed he's one of those people. He's much more comfortable being behind the camera.  I have not doubt Andi performs acts of kindness on a daily basis - he's a nice person and his act of kindness, is his kindness.


Day 315 - Yesenia, Maria, and Angel


This is Yesenia (left), Maria (center), and Angel (right).

I headed down to Ester Short Park and the Vancouver Farmers Market in search of a subject.  The park was gated off for a wine festival, so I was restricted to the Farmers Market and the area around there.  It's difficult to explain, but I have the hardest time finding a subject in big events.

Not having any luck at the farmers market, I decided to just go sit on a bench outside the park and wait for someone.  I noticed a steady stream of sharply dressed men and women flowing by me.  The Hilton Hotel and Convention Center is just down the block from where I was sitting, so I gathered there must be an event happening.  I decided to ask Yesenia, Maria and Angel if I could take their picture for the project and they confirmed they were attending a Hispanic business conference.

Given there were three people, I asked them each only two questions.

I asked the happiest thing happening in their lives right now and they answered as follows: Yesenia - "the opportunity of being financially free."  Maria (as interpreted by Yesenia) - "in a few months, I will be financially free and without a boss."  Angel - "the opportunity to succeed."

I asked the the trio if they had a personal mission statement or if they could think of one on the spot, and I clarified the question by asking about their life's purpose.  Yesenia replied, "faith can get you to where you want to be."  Angel replied, "trying to better the life of hispanics and immigrants."  Maria responded, (with interpretation provided by Yesenia) "to help other people and to put God as a priority.  Thanks to him, we're free."  Yesenia went on to say that we have two choices in life. We can choose good or bad.  She wants people to know the good in life.  She wants people to uphold family values.

I was totally kicking myself after meeting Yesenia, Maria and Angel.  They were three beautiful and kind people and I could have better captured them had I had the right lens. I just had to make do. I almost didn't approach them, knowing I had on the completely wrong lens for a group picture, but I'm so glad I didn't let it stop me.  I'm so glad I got to meet them and I'm inspired by their genuine desire for good things and prosperity for the Hispanic community.  I just had to remind myself that limitations are only limitations if we allow them to be.  Sometimes, we just need to figure out a way to work around them.

Here's the summary of the personal mission statements from this week's subjects:

  • To live every moment.
  • Be nice to people, leave a little footprint, and spread happiness.
  • To be better and better.
  • Take pride in your work.
  • To stay in a constant state of evolution.
  • Live by your values.
  • Faith can get you to where you want to be.
  • Trying to better the life of hispanics and immigrants.
  • To help other people and to put God as a priority.

Thank you for following along on another week of this project.

If you've been a subject in this project - thank you for your kindness and your generosity in sharing yourself with us.  I appreciate you, and thank your for letting me take your picture. If you like your picture, please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail and I'd be happy to e-mail you a copy.

Have a successful week - however you define success!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 24

We've completed week 24 of the 365 Day People Picture Project. If this project were a marathon, we're right around mile 11. Day 162 - Mason


Sunday, I headed back down to Esther Short Park in search of a subject.   It's been a gamble here, on whether or not I'll find a subject, but I love the little park so I seem to go there at least once a week.   When the farmers market isn't in season, the park can be pretty sleepy.  Unlike Portland's waterfront, which is filled with interesting people no matter what the time or season, there are times of the day and year in which the only life you'll find in Vancouver's near-waterfront park are the squirrels!

As soon as I arrived downtown and before I even found a parking spot, I spotted Mason with camera in tow. A person with a camera will most likely agree to let me take their picture.  I parked and then began my chase to catch up with him.

Mason is a photographer and he was actually shooting for a client.  He was working for a bank and getting images for the bank's upcoming community campaign, but he paused long enough to let me take his picture.


I asked Mason about the happiest thing happening in his life and was envious when he replied, "I'm moving to Hawaii in a month." Mason is moving to the Big Island,  so I asked if he happened to be a scuba diver. He is, so we talked about the night dives with the Manta Rays.

I asked Mason if he's performed a recent act of kindness and since he's moving, he's been giving away a lot of his possessions.

Because of Mason's upcoming move, his website is going under construction but he shared his flickr page.  I love Mason's work!  I'm happy for him and his move to Hawaii, but I wished I had met Mason a few months ago and we could have become photography friends.  I forgot to ask Mason if he's also an underwater photographer.  I'm going to keep an eye on his Flickr to see his work evolve as he makes the transition to his new surroundings in paradise.

Day 163 - Crystal


"The Girl with Stars in her Eyes."

I met Crystal on the patio of the Doug Fir.  Shauna and I had met there on Monday and before leaving, we headed back to the fire pit in search of a subject.  We saw, what we thought a was a couple, hanging out by the fire.  I asked the guy if I could take his/their picture simply because he was closer to me.  He half-heartedly agreed but said I should really take Crystal's picture because she's so pretty.  I've mentioned before how much I love it when people's friends volunteer them to be subjects!  Crystal agreed to let me take her picture and it was only later that we learned that the guy who volunteered her for the picture wasn't actually with her. He had been a complete stranger to Crystal as well!

Crystal has an actual star-shape in her right eye. (her left eye as you're looking at the picture.)   After I had taken a few pictures, she mentioned her special feature and hoped I had captured it. I've been debating which picture to share with you.  Although the fire pit is the greatest place to meet new and interesting people, it's actually quite challenging to take a picture there.  Not only did I nearly catch myself on fire, but because I'm inexperienced, I don't yet know how to control the ISO and aperture for the conditions.  Once I learn this, I bet some of my favorite pictures will come from that very spot!  I wanted you to be able to see Crystal's star, but I love her picture in black & white over color. (Black & White seems to not only be my personal preference, and I have a tendency to look at something and envision how it will look B&W, but I think it's slightly more forgiving of my mistakes while I'm in the process of learning.)   Even in the B&W version, you can see her special and beautiful feature.

What started out to be just a quick shoot-and-run mission to find a subject, turned into an extended stay at the fire pit, just hanging out and talking with Crystal and the other people who gathered as the evening went on.  Crystal is not only nice and very pleasant company, but she's quite interesting as well!  She's also a photographer!  She describes her work as abstract.

When I asked Crystal about the happiest thing happened in her life, she told us she's going to school and currently "learning about neuroscience and how it connects to self awareness."  Crystal told us that if we spend 20 minutes a day in thought/reflection/meditation, it improves brain cell function by 30%!  Hopefully my brain cells are working efficiently and I'm reporting this accurately.  Once again, I think it's time to get a recorder if I'm going to be meeting such interesting people!

I asked Crystal if she's performed an act of kindness and she said that she and a friend had just been to Washington Park and she spent time picking up litter.


Day 164 - Sarah and Brian


I met Sarah and Brian, walking down the street.  I spotted them immediately and because they pretty much ooze niceness, I was optimistic they would say yes if I asked them if I could take their picture.  I approached them at the crosswalk and they agreed!  We waited for the light signal to change and I accompanied them across the street.

Sarah and Brian are also both interesting people. I'm getting to meet so many great people in this project!  They just moved to Portland a week ago and I'm happy I got to be a part of the unofficial welcoming committee!

I asked the happiest thing happening in their lives and Sarah responded, "my relationship." She's inspired by her relationship with Brian.  When I asked if she's performed a recent act of kindness, she told me that she had just helped and elderly woman who had spilled out nearly the entire contents of her purse.  Sarah wanted to help the woman but also be respectful of her space and things.  The woman thanked her.

Brian is a performing story teller and he's happy about their move to Portland and hopeful it will be beneficial to his work.  He's another person who I plan to keep an eye out for and hope to catch a performance soon! (You can also learn more about his work here.)   Brian was having trouble thinking of a recent act of kindness in which he's performed but Sarah came in with an assist and explained that he's always doing kind things for her. She was recently sick with a stomach ache and Brian cut up ginger to make a remedy.

Brian and Sarah were both so gentle and nice! Sarah shared her blog with me. If you check it out, you'll discover that she's quite a writer and poet!

I'm wishing Sarah and Brian the best of luck in Portland.


Day 165 - Derek


I first met Derek's dog as she waited for Derek outside of a building.  I visited with her for a few minutes, went inside, and was happy to meet her human when I came out. Since I had already introduced myself to his dog, I figured I should make his acquaintance as well, and ask if I could take his picture.

Derek agreed but he was in a hurry, so I had to be quick!

"I just got married, I play music, I'm a happy man," was Derek's response when I asked about the happiest thing happening in his life.


Day 166 - Brendan


Brendan was another person I met just walking down the street. He caught my attention because of his slight resemblance to Portland's former Mayor, Sam Adams.

The happiest thing happening in Brendan's life are his two kids and his family.

I asked if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he tries to do things all the time, but recently, he had given a few dollars to someone.


Day 167 - Jason David


I had one of my biggest challenges taking Jason David's picture.  He's actually the one who brought it up and we both laughed when I confessed that I had indeed taken more pictures of him than anyone else in the project,  but I did my best to assure him that it was me who was photographically challenged and not him!

Jason had been having a hard day (actually, more like a hard year) and he was having a difficult time shaking it off and it was coming through in the pictures.  I could easily see Jason's sparkle when we were talking, but when I would start to take his picture, he would tense back up again and we just couldn't get a good shot. So, we tried to work with the tension and exaggerate it by trying the squinch.  My timing was off and the attempts at the squinch resulted in him just looking sleepy or just a tad too tough-guy.  I felt bad because he felt bad, but I explained that if I were better skilled, I would know how to help him feel more relaxed.  I was definitely seeing a nice person in front of me, and he was fun and friendly to talk with, but because this is such an awkward situation, we both had to work at it.  I mean, c'mon…you're having a tough day and then some complete stranger asks you if you could take their picture?  That's not uncomfortable or anything!

After all of our shots, I ended up with two favorites. This picture, and a picture in which he was happy and mid-laugh.  I debated which one to show you and after working so hard at creating a happier look, I opted to share this one with you because I like that it had just the right amount edge, and I also see a hint of a resemblance to Russell Crowe.  I know I've been working on not chopping off the tops of people's heads and my gut reaction was to discard this picture. You would think that I would have shared the other picture with you for this very reason alone,  but after studying the work of other actual photographer's, I've discovered they don't all automatically discount a photo just because of a slight head-chopping-off.  I've seen some photographers who even seem to do so intentionally.  It is still my intention to eliminate this from my personal style and I understand that I've contradicted myself in sharing this with you.  I just like and chose this picture, in spite of my error, simply because you can see Jason David is a nice guy, but his look also creates a mood…you just get the feeling that he's pensive.  I also pick up on sort of a musician vibe as well.  Perhaps it's me, but I just look at this picture and wonder what he's thinking about.

I asked Jason David the happiest thing happening in his life right now and although he's experienced some turbulence, he was quick to answer, "my career."  Jason loves his job.  I asked if he's performed a recent act of kindness and he said, "I tip well." He then tried to dismiss this, thinking it didn't really count because it's not something he goes out of his way to do, it is simply a part of his daily life.  We then had a nice discussion that this is actually a great act of kindness and is really one of the ways in which we can do kind things on a daily basis.


Day 168 - Josiah


Josiah was a runner I met on my favorite trail.  A friend from work joined me on my walk this morning and we did 7 miles. This was the longest distance she's ever gone! We did the walk as sort of an assessment so she could decide if she would like to do a half-marathon in April.  (She did excellent by the way, and I think I'm now going to have a new half-marathon buddy.)  We crossed paths with Josiah on the trail. He was impossible not to notice. The guy is fit!

We were under time constraints and I was hoping when we finished that I would be able to quickly find a subject at the trailhead.  Josiah had just finished his run and stretching, so I asked if I could take his picture.

I asked Josiah about the happiest thing happening in his life and he's about to realize a dream, 16 years in the making.  He's always wanted to fly missionaries in third world countries and he's nearly finished with requirements for both piloting and missionary work. He and his wife will be leaving on their first mission soon.

When I asked Josiah if he's performed a recent act of kindness, he couldn't think of anything recent and I told him it was ok, his entire life is about to become an act of kindness.  I think he wished his wife were with him at that moment so I could have asked her that question. He described her as an incredible person who is constantly performing acts of kindness and it's the reason he married her.

Thank you for reading this week! It's great having you as my partners in this project!  Now, I have a question for you…can you think of any new questions that you'd like for me to ask the subjects? I've been so stuck on our two questions and although I feel like I should change things up a bit, I also really enjoy hearing about the happiest thing happening in people's lives. Even if things are difficult for people, the question helps them to identify at least one positive thing happening in their lives. It is my hope that after we're finished with the picture and they're on their way, they reflect on the answer they had given me and even more happy thoughts come to mind, and for a moment, their happiness is multiplied.  I also like to find out about the acts of kindness performed by people because it is my hope that by us learning about the kindness of others, in a tiny little way, we could potentially breed and spread even more kindness.  So, what questions would you like me to ask?  I'd love the questions to be not only interesting and enlightening for us, but also positive for the subjects as well.

If you've been a subject, I give you my sincere appreciation and thanks.  You've made this project happen and I feel honored that you let me take your picture and share it here. I hope you were having fun.  I was, and I thank you for that!

Have a  great week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 23

Hello and thank you for checking in on week 23 of the 365 Day People Picture Project! After several weeks of having at least one subject a week who has been a friend or acquaintance, this week's subjects have all been complete strangers.

Day 155 - Colby


This is Colby.  I met her in the park in Downtown Vancouver. She looked like she was on a mission as she walked through the park with coffee in hand.  I suspected she wouldn't have time to stop for a picture, but I was happily surprised when she agreed.

Colby said, "I just got into a relationship with someone I really like," when I asked about the happiest thing happening in her life.

I asked if she's performed a recent act of kindness and after thinking about it, she said that she recently bought coffee for a friend who didn't have any money.


Day 156 - Two Handsome Police Officers

day 156 365 Day People Picture Project

Do you remember how just last week I was saying that I hoped to get a Police Officer in this project, since we've had EMT's and a Fireman?

I ended up being someplace I wasn't supposed to be and three police officers let me know about it!

Monday, I headed to the MAX Light Rail/Bus stop on 82nd and Halsey, in search of a subject.   I've gone there once before when looking for a subject (remember Tony from Day 96?), and I know it's always a busy place. I wasn't really finding anyone who looked like they might let me take their picture on the upper street-side bus stop, so I descended down the stairs to the MAX platform.  (MAX is Portland's light rail train system.)

As I approached the MAX platform, I could see several uniformed officers.  At first I thought they were Transit Officers, but then I figured out that they were actual Police Officers.  I stopped. Whoa! What's going on here, I wondered.  Unsure if I wanted to venture the rest of the way down to the platform, I noticed that everything was calm and business as usual. I didn't see any sort of situation or drama, so I continued down the rest of the stairs and onto the MAX platform.  At the bottom of the stairs, I was greeted stopped by three officers.

"Do you have your fare?" one officer asked.  I told him I wasn't taking the MAX, that I was actually just looking for someone interesting to take a picture of for my picture project.  He told me that I wasn't allowed on the platform without a paid fare.  I apologized and politely explained that I didn't know that.  Then, even more politely, I asked, "how 'bout you, could I take your picture?" Perhaps I caught him off guard with my question because the smart thing for me to do would have been for me to turn around and head back up the stairs where I was supposed to be.  He sort of chuckled as he declined my request,  but then he suggested that I ask the "handsome guys."  (The officer who declined me was also quite handsome, not that I noticed or anything.)

I did a quick survey of the platform to make sure I wasn't going to be distracting them from their work and decided the timing was perfect. I just went for it!  I asked these two Officers if I could take their picture and they agreed.

So, there I was, trying to direct these two Officers to, "get closer. A little closer, please."  At the time, I was serious and focused on getting a good picture, but looking back at it now, I just have to laugh at myself.  I'm so embarrassed!  I can't even believe I was trying to direct these two!  I'm not sure which I should have found to be more intimidating; that they're beautiful, or that they're police officers!

I quickly snapped a few pictures and then explained that I also had two quick questions if they had the time to spare.  I asked about the happiest thing happening in their lives, and the officer on the left responded, "being young and enjoying each day…."  Then, before he could even finish his answer and before I could ask the other question or even their names, they had to go.  I didn't see what was happening, or about to happen, but our time was up.  The three officers left the area where we had been standing,  joined a few other officers, and I decided I needed to get out of the place where I wasn't even technically supposed to be.

Once again, time with my subjects had been cut short at this particular station. And, once again, I was sad.  As I was leaving, I sent out a little wish (I guess it was actually sort of a little prayer) that the Officers will be safe and protected.


Day 157 - Selene


Tuesday, I decided to look for a subject at a park-and-ride bus stop.  Seems I have the best or worst timing.  Several busses had just pulled away and of course, they had taken all of the potential subjects with them!  I found one group of people still remaining and that's where I met Selene.

Selene had been visiting with another passenger (or friend) when I approached them both to ask if I could take their picture. Her friend volunteered her for the job!

What I hadn't noticed when I approached them,  is that they were standing in the long line to actually board the bus which was already there.  I had to be super quick! So quick, I was only able to take a couple really fast pictures and I didn't even get to ask Selene any questions.

Day 158 - Paul


I met Paul outside of Velo Cult, which I had no idea was so close to my work.  Velo Cult is a Bike Shop, Bar, and Coffee Shop.  I'll definitely be going back there!

When I asked Paul about the happiest thing happening in his life, he responded, "I'm about to go get a beer!"

Paul's recent act of kindness, well, I don't know how to say it…he really was kind when he managed to remain nice to his brand new roommate who accused him of stealing her laptop.  He told me the strange story and he's a pretty nice guy for being able to be calm, even when someone was accusing him of something he didn't do.  His new roommate felt horrible when she found her laptop…right where she left it!

Day 159 - Lillie


This beauty is Lillie.

I've explained before that I don't yet have photoshop or lightroom. The only editing programs I have are iPhoto which just comes on/with the computer, and an app I downloaded from the App Store.  I'm still having a lot of fun experimenting with the two programs I do have.  It's taking all of my restraint not to post about 17 different versions of Lillie's picture!  She's got a pretty amazing look and she looks great in nearly every "effect" I could apply.  Ironically, even though her look goes beautifully with all of the different effects,  my favorite picture was the plain ol' unedited, original photo. I think the original best shows her beauty.  I struggled with which picture to share with you, and although the unedited version was my favorite, I couldn't resist sharing her photo in black & white.  I'm too inexperienced to have developed a style, but whenever I see great texture such as in her hat, hair, and jacket, I'm compelled to go black & white.

Lillie looked like she could have been coming from work or on her way to a fancy party but she was actually on her way to the gym!  She said she had on her gym clothes underneath her dress.

"Going back to school," is the happiest thing happening in Lillie's life.  She's learning to be a grant writer and will work with non-profits.  When I asked Lillie if she's performed a recent act of kindness, she explained this is basically her motivation for going back to school.  She doesn't feel like she's done enough. She considers herself a nice person, but she said she hasn't really done anything extraordinary.   I suspect Lillie is quite extraordinary and when she finishes with school, many people will benefit from her efforts.


Day 160 - Marielle


This is Marielle.  She works at the Nectar Cafe, with Natasha from Day 89.  I met Marielle on Friday evening. It's been a bit of an exhausting week and I coasted into the Nectar Cafe, needing coffee, just like a car running on fumes coasts into a gas station.

Marielle filled me up and was nice enough to also let me take her picture.  Marielle thought about it for a moment when I asked about the happiest thing happening in her life, and then she shared that it was a very happy day for Nectar Cafe!  Their coffee was just picked up by a co-op/shop, so good things are happening for Marielle and Natasha!

I also asked Marielle if she's performed a recent act of kindness.  She said that always tries to hold kindness with her, and then explained she's a person who does her giving in secret.  I didn't want to pry.  There have been times when I've done kind things that I've never told anyone about, so I totally understand her philosophy of giving in secret.

Marielle is a kind person. I thought I left my wallet at the shop and when I returned, she was in the process of closing but she still helped me to look around.  We couldn't find it anywhere so I was hoping I had just hidden it from myself inside my giant purse/camera bag. Sure enough, that's where I found it!  I was relived and finally able to enjoy my much needed coffee.  Which, by the way, was the best cup of coffee I've ever had. (Sorry, Debbie.)


Day 161 - Rick


Rick had just finished running 7 miles when I asked if I could take his picture.  I remembered that had we crossed paths on the trail and that he was friendly, so I was optimistic that he was going to say yes.

When I asked Rick the happiest thing happening in his life, he said, "I'm just happy to be alive."  He went on to say that he's intimate with his higher power and that no matter what life throws at him, he knows he's not alone.

I laughed at Rick's answer when I asked if he's performed a recent act of kindness, "I put the toilet seat down for my wife," he joked.  (I know my husband is going to read this and will once again open up the debate that if I were kind, I'd put the seat up for him!) Yes indeed. This is a great act of kindness and one often overlooked.

Rick recently started Master Builder Ministries and you can read more about his work and program here.


If you're reading this and you've been a subject in this challenge, thank you!  If we were pressed for time and I didn't get the opportunity to thank you properly, I just want you to know that I appreciate your kindness and that you allowed me to take your picture.  Thank you.

Thank you for following along in this project! I hope you're having as much fun meeting these people as I'm having introducing them to you.

Wishing you a great week!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 21

Happy New Year! The start of 2014 closes week 21 of the 365 Day People Picture Project.  Thank you for following along!  It's funny when I think back to the start of this project - it started on a random Sunday, August 11th.  Had I waited till the start of the new year to start the project, which I considered for a split second, this would have been week 1.

I didn't make any resolutions to share with you, but I've made a big change.  It's more like a New Year's declaration than a resolution.

Have you noticed that I've said, "I'm not a photographer" probably 21 times in the last 21 weeks?  I've decided that I'm not going to say that anymore.  By refusing to embrace the "photographer" title, I've been giving myself an excuse to remain exactly where I am, and an excuse not to improve.  Hey, you can't expect me to take a good picture if "I'm not a photographer."   With the help of a new friend and the haunting words of an old friend, I decided that the only way I'm going to improve, is if I accept and embrace the title of "photographer."

I reached this decision last night.  I met my new friend Scott, from day 83, to find a subject for the day.  I overheard him describing this project to someone and when talking with that person, he referred to me as a photographer, working on an art project.  I cringed!  This is not the first time he's said that but it's just so hard for me to accept.  I've half-heartedly tried to embrace the title and I definitely like the sound of it, but I just can't take my own medicine!  When Scott denied the title of "artist," I encouraged him to own it, but I've been unwilling to do the same.

On my way home last night, my thoughts drifted and my mind replayed a conversation I had with a friend years ago.  That old friend (the friend who inspired this post) and I had been talking about a writing contest that I was afraid to enter.  The friend had finally grown tired of listening to me talk about writing, but never actually writing. He said, "you know the only difference between you and all the writers who enter the contest - they write and you don't!  You talk about writing but you don't write."  He went on to simultaneously scold and encourage me with more simple brilliance and although I can't remember word for word, he said something like; to be a writer, you just have to do one thing - write.  You may be a shitty writer, but at least you can call yourself a writer.  It's better to be a shitty writer than it is to be someone who just sits around wishing they could be a writer. If you want to be a writer, write. If you're a shitty writer, get better.

With the words of two friends swirling around in my head, I made the decision:  I take pictures. I'm a photographer.  I may be a shitty photographer right now, but I am a photographer and I will get better.

Day 141 - Ryan


I saw Ryan sitting outside the mall on Sunday evening and I actually passed him by.  I was having a challenging day finding a subject and I think I was feeling a little defeated because even though I liked his form, I just continued driving past him.

I came to my senses, parked my car and walked back to find him. I thought he would be gone by time I reached the area but he was still there.

When I approached Ryan, he agreed to let me take his picture right away, but then he was concerned he would look upset.  He had been waiting for someone and was starting to get both annoyed and concerned that the person hadn't shown. I assured him he didn't look mad.

I asked Ryan the happiest thing happening in his life and he replied that he's "trying to start a clothing line."  I asked who he's working with and explained that I work for a screen printer.  I think we both thought it was more than a coincidence that I just happened to randomly stop to take his picture.  He told me who he's been working with and although I've heard decent things about the shop, I still told him where I work.

When I asked Ryan if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he gave me quite the look!  I couldn't tell what he was thinking! It turned out to be another big coincidence, as he was trying to perform an act of kindness at that very moment.   He explained that he was there,  waiting for someone whom he had just offered to help.   He told the person where and when to meet him, but they never showed.  I could tell Ryan was upset and concerned for that person.  He did his best to reach out his hand to someone in need, but the person who needed the help just didn't reach back.

Day 142 - Anonymous Girl at Sam's Billiards


I surprised this girl when I approached her to ask for her picture. She didn't think she was picture-worthy but I insisted she was.

I've learned during this project that glasses are my nemesis.  I'm constantly battling glare, reflection, and how they sit on people's faces.  Being inexperienced, I mostly lose the battle.  I've just recently learned to ask people if they would be willing to take off their glasses.  Actually, it may have been after this picture that I realized I need to ask people to remove or reposition their glasses.  I  love her look but I wish that I had been a tiny bit lower, or asked her to reposition her glasses just a tiny bit higher, so that we could see her pretty eyes.  I get frustrated with my mistakes, but I understand I need to make them in order to improve.

"Living in Portland," is the happiest thing going on in Anonymous Girl at Sam's life.

Day 143 - Shelly


This is Shelly and she was the last person of 2013!  We're both from the same small Southern Oregon town and we actually went to High School together.  Unknowingly, we've ended up living about a mile away from each other in the same town, over 250 miles from where we came.  Were it not for Facebook, we probably would have never known we were so close!

Shelly is pretty amazing.  She's both a student and teacher of the Law of Attraction.  She publishes a blog on the subject and she's even written an e-book, "Happy Change Life."  Shelly keeps busy writing, blogging,  being a mom and managing her ebay store, Cherry Picker Boutique.  Her job sounds like so much fun but I realize it must be a lot of work.  I know that she's often out treasure-hunting for inventory for Cherry Picker Boutique.

I understand the foundation of the Law of Attraction is that basically; our thoughts become reality, so keep our thoughts good ones.  Shelly lives this!  In the 3+ years that we've been Facebook friends, everything she says is positive!  It's refreshing and inspiring.

Not only is Shelly's positivity inspiring, but if there's something she wants to do, she just does it.  She's also currently studying to get her real estate license and working on a novel. I know she's the type of person who will actually finish it! "Writing my book is giving me the most pleasure in life," is what Shelly said when I asked the happiest thing going on right now.

When I asked Shelly if she's performed an act of kindness, she responded that she gives money to a homeless couple - this happens to be the same homeless couple that Megan just gave her meals to last week!

Shelly has encouraged me since day one of this blog. It's been nice having a friend cheer me along and I appreciate her and her support.  I'm so glad she agreed to let me take her picture and close out the year! (Shelly, thank you for being in this project! Your support means a great deal to me!)

Day 144 - Mary, My Sister-in-Law


I had a great surprise on New Year's Eve!  I learned my brother and sister-in-law would be in town for the night so we made plans to meet for breakfast on New Year's Day.   I don't see my family often enough, so it was great to be able to see my brother twice in a week and a half, and this time, I also got to see Mary too!  Although our visits have been short both times, my little heart gets a much-needed fill-up when I do see my family.

When I was little, I didn't really understand the "in-law" of sister-in-law.  I always just thought of Mary as my sister. Although I'm older and I now know the difference between a sister and a sister-in-law, my heart doesn't distinguish the difference.

We had a nice New Year's Day breakfast and spent some more time catching up and visiting, but this time I remembered to ask Mary about the happiest thing going on in her life.  "The commitment to the change that I've decided to make - I'm encouraged to be more Christ-like in every situation and to be filled with spirit, love, peace and joy," is the answer Mary gave.  We went on to have a good conversation where she elaborated that she wants to be more Christ-like in her life and interactions, not just when she's at church.

Mary - thank you for letting me take your picture and being in this project and most importantly, I'm glad you're my Sister-in-Law Sister.  I love you.

Day 145 - Rachelle


I met Rachelle waiting at the bus stop.  It was another race to take her picture before the bus arrived.  I'm disappointed in myself because I didn't do as good of a job as I should have.   Rachelle had also told me that she didn't think she was picture-worthy.  It's obvious that she is quite picture-worthy and a beautiful girl, but I really wanted to take a fabulous picture; one that she would love so much, she would never say those words again. But, on the bright side, I think I proved the point anyway.  She's so picture-worthy, it can't even be hidden in my poor execution of the photo.

"Being able to restart," is the answer Rachelle gave when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life.  Diet and exercise are important in her life and a new year is definitely a new start for us all.

When I asked if she's recently performed an act of kindness, she explained that she likes to do small things every day because it makes her a better person.

Day 146 - Jeff


This is Jeff and I met him at Out-a-Bounds. (Anne and Scott's Cheer's.)  It took some encouragement from Jeff's girlfriend and from Scott, but he agreed to let me take his picture.

This is actually the most cropped photo I've ever posted on the project.  I could be mistaken, but I think I've actually only cropped 2-3 pictures so far.  If you're a photographer, you might be saying, "yeah, I can tell!"  (There's several that could have benefitted from being cropped.)

One of the first lessons I've been able to grasp when learning about photography, is to minimize the amount of cropping done in post.  The pros suggest that you learn to compose a picture properly to begin with, so that you don't have to do so later.  If you can train yourself to compose a shot properly, you'll train yourself to have a better eye and you'll be a better photographer.  Of course, there are times when this is unavoidable and there isn't a rule against it, but it's one thing I've tried to be diligent about because even with my lack of knowledge, this is one skill that I've been able to work on since the first day I got my camera.  No matter what your skill level and no matter what you know and don't know about your camera's operation, this is one skill that you can work on from the minute you first pick up a camera.   I sort of blew it on this one, but I knew at the time that I was blowing it.  Jeff was standing to the side of a dry cleaner business and although I knew the awful and distracting window signage was in the background, Jeff looked awesome!  Although I accidentally make this mistake quite frequently, this is one time that I knowingly took the shot with the intention that I could always crop it later.  Jeff and I moved to a different spot after this picture, but this was still my favorite picture because of his eyes.

I asked Jeff the happiest thing happening in his life and he said, "I'm really happy the holidays are over."

Jeff works at a care facility, so he performs acts of kindness every day!

Day 147 - Cyclist 


I met this man at the trailhead of my favorite lake trail.  I had just finished a little 7 mile walk and he was taking a half-way-there break from his ride.  Like a waitress, I approached him just as he had taken a giant bite of a protein bar, but he agreed to be day 147 just as soon as he finished chewing.

I love to watch people's faces when I ask them about the happiest thing happening in their lives. Some people answer right away and other people really take their time in forming the answer. I secretly hope to myself that they have so many happy things going on in their life, that they're trying to figure out which is the happiest.  On the flip side, I also appreciate that perhaps things aren't so happy but they're working really hard to think of something positive to say.  When I asked the cyclist about the happiest thing in his life, he responded after much thought, "that my son is doing well in the air force."

I asked the cyclist if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he thought for a while and then said that he's not the most generous person in the world in that he doesn't give away everything he owns, but he tries to do little things all the time.

I wanted to share another picture of the lake along which my favorite little trail runs.  I met the cyclist at the start of this trail. This is actually from last week, but I forgot to share it with you then.


Thank you for sharing in this project and for spending time with me and all of the subjects so far.  It's nice having you along!

If you've been a subject in this project, thank you!  Although our interaction was brief, every one of you has made an impact on my life and I appreciate you.

I'm just a little curious - has the start of the new year inspired you to start a project of your own?

Wishing you a great week and a year filled with happiness and acts of kindness.

Thank you!

365 Day People Picture Project - Week 3

Week 3 is a wrap! In case you're checking out the 365 Day People Picture Project for the first time, I've been taking a photograph of a person (or people) every day for the past three weeks.   A few of the pictures are of people I know, but the majority of my subjects have been strangers.  I post the pictures daily on Instagram and will post the weekly recap here on Sundays.  My goal is to take a picture, daily, for an entire year!

Day 15 - Mario


I met Mario on my favorite trail.  He had just run 4 miles and was stretching, and I had just aborted my 14 mile walk - only 3.5 miles into it. I  had been stung by a wasp, and as you can probably guess from this picture, we were caught in a total downpour!

Mario told me that he runs a race nearly every weekend.  It's no wonder he was such a trooper and let me take his picture in the pouring rain.  A few raindrops mean nothing to a person who races nearly every week!

Day 16 - "Creighton"


I didn't realize it until later, but Mario and "Creighton" look like they could be related!  "Creighton" was at the stairs of one of Portland's best "outdoor gyms."  It's not really a gym, it's a park.  The park is so popular with runners, walkers, cyclists and skateboarders, I think we could actually call it a fitness park.  "Creighton" was waiting for the rest of his group to arrive when I approached him to be day #16. I could tell he was a little unsure of me at first, but once he decided to let me take his picture, he went above and beyond the duties of being a subject!  He actually did a stair climb down the stairs.  This takes so much strength that I would be too embarrassed to even try it.  He did it with less effort than it takes me to walk up the stairs on my own two feet.  After taking his picture, my friend and I continued with our workout and ran into him and his group a few more times as they were alternating between running the stairs and doing these brutal climbs.

Day 17 - Christina


Christina is a manager/cashier at the grocery store near my work.  Don't worry, we weren't holding up the express line!  Christina's friendliness is just what I needed, at just the right time.

Although Mario and "Creighton" were both excellent subjects, I had been stressed on both of those days and quite worried about finding subjects.  When it started to pour on Sunday, I was struck with the reality that winter would soon be here and I am such a newbie, I don't even know how to take pictures in the rain. I mean, I'm sure that rain can't be good for a camera.  As I was contemplating the need for a waterproof housing, I then realized that it is going to be extremely challenging to find subjects once we change from daylight savings time.  When I stopped at the grocery store that morning and was met with Christina's cheerful smile, I just knew that everything will work out as long as I don't get too worked up about it.  There are friendly and willing people all over and when it gets dark and rainy, I'll just have to look for them a little harder and indoors.  It's going to be ok.

 Day 18 - Jacob


My co-worker and I were on our way back to the office when we spotted Jacob and his roofing crew, who were just wrapping up their lunch break.  I had to move quickly because the guys were just about to hop in their truck to drive away.  Had Jacob been alone when we approached him, I'm pretty sure he would have declined. Luckily, his co-workers basically ribbed him into being day 18.


Day 19 - Melissa


I had just parked my car and was contemplating on whether I should do my workout and then search for a subject, or vice versa, when somebody parked right in front of me.  I waited to see who would get out of the van, thinking maybe this person could be my day 19.  As soon as I saw the person exit the van, I just knew she would be it!  When she exited her van all I could see was this natural beauty carrying a giant bouquet of flowers.  I didn't know if she was making a floral delivery, or perhaps meeting someone for a picnic in the park.

I explained the project and she happily agreed to let me take her picture.  She was so sweet and she thought it was so cool that she was going to "be a part of an art project."  Wow, I hadn't ever thought of it like that!  As we were talking, I asked where she was headed with the flowers and she explained she was on her way to a memorial service in the park. Of course, I was completely shocked to hear she was there for such a sad occasion. I was little choked up as I gave her my condolences, but she assured me it was going to be a big celebration of life.  All the while, she had the most caring and genuine smile on her face.  If the person whose service she was attending had other friends as lovely as Melissa, then I'm certain that person had a wonderful life and was very much loved. And indeed, it was to be a celebration.

Later that evening, I was looking at the Instagram picture I had posted of Melissa and I had tears running down my cheeks. My husband asked if I was ok and what was the matter.  I explained I was fine but that I had been really affected by my subject that day.  I explained how Melissa was so nice and seemed so happy, she flashed the biggest smile, but she was dealing with some really sad stuff and people would never know. It just made me sad to know that every day, people are dealing with sad things and they give us a smile, and we just never know…

 Day 20 - Becky, Gina and Rindy


For the past two years, I've accidentally stumbled upon the Kumoricon Anime Convention in Downtown Vancouver.  Friday was such a beautiful day and I had already made up my mind to find a subject in downtown Vancouver after work.  I was just thinking there would be several people out enjoying one of our last sunny days and the likelihood that I could find a subject in the park would be quite high.   What I quickly realized, (after seeing a group of "vikings") is that I had struck people-watching gold and for the third year in a row, I had managed to be downtown during Kumoricon!

I can't even begin to describe how awesome this event is!  People from all over the country come to this convention and they go all out with their costuming!  Some of the attendees look like they spend the entire year planning their costumes.  The event site is actually the Hilton Hotel but the attendees often spill into the neighboring Esther Short Park.  For three days, you can see just about any anime character you could possibly imagine, just hanging out in the park.

I wandered around searching for just the right person to be day 20.  You're never going to guess who I found?! Waldo! Yep! I found Waldo!  I figured that Waldo had to be day 20!  There was just one problem.  Waldo was surrounded by a ton of people who were all just as excited to have found her as I had been. (This Waldo was actually a girl.)  Although the novelty of having Waldo as day 20 would have been awesome, I started thinking that there were tons of other people there who would also make for a great picture. So, I patiently searched until I found this beautiful Trio!  I could see their parasols and Gina and Rindy's purple locks coming from a mile away.  These young ladies are not actually specific characters, they're just their own beautiful creation.


Day 21 - Jen and Tony


I was on my way back to Downtown Vancouver to capture another Anime character but I decided to take a different exit and head toward the waterfront instead.  After I parked, I asked Tony directions to the walk-way but then decided to ask him if he'd be interested in being day 21.  He agreed and also volunteered his friend, Jen!

They had just run 3 miles in a very hot and humid 90 degrees!  Jen is training for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon and Tony is training for another Tough Mudder race.  Before I snapped this picture, we had just been laughing about the possibility of Tony dressing up as Tinkerbell and joining Jen for the Disney race.  I have a feeling they're both going to do great in their races. It was such a hot day and if they were able to tough it out in this heat, their training will pay off.

It's been another great week, even though it started with a little uncertainty.  I know that as winter approaches, I'll have to strategize to make sure I'll be able to meet the 365 day challenge.  That's good though, right?  It'll force me to get a little creative in order to push through the rainy months ahead.

I think each of these people has left an impression in my mind that is going to last a very long time. I'm grateful to each of them for reminding me just how kind people can be.

Thank you for checking in on week three!

If you'd like to follow along daily, my Instagram username is: missellanea.