Here’s three more Faces of Klamath Falls!
Flamingo Fred - 13
Flamingo Fred - 13/111
Q: What’s something that brings you delight?
A: “Peace and love, and childlike imagination”
I love this answer! Remember back to childhood…how uninhibited were you? I think of this often, especially when it comes to art, creating, or trying new things. “Pure joy as a child,” Fred reminisced about the way we approached life as kids.
I can remember when I got my first real camera a few years ago. I didn’t even know how to use it. It was an entry-level DSLR with a couple of kit lenses. I headed to a classic car junk yard and photographed for hours. In my adult life, my junkyard photoshoot was the closest thing to that childlike pure joy that Flamingo Fred was describing. (Ironically, some of those first photos were some of my best, even though I had no idea what I was doing, simply because I was in that state of pure childlike joy.) We were so bold as kids…we didn’t worry whether or not we would succeed at something, or how well we could perform, we just did it and we had so much fun in the process! I’m convinced that can we can bring ourselves so much joy and delight if we attempt to recapture that childlike imagination and pure joy in our lives and our pursuits.
Q: What’s something great about yourself? (a trait or accomplishment)
A: “I think I have the ability to put a smile on people’s faces.”
Q: Do you have a life dream or goal, and how are you working towards it?
A: My goal is to create beautiful things for the world, and to be free.”
Q: Is there a problem for which you have a solution?
A: “I think people should be inspired to do something nice for someone on a daily basis.”
Q: How would you like to be remembered? (Do you have a personal legacy statement?)
A: “I would like to be remembered as a person with a big heart and as a creative genius.”
I just had to get another one in here…I couldn’t decide which image I liked best!
Flamingo Fred is another new friend. I’ve learned from our work on the equity task force that he hopes to unite the citizens of Klamath Falls through arts and cultural events. He’s a man with brilliant ideas, and I have no doubt that had it not been for COVID, he would have succeeded in creating a few new community events that would have helped bring us together. During our little mini photoshoot, he even stopped to to talk with a property manager to inquire about renting a vacant space downtown. I CAN’T WAIT until the day comes when it’s safe for us to gather and dance and celebrate again! (Don’t you worry…Flamingo Fred is already cooking up some great ideas!)
If you want to learn more about Fred’s works and his creative genius, check out his youtube channel and his bandcamp!
Nicole - 14
Nicole - 14/111
Q: What’s something that brings you delight?
A: “That first sip of coffee in the morning is my favorite.”
Ahhhhh. Me too! Nicole said the first day of spring is a close second.
Q: What’s something great about yourself? (a trait or accomplishment)
A: “I just finished getting my Master’s degree!”
Not only did she earn her degree, but Nicole had to drive to Bend and back, a few times a week, to finish the program! (That’s 276 miles, roundtrip!) Nicole’s achievements and dedication are so impressive! (I’m so proud of you, Nicole!)
Q: Do you have a life dream or goal, and how are you working towards it?
A: “My life goal is to have my own private practice.” The next step toward achieving her goal is more clinical hours, and obtaining her LCSW.
Q: Is there a problem for which you have a solution?
A: This question gave Nicole considerable pause…solving problems is actually her career. “There are little problems in life all the time,” she remarked, as she considered her answer. “For the problem of work-life balance, I make sure that I pencil in time for myself every day.”
Q: How would you like to be remembered? (Do you have a personal legacy statement?)
A: “I want to be remembered as kind.”
Nicole is my niece. My biggest regret about moving away from home immediately after high school graduation is that I didn’t get to know my nieces and nephews, or my great nieces and nephews. I realized after our little photoshoot that this was the most time I had ever spent with Nicole. (Or at least the longest time we’ve spent together since we were kids.) Although I love my friends, I had the realization that I know my friends even more than I know my own family. Nicole, I’m looking forward to spending more time together. I love you.
Monica - 15
Monica - 15/111
Q: What’s something that brings you delight?
A: “What brings me most delight is the innocence and the spirit of my brand new baby cousin, Levenza. Her spirit alone is so healing for my family. When she smiles, everyone just bursts with joy! She’s medicine and she doesn’t even know it.”
Q: What’s something great about yourself? (a trait or accomplishment)
A: “One of my greatest attributes is probably my commitment and my passion to help my community transcend historical trauma.” Monica added, “I’m fueled with a fire to change things and fix things and to just keep going…I appreciate that about myself.”
I recently had the opportunity to sit in on one of Monica’s cultural sensitivity training workshops that she presents to community businesses and organizations. Monica has single-handedly educated hundreds, if not thousands, of people about the history of the Klamath Tribes. Through her career and her personal dedication and passion, Monica is able to help individual Tribal Members heal generational and historical trauma. Educating the general community is an integral part in healing and uniting our entire community. Monica is a cycle-breaker and a peace-maker. She’s wise beyond her years and I’m amazed, humbled, and inspired by her every single day.
Q: Do you have a life dream or goal, and how are you working towards it?
A: “To become a kind, connected, and humorous Elder.” #lifegoals
Monica explained that those are the attributes of her favorite Elders, from whom she’s learned the most. Monica added that she aspires to be kind, patient, loving and funny. “I’m not scared to get old, I’m embracing eldership.” Realistically, life expectancy for Indigenous people is shorter than average. Monica embraces the prospect of aging and looks forward to making it to the position of Elder, and she hopes that she can earn and hold that position of honor by our community.
Q: Is there a problem for which you have a solution?
A: For all problems, “when in doubt, call Mom!” “A Mother’s love is our greatest armor against everything,” Monica added.
Q: How would you like to be remembered? (Do you have a personal legacy statement?)
A: “I would like to be remembered as an Indigenous woman who did more walking than talking, and who had more action than anything.”
Monica, I can’t think of anything that more accurately describes how I and others see you. You are absolutely incredible and it’s pretty awesome seeing you work…seeing your action. You’re an inspiration to all.
Monica also produces a big community culture event called “Restoration of the Spirit.” The event is hosted by the Tribe and the entire community is invited. We didn’t get to have an event this year due to COVID, but when it’s safe to gather again, it’s a MUST-ATTEND event! When that time comes, I hope you’ll attend and witness Monica’s work - you will indeed see that she’s an Indigenous woman of action. She does more walking than talking. She is a ripple of change and healing for us all.
Thank you Flamingo Fred, Nicole, and Monica!
We’re only 15 people in to the project and I’m already inspired by the depth of our community. We have beautiful people here, who aspire to do beautiful things in our community and in life. These are our friends, our neighbors, our family members, and our co-workers. It’s my sincere hope and dream that Klamath Falls can someday heal that which divides us. Only 15 people in, and I’m so filled with hope and optimism that someday soon, that will be a reality.
Thanks for stopping by!