365 More People Pictures - Week 48

Hello! This is week 48 of the 365 More People Pictures Project.

In real time, I've actually finished this second 365 Day project.  I've decided to combine the first 365 Day Project, together with this 365 Day Project, add another 270 Days, and call it: "1KPhotoaday." I'm currently working on the last 270 photos, and I instagram those pictures daily.

I'm sorry I've fallen so behind on the blog.  Summer is peak season at my work and some big life changes are happening right now.  I've fallen behind and it's been a challenge to catch up.  Please know that I've continued to take a picture of a person every day, and if you'd like to follow along with the daily photo, my Instagram username is @missellanea.


Day 48 - Edward


This is Edward.  We met at a rest stop along I-5.

The happiest thing happening in Edward's life, is his 10-year-old Son.

When I asked Edward his life's purpose, he explained that it changes all the time, but presently ,"it's my family...taking care of them."

"My career has been a success so far, and the raising of my family...that's what drives me," Edward said, when I asked something about himself he considers to be a success.

Thank you, Edward.


Day 330 - Deandre


This is Deandre.  We met walking down the street.

"My children," Deandre answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Deandre's life's purpose:  "to add to life."

"Graduating high school," Deandre said, is something about himself he considers a success.

Thank you, Deandre! Wishing you and your children much happiness.


Day 331 - Neil


This is Neil.

The happiest thing happening in his life is graduating college.  Neil looked so stylish and professional, I assumed he had already landed a job after college and had just finished work, but Neil explained that he had been out job-hunting all day.  I asked Neil what his dream job would be and he said working for ESPN.

"To learn and to educate others," Neil answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Neil something about himself which he considers a success, he answered, "it took 8 years but I finished a college degree while holding down a job and going to school."

Congratulations, Neil!  Wishing you the very best of luck in finding a job that both fulfills and sustains you.


Day 332 - Elissa


This is Elissa. We met at the bus stop.

When I asked Elissa the happiest thing happening in her life right now, she said that she's happy when she's tending to the plants she's growing, or whenever she's outside, or riding her bike.

I asked Elissa if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of kindness.  On the receiving end, her co-worker had just given her a ride to the bus stop where we met.  The ride cut out a ton of travel time and a couple busses on her commute home.  On the giving end, Elissa found $10 and a receipt at the store.  She gave both the money and the receipt to the cashier, hoping it could be returned.

"To realize my gifts and to embody them, and to use, or be, them to the fullest," Elissa answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

Elissa's answer touches on why I even ask this question.  There are some pretty amazing people in my life, both personally and professionally.  The only downside of being around so many amazing people who have their shit together, is that it can really cause you to question and examine your own life, sometimes resulting in massive feelings of inadequacy.  Maybe "inadequacy" isn't the right word.  At the very least, amazing people who have their shit together, motivate you to want to get your own shit together too!

One of the common characteristics of some of the people I admire and who are of inspiration to me, is that they don't wander aimlessly in life.  They live with purpose and it seems like they've had definiteness of purpose nearly their entire lives.  Like Elissa, even if they didn't know that exact purpose, they didn't sit around waiting for purpose to find them.  They explored life, looking for meaning and their place in it.

Yes, I think it's probably apparent from this project and the questions that I ask, that I'm experiencing a bit of an existential crisis.  I would blame it on my age, mid-40's, but I think I've been this way my entire life.  I believe we're here for a reason, and as much as I've searched, I've not yet found mine. Hearing the answers of all of the subjects in this project is getting me closer to the target.   Even the subjects in this project who believe we really have no set purpose in life, ironically, seem to fill the purpose of reminding the rest of us to be easy, have fun, enjoy life, and that pursuing happiness is an adequate and admirable purpose in life.

This project has gotten me closer to my life's purpose than anything I've experienced so far...I know it is part of my purpose.  At least, it feels like the only meaningful thing I've done with myself in my 40-something years.  But, I'm not done yet.

Thank you, Elissa.  One of  your gifts is planting seeds...be it seeds of actual plants, or of ideas. You help things to grow.


Day 333 - Tiana


This is Tiana.  We met on the street.

The happiest thing happening in Tiana's life is that she just moved to Portland.

When I asked if she had recently performed and act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she said that a friend drove with her to help her move from Nebraska to Portland!  What a great friend!

"To bear witness to other people's journey and to lead them gently back to themselves," Tiana said, is her life's purpose.  If you gathered from Tiana's answer that she's a social worker, you would be correct.

Thank you, Tiana! Welcome to Portland!


Day 334 - Michelle


This is Michelle.  We met on the street.

The happiest thing happening in her life is her new job, and hanging out with friends.

Michelle's recent act of kindness is that she gave a BBQ dinner to her neighbor who has 3 kids.

"To care about others and to give to others whatever I can," Michelle answered, when I asked her life's purpose.   Michelle added that we always have something we could give, share or do for others.  We may not have unlimited funds, but we can always give of our time or of ourselves.


Day 335 -  Ryan


This is Ryan.  We met on the street.

The happiest thing happening in his life is his new job.

When I asked Ryan if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness, he answered, "both."  Ryan collects jackets and clothing for homeless people and some of the local bars even help him in his collection efforts by setting out collection barrels to gather clothing.  On the receiving end, his bike got a flat tire and a complete stranger gave him a ride home!

"To serve, and to be the neighbor that everybody wants," Ryan answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

"That I'm still alive," Ryan answered, when I asked something about himself he considers a success.

Thank you, Ryan.  I would want you for my neighbor.


Here's a summary of the life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

  • It's my family...taking care of them.
  • To add to life.
  • To learn and educate others.
  • To realize my gifts and to embody them, and to use, or be, them to the fullest.
  • To bear witness to other people's journey and to lead them gently back to themselves.
  • To care about others and to give to others whatever I can.
  • To serve, and to be the neighbor that everybody wants.

Thank you for reading, and thank you to every subject in this project.  If you're happy with your picture and would like a copy, please don't hesitate to email me.