It was a reunion week! The next three subjects in “111 Faces of Klamath Falls,” Jennifer, Stan, and Eileen, are all friends from school! (and Eileen is also my cousin!) I haven’t seen Jennifer in about 32 years, and I’ve only seen Eileen a few times in the past 30 years. (I get to see Stan every 5000 miles at the Subaru dealership.) It’s always both surprising and comforting how easily old friends fall immediately back into stride after long separations. Aside from the urgency of wanting to hear everything that’s happened in each other’s lives over the past 3 decades, reuniting with dear friends, classmates, and family just feels like home.
Jennifer - 25
Jennifer - 25/111
Q: What’s something that brings you delight?
A: “Making people laugh."
Q: What’s something great about yourself? (a trait or accomplishment)
A: “My curiosity…about people, things and ideas.”
Q: Is there a problem for which you have a solution?
A: “I have a really good idea about a national service program for kids.” Jennifer explained that she envisions a program where high school graduates or students who’ve finished the GED path could then participate in a national work experience program to earn money for college or to start a business. The closest existing program examples are AmeriCorps or Peace Corps, but Jennifer’s program would be available to all students and would serve as a bridge from High School/GED completion, to College or Entrepreneurship.
I love this idea!
Q: What’s your life’s dream/goal, and how are you working towards it?
A: “Independence.”
Jennifer explained that she’s proud to have purchased a home. She’s fulfilled her goal of independence and the security of knowing that she and her family will never be homeless.
“I also have stand-up comedy dreams,” Jennifer added!
As soon as it’s COVID safe to do so…I will personally encourage, cheer-lead, and push Jennifer to perform at the next open mic opportunity!!! I can’t wait!
Q: How would you like to be remembered? (personal legacy statement)
A: “I would like to be remembered for trying hard and showing up.”
Thank you, Jennifer! Jennifer was one of my best and dearest friends in grade school. Jennifer is part of my very best memories from that time.
Stan - 26
Stan - 26/111
Q: What’s something that brings you delight?
A: “Jennifer…and cookies.”
Jennifer and Stan are a couple, in case you hadn’t figured that out. I didn’t know until this day that Jennifer had crushed on Stan since early high school days. It’s just the sweetest thing!
Q: What’s something great about yourself? (a trait or accomplishment)
A: “My loyalty and discipline.”
Technically, Jennifer came in with the assist on this answer. Stan attributes the Marines for helping him to develop these traits. Jennifer also added that it’s pretty great that Stan arranges his life to take care of his Pit Bulls to ensure they never find any trouble.
Q: Is there a problem for which you have a solution?
A: Stan would love to see our health care problems get solved. Together, we also identified “breed bans” as a problem for both dogs and their humans. The solution is to change breed-ban legislation so that dogs and humans can’t be discriminated against. Too often, people are being forced to re-home their pets when they move because their new housing situation bans certain breeds. Our shelters would be a lot less crowded if certain breeds weren’t automatically prohibited or banned simply for existing. (without any history of “misbehavior.”)
Q: What’s your life’s dream/goal, and how are you working towards it?
A: “My goal is just to be comfortable and loved, and moderately successful.”
Q: How would you like to be remembered? (personal legacy statement)
A: “I would like to be remembered as being a good guy…someone that listens and someone that you could talk to if you ever need anything.”
Stan & Jennifer - wishing you love and happiness. Seeing you together makes my heart swell for you both.
Eileen - 27
Eileen - 27/111
Q: What’s something that brings you delight?
A: “My sons and my family.”
Q: What’s something great about yourself? (a trait or accomplishment)
A: “I’ve never given up, and I’ve always stayed positive.”
Q: Is there a problem for which you have a solution?
A: Eileen explained that for any problem, she always tries to look at the problem lightheartedly and then the problem doesn’t seem so big. No matter what, she tries to see the positive in any situation or problem. The example Eileen shared is that her car recently broke down on the side of the road. This is a terrifying experience for anyone! In pursuit of the bright side of this potentially dangerous problem, she recognized that as bad as the situation was, at least the weather was good, it was daytime, and she had a cell phone to call for help. “I’m not cheery all day long, Eileen said, but I’m not a pessimist. “If there’s a problem, don’t stay in the negative…don’t let it consume you,” Eileen advised.
Q: What’s your life’s dream/goal, and how are you working towards it?
A: “I don’t necessarily have a life dream or goal…I set a goal, I meet it, I set a new one.” Eileen moves herself forward by a series of short term goals instead of one grand life’s dream.
Q: How would you like to be remembered? (personal legacy statement)
A: “I’ve always told my sons that it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of me, as long as my boys can stand at my grave and say that I was a good mom.”
This is also the first time Eileen and I have been able to spend more than a few moments together in over 30 years. Our dads were the best of friends, and being able to re-connect with Eileen, in a way, felt like a way to re-connect with our dads. The biggest regret I have is moving away and losing contact with family. Eileen, I just know you’re a great Mom. Much love.
Jennifer, Stan, and Eileen…thank you for being in the project.
One more week until daylight savings time! Can’t you just feel the energy shifting, moods lifting, and vibes elevating? I’m also looking forward to daylight savings and warmer seasons for the change in light. Our sunsets will once again be vibrant and beautiful, and in the spring and summer, our golden hours are the gold-iest.
Wishing you a fun and happy week!
Thank you for reading.