Thanks for coming back! This is the second group of three subjects for the 111 Faces of Klamath Falls project.
I’m feeling like we can get a little deeper with some of the interview questions. Can you think of anything interesting to ask? Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I loved the questions in the first project. They didn’t appear too personal, intimate, or invasive on the surface, but somehow, the questions revealed so much about each subject. There were times in the first project when the subject (usually complete strangers) and I would end up laughing, crying, or hugging. I would love to find questions that will evoke the same genuine emotions.
Dane - 4
Dane - 4/1111
Q: What’s something that brings you delight?
A: “Spending time with my parents, and a cup of coffee in the morning.”
Q: What’s something great about yourself? (a trait or accomplishment)
A: “I’m kind to others.”
Q: Do you have a life dream or goal, and how are you working towards it?
A: “To live healthy: physically & mentally.”
Q: Is there a problem for which you have a solution?
A: “There will always be problems or speed bumps in life. You just have to deal with them as best you can.”
Q: How would you like to be remembered? (Do you have a personal legacy statement?)
A: “That I was a great parent.”
Matt - 5
Matt - 5/111
Q: What’s something that brings you delight?
A: “Being outside.”
Q: What’s something great about yourself? (a trait or accomplishment)
A: Matt shared an incredibly great accomplishment! Matt lost 70 pounds! He’s maintaining his successful weight loss with continued daily workouts. Matt runs/walks/hikes every day after work for at least an hour or more! He’s also extremely proud of his kids - their accomplishments are his accomplishments too.
Q: Do you have a life dream or goal, and how are you working towards it?
A: “To stay fit and live longer.” Matt accomplished his 70 pound weight loss goal over two years and continues to maintain it. I’m so impressed with his dedication to fitness and being healthy for his family. The hiking trail was covered in snow the day we met, but not even snow and close-to-freezing temperatures deter him from his workouts. Congratulations, Matt! I’ll be seeing you around as I’m working on my own fitness goals too!
Q: Is there a problem for which you have a solution?
A: Matt explained that he normally runs/hikes with a little bag and collects any litter that he sees on the trails. He didn’t have his litter bag that day since any litter would have been covered by the snow. Imagine the difference we could make, everywhere, if we all did our small part like Matt! I loved his answer! Such a huge impact, with so little effort required.
Q: How would you like to be remembered? (Do you have a personal legacy statement?)
A: “I would like to be remembered as a good father.”
Matt is the first stranger (friend I hadn’t yet met) in this project. This is a major difference between this project and the first one. It is difficult to explain, but the vibe in our small rural town is different than it is in Portland. People just wouldn’t be as receptive to having a stranger take their photo and interview them. It’s just not a “normal” occurrence here. I’ll slowly work up the confidence to approach strangers, but I just don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. (And i’m a little uncomfortable as well.) Thank you, Matt, for letting me take your photo!
Alexa - 6
Alexa - 6/111
Q: What’s something that brings you delight?
A: “My Kid.”
Q: What’s something great about yourself? (a trait or accomplishment)
A: “I can cook!”
Q: Do you have a life dream or goal, and how are you working towards it?
A: “I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. I’m working towards certification.” Go get it, Alexa!
Q: Is there a problem for which you have a solution?
A: Alexa took a sip of coffee as I asked her this question, and then proceeded to spill it. We laughed, and she answered, “normalize adult sippy cups!” Alexa would like to bring more culture to schools in the effort to prevent racism. Alexa is on our city’s equity task force, and is doing antiracism work in order to create a more diverse and equitable community for all.
Q: How would you like to be remembered? (Do you have a personal legacy statement?)
A: “I would like to be remembered as “Sunshine.” Alexa explained that her nickname is “Sunshine.” She wants to be remembered as being bright, and that her presence brings up the mood.” I would absolutely describe Alexa as a little ray of sunshine.
Dane, Matt, and Alexa, thank you for letting me take your photos!
The question, "what brings you delight?" was inspired by an interview with Ross Gay that I heard on the radio the other day. Ross Gay is the author of, "The Book of Delights." I have't yet read the book, but I was just so intrigued by the radio interview and have every day since, been identifying little things in life that bring me "delight." I love the exercise...it's a little like practicing gratitude, but different. And don't you think the word "delight," actually brings "delight"? Like, why don't we use this word more often? A nice warm bath brings me delight. Coffee brings me delight. Having a cup of coffee while visiting with a friend is just as delightful as delight can be.
Thank you for reading this week. Do let me know if you think of any questions you think we should ask the subjects moving forward.
Wishing you a week filled with delight!